The need for accurate point-of-care (POC) tools, driven by increasing demands for precise medical diagnostics and monitoring, has accelerated the evolution of biosensor technology. Integrable 2D materials-based field-effect transistor (2D FET) biosensors offer label-free, rapid, and ultrasensitive detection, aligning perfectly with current biosensor trends. Given these advancements, this review focuses on the progress, challenges, and future prospects in the field of 2D FET biosensors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVan der Waals junctions hold significant potentials for various applications in multifunctional and low-power electronics and optoelectronics. The multistep device fabrication process usually introduces lattice mismatch and defects at the junction interfaces, which deteriorate device performance. Here the layer engineering synthesis of van der Waals homojunctions consisting of 2H-MoTe with asymmetric thickness to eliminate heterogenous interfaces and thus obtain clean interfaces is reported.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHerein, the characteristics, research progress, and application prospects of ionic liquid-based electrolytic aluminum deposition are reviewed and analyzed in comparison with the Hall-Héroult method. The reaction conditions and production procedures of this material are discussed alongside the problems ionic liquids face in the electrolytic aluminum industry. Ionic liquid-based electrolytic aluminum deposition realizes the electrolytic aluminum reaction at low temperatures, achieving a reaction energy consumption close to the theoretical minimum value.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAngew Chem Int Ed Engl
February 2020
Neutrophils can responsively release reactive oxygen species (ROS) to actively combat infections by exogenous stimulus and cascade enzyme catalyzed bio-oxidation. A supramolecular nanogel is now used as an artificial neutrophil by enzymatic interfacial self-assembly of peptides (Fmoc-Tyr(H PO )-OH) with magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and electrostatic loading of chloroperoxidase (CPO). The MNPs within the nanogel can elevate H O levels in cancer cells under programmed alternating magnetic field (AMF) similar to the neutrophil activator, and the loaded CPO within protective peptides nanolayer converts the H O into singlet oxygen ( O ) in a sustained manner for neutrophil-inspired tumor therapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe shuttling effect of polysulfides species seriously deteriorates the performance of Li-S batteries, representing the major obstacle for their practical use. However, the exploration of ideal cathodes that can suppress the shuttling of all polysulfides species is challenging. Herein, we propose an ingenious and effective strategy for constructing hybrid-crystal-phase TiO/covalent organic framework (HCPT@COF) composites where hybrid anatase/rutile TiO nanodots (10 nm) are uniformly embedded in the interlayers of porous COFs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe demonstrate twist and curvature engineering in DNA nanostructures from the scaffold-free approach. The DNA 'LEGO' bricks adopted in this study are double-C-shaped motifs, and extended nanostructures are constructed to visualize the structural details of twist or curvature. By systematically deleting and inserting base pairs at certain domains of the component motifs, we are able to study various levels of the twist and curvature of the resulting nanostructures comprehensively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAngew Chem Int Ed Engl
August 2019
Wireframe frameworks have been investigated for the construction of complex nanostructures from a scaffolded DNA origami approach; however, a similar framework is yet to be fully explored in a scaffold-free "LEGO" approach. Herein, we describe a general design scheme to construct wireframe DNA nanostructures entirely from short synthetic strands. A typical edge of the resulting structures in this study is composed of two parallel duplexes with crossovers on both ends, and three, four, or five edges radiate out from a certain vertex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBecause of its attractive cost and yield, hierarchical assembly, in which constituent structures of lower hierarchy share a majority of components, is an appealing approach to scale up DNA self-assembly. A few strategies have already been investigated to combine preformed DNA nanostructures. In this study, we present a new hierarchical assembly method based on four-way toehold-mediated strand displacement to facilitate the combination of preformed DNA structural units.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs an emerging method for mildly molding polymer hydrogel bioscaffolds, the enzymatically polymerized system is mainly based on the screening of various oxidoreductases to produce radicals, but the design of multifunctional nanoinitiators to facilitate hydrogel performance remains challenging. Here, we utilize N-hydroxyimide-modified silica nanoparticles as nanoinitiators to simultaneously trigger glucose oxidase anaerobic polymerization and nanoparticle-grafting enhancement of the gelatin-polyacrylamide (PAAM) hydrogel. The enzyme-nanoinitiator system produced nitrogen radicals, which were further converted into carbon radicals via GOx-catalyzed glucose reduction, as confirmed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrathin nitrogen-doped perovskite nanosheets LaTaON have been fabricated by exfoliating Dion-Jacobson-type layered perovskite RbLaTaON. These nanosheets demonstrate superior photocatalytic activities for water splitting into hydrogen and oxygen and remain active with photon wavelengths as far as 600 nm. Their apparent quantum efficiency under visible-light illumination (λ ≥ 420 nm) approaches 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSelf-replication and evolution under selective pressure are inherent phenomena in life, and but few artificial systems exhibit these phenomena. We have designed a system of DNA origami rafts that exponentially replicates a seed pattern, doubling the copies in each diurnal-like cycle of temperature and ultraviolet illumination, producing more than 7 million copies in 24 cycles. We demonstrate environmental selection in growing populations by incorporating pH-sensitive binding in two subpopulations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe introduce a simplified and modular architecture for design and construction of complex origami nanostructures. A series of basic two-dimensional and three-dimensional structures are presented. As the resulting structures can be virtually divided into blocks, modular remodeling such as translocation, contraction/extension, and bending is carried out.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEarlier studies in DNA self-assembly have foretold the feasibility of building addressable nanostructures with multi-stranded motifs, which is fully validated in this study. In realizing this feasibility in DNA nanotechnology, a diversified set of motifs of modified domain lengths is extended from a classic type. The length of sticky ends can be adjusted to form different dihedral angles between the matching motifs, which corresponds to different connecting patterns.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNucleic Acids Res
September 2016
DNA origami and single-stranded tile (SST) are two proven approaches to self-assemble finite-size complex DNA nanostructures. The construction elements appeared in structures from these two methods can also be found in multi-stranded DNA tiles such as double crossover tiles. Here we report the design and observation of four types of finite-size lattices with four different double crossover tiles, respectively, which, we believe, in terms of both complexity and robustness, will be rival to DNA origami and SST structures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate theoretically the drainage of a thin liquid film confined between two hydrophobic spheres. Such a problem has been considered in Vinogradova's seminal work, emphasizing the role of slippage. However, it does not include the boundary curvature effects, which may become especially important when the slip lengths are comparable to the sphere radii.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChem Commun (Camb)
April 2013
The smallest DNA 3D object, a triangular prism with only one turn on each edge, was constructed from a single-stranded DNA. We confirmed its structure using scanning tunneling microscopy. This work proves that single-stranded DNA can escape from kinetic traps to form stable topology.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys
January 2013
The phenomenological antitrapping phase-field model has attained much success in describing alloy solidification. The heuristically introduced antitrapping current enables removing artificial effects due to the use of large interfacial width. Nevertheless, such a model is not thermodynamically consistent and has not been fitted into a variational framework.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA series of surfaces with microscale checkerboard patterns consisting of continuous central lines and discontinuous lateral lines were fabricated. The surface wetting properties of these checkerboard patterns were found to be anisotropic. The central continuous lines were found to have a strong influence on the dynamic wetting properties and moving trajectories of the water droplets.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStudy Design: A prospective left-right comparison designed experiment using a rabbit posterolateral intertransverse process fusion model.
Objective: To investigate the involvement of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) innervation in the promoting effect of low intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation (LIPUS) on spinal fusion without decortication.
Summary Of Background Data: Sensory neuropeptide CGRP is involved in bone repair and ectopic ossification.
Chem Commun (Camb)
September 2010
An aptamer-based DNA strand, captured with a specific molecule from a multi-species system, was used to initiate crosslinking of the hydrogel. The hydrogel can then be dissolved with a displacement of the DNA strand and the captured molecule can be released. Recognition and separation at the molecular level is thus achieved.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the design and construction of a nanometer-sized tetrahedron from a single strand of DNA that is 286 nucleotides long. The formation of the tetrahedron was verified by restriction enzyme digestion, Ferguson analysis, and atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging. We further demonstrate that synthesis of the tetrahedron can be easily scaled up through in vivo replication using standard molecular cloning techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this study, we prepared microscale periodic rough structures consisting of parallel strips on a silicon surface. The width of each strip was equal to the gap between the strips, and the silicon surface was silanized with perfluorooctyltrichlorosilane. We studied the wetting characteristics of water drops as they advanced and receded on patterned surfaces in a direction perpendicular to the strip.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA user-friendly software system, UNIQUIMER 3D, was developed to design DNA structures for nanotechnology applications. It consists of 3D visualization, internal energy minimization, sequence generation and construction of motif array simulations (2D tiles and 3D lattices) functionalities. The system can be used to check structural deformation and design errors under scaled-up conditions.
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