Publications by authors named "Yuan-Shan Chen"

The purpose of the study is to investigate how much of variance in Parkinson's Disease (PD) individuals' speech intelligibility could be predicted by seven speech fluency indicators (i.e., , , , , , and ).

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The current study explored the possibility that the consonantal landmarks served as predictors of dysarthric speech produced by English-speaking adults with cerebral palsy (CP). Additionally, the relationship between the perceptual severity of dysarthric speech and the consonantal landmarks was explored. The analyses included 210 sentences from the TORGO database produced by seven English-speaking CP speakers with dysarthria and seven typically developing controls matched in age and gender.

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The current study explored the relationship between the intrinsic saliency of apologetic strategies and the effects of implicit learning. Seventeen Taiwanese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners with intermediate proficiency participated in the experiment with a pretest on apology in the first week, a noticing session in the second week and a posttest in the third week. The results from the noticing session indicated that providing reasons (e.

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