Objectives: To report the prevalence of pulp stones (PSs) in molars of orthodontically treated patients, investigate the impact of orthodontic treatment (ORT) using clear aligners (CAs) and fixed appliances (FAs) on the development of PSs in molars, and investigate the association between the incidence of PSs during ORT and the studied variables.
Materials And Methods: Pretreatment orthopantomograms (OPGs) of 600 patients were assessed. Of those, posttreatment OPGs of 272 patients were available.
Objectives: To compare blood flow (BF) changes of teeth subjected to orthodontic forces during curve of Spee (COS) leveling using different archwires (AW).
Material And Methods: Thirty subjects with COS > 5 mm were randomly assigned (1:1:1) into three groups based on the AW used: group 1: 0.017 × 0.