Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
January 2025
The pseudogap phenomena have been a long-standing mystery of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors. The pseudogap in the electron-doped cuprates has been attributed to band folding due to antiferromagnetic (AFM) long-range order or short-range correlation. We performed an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the electron-doped cuprates PrLaCeCuO showing spin-glass, disordered AFM behaviors, and superconductivity at low temperatures and, by measurements with fine momentum cuts, found that the gap opens on the unfolded Fermi surface rather than the AFM Brillouin zone boundary.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo investigate proposed ferromagnetic fluctuations in the so-called single-layer Bi-2201 and La-214 high- cuprates, we performed magnetization and electrical resistivity measurements using single-layer Tl-2201 cuprates TlBaCuO and La-214 LaSrCuO in the heavily overdoped regime. Magnetization of TlBaCuO and LaSrCuO exhibited the tendency to be saturated in high magnetic fields at low temperatures, suggesting the precursor behavior toward the formation of a ferromagnetic order. It was found that the power of temperature obtained from the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity is ~4/3 and ~5/3 for Bi-2201 and LaSrCuO, respectively, and is ~4/3 at high temperatures and ~5/3 at low temperatures in TlBaCuO.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe upper critical field of a cuprate high-temperature superconductor, LaSrCuO, was investigated by high-frequency self-resonant contactless electrical conductivity measurements in magnetic fields up to 102 T. An irreversible transition was observed at 85 T (T = 4.2 K), defined as the upper critical field.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhys Rev Lett
June 2019
We report the first observation of superconductivity in a heterostructure consisting of an insulating ferroelectric film (Ba_{0.8}Sr_{0.2}TiO_{3}) grown on an insulating parent compound of La_{2}CuO_{4} with [001] orientation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOne of the key challenges in condensed-matter physics is to establish a topological superconductor that hosts exotic Majorana fermions. Although various heterostructures consisting of conventional BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) superconductors as well as doped topological insulators were intensively investigated, no conclusive evidence for Majorana fermions has been provided. This is mainly because of their very low superconducting transition temperatures ( T) and small superconducting-gap magnitude.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe demonstrate the presence of ferromagnetic (FM) fluctuations in the superconducting and nonsuperconducting heavily overdoped regimes of high-temperature superconducting copper oxides, using (Bi,Pb)_{2}Sr_{2}CuO_{6+δ} (Bi-2201) single crystals. Magnetization curves exhibit a tendency to be saturated in high magnetic fields at low temperatures in the heavily overdoped crystals, which is probably a precursor phenomenon of a FM transition at a lower temperature. Muon spin relaxation detects the enhancement of spin fluctuations at high temperatures below 200 K.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have made a survey of ceramics for the inner parts of the transmission-type pressure cell to achieve the high pressure and the high transmission in the THz range. By using the optimal combination of ZrO2-based ceramic and Al2O3 ceramic, we have succeeded in obtaining a pressure up to 1.5 GPa and a frequency region up to 700 GHz simultaneously.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrafast spectroscopy is an emerging technique with great promise in the study of quantum materials, as it makes it possible to track similarities and correlations that are not evident near equilibrium. Thus far, however, the way in which these processes modify the electron self-energy--a fundamental quantity describing many-body interactions in a material--has been little discussed. Here we use time- and angle-resolved photoemission to directly measure the ultrafast response of self-energy to near-infrared photoexcitation in high-temperature cuprate superconductor.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA single-crystal momentum-resolved resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) experiment under high pressure using an originally designed diamond anvil cell (DAC) is reported. The diamond-in/diamond-out geometry was adopted with both the incident and scattered beams passing through a 1 mm-thick diamond. This enabled us to cover wide momentum space keeping the scattering angle condition near 90°.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe results of a (57)Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study between 2.0 and 297 K of the parent compound Fe1.09Te and the superconductor FeSe0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThermophilic dry anaerobic digestion of sludge for cellulose methanization was acclimated at 53 °C for nearly 5 years using a waste paper-based medium. The stability of the microbial community structure and the microbial community responsible for the cellulose methanization were studied by 16S rRNA gene-based clone library analysis. The microbial community structure remained stable during the long-term acclimation period.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Biosci Bioeng
November 2010
In this study, a pilot-scale plant was built to examine the practicality of producing biogas from seaweeds, widely available in Japan. Laminaria sp. and Ulva sp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA two-stage fermentation process, consisting of a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) stage and a dry methane fermentation stage, was developed to utilize garbage for the production of fuel ethanol and methane. Garbage from families, canteens and concessionaires was used for the study. Saccharification method was studied and the results indicated that the liquefaction pretreatment and the combination of cellulase and glucoamylase was effective for polysaccharide hydrolysis of family garbage with a high content of holocellulose and that SSF was suitable for ethanol fermentation of garbage.
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