Publications by authors named "Yu V Yefimova"

Unlabelled: One of the current problems of modern radiobiology is determine the characteristics of the manifestation of radiation-induced effects not only at different dose loads, but also at different stages of development of the organism. In previous reports, we have summarized available evidence that at certain ages there is a comparative acceleration of radiation-induced pathological changes in the eye and brain, and the study and assessment of the risk of possible ophthalmic and neurological pathology in remote periods after contamination of radioactive areas. Data of irradiated in utero individuals are possible on the basis of observation of the state of the visual analyzer in persons who underwent intrauterine irradiation in 1986.

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Background: Ionizing radiation (IR) can affect the brain and the visual organ even at low doses, while provoking cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and visual disorders. We proposed to consider the brain and the visual organ as potential targets for the influence of IR with the definition of cerebro-ophthalmic relationships as the «eye-brain axis».

Objective: The present work is a narrative review of current experimental, epidemiological and clinical data on radiation cerebro-ophthalmic effects in children, individuals exposed in utero, astronauts and interventional radiologists.

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Background: Exposure to ionizing radiation could affect the brain and eyes leading to cognitive and vision impairment, behavior disorders and performance decrement during professional irradiation at medical radiology, includinginterventional radiological procedures, long-term space flights, and radiation accidents.

Objective: The objective was to analyze the current experimental, epidemiological, and clinical data on the radiation cerebro-ophthalmic effects.

Materials And Methods: In our analytical review peer-reviewed publications via the bibliographic and scientometric bases PubMed / MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, and selected papers from the library catalog of NRCRM - theleading institution in the field of studying the medical effects of ionizing radiation - were used.

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