Background: Zinc is mainly absorbed in the duodenum and proximal jejunum, which are removed during pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). Little is known about the adverse oral events and skin disorders caused by zinc deficiency after PD. Herein, we reviewed studies on the development of zinc deficiency after PD and reported about a patient with zinc deficiency after PD who required home intravenous zinc replacement.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Stomatitis induces severe and painful hypersensitivity to pungency and physical contact during meals. Many studies have used anesthetized animals to examine evoked nociception in the oral mucosa, but no reports have used traditional behavioral assays to evaluate nociception in conscious animals.
New Methods: We developed two new methods of applying chemical or mechanical stimulation directly to the oral mucosa of the mandibular vestibule of conscious rats.
Postoperative complications sometimes follow ablasive surgery. Anesthesiologists usually pay much attention to the oral cavity when they intubate. However, they are not fully aware of the importance of perioperative oral care.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The aim of this multi-center phase II study was to clarify the clinical benefit of an opioid-based pain control program for head and neck cancer patients during chemoradiotherapy.
Patients And Methods: Head and neck cancer patients who were to receive definitive or postoperative chemoradiotherapy were enrolled. The opioid-based pain control program consisted of a three-step ladder, with basic regimens of: The primary endpoint of this study was compliance with radiotherapy.
Purpose: The goal of the study was to investigate the effects of 21 polysaccharides and 12 polyhydric alcohols on inhibition of dryness in oral mucosal epithelial cells in vitro. All the tested compounds are currently used in oral products.
Methods: Human gingival epithelial Ca9-22 cells were incubated in 96-well plates until the cells reached confluence.
Cystadenoma is a relatively rare benign epithelial tumor of the salivary glands, and described herein is an additional case. A 51-year-old Japanese man had noticed a mass of the left hard palate 25 years previously. Macroscopically, the resected specimen was a multicystic lesion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod
July 2008
Dedifferentiation of salivary gland neoplasms is a rare event, unlike bone and soft part sarcomas, which was first described by Stanley et al. in 1988. An additional case of dedifferentiated epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma (EMC) is reported here.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe evaluated the effects of special oral care using a toothbrush with combined irrigation and suctioning functions, along with povidone-iodine to treat oral bacteria and mucositis, in esophageal cancer patients undergoing chemoradiotherapy. In the special care group, oral hygiene was performed 3 days a week after dinner. Bacteria in saliva and plague samples were measured at various sampling points after chemoradiotherapy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlast Reconstr Surg
February 2003
Prosthetic rehabilitation is essential for maintaining postoperative oral function after maxillary reconstruction. However, the maxillary prosthesis becomes unstable in some patients because of extensive palatomaxillary resection and drooping of the transferred flap. In such patients, maintaining sufficient oral function is difficult, especially if the patient is edentulous.
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