Publications by authors named "Yoichi Hashimoto"

The outcome of severe acute subdural hematoma is unfavorable. In particular, patients with levels of consciousness of Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS)3 or 4 tend to be refractory to treatment. Decompressive craniotomy should be promptly performed to remove hematoma.

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Vertebral artery dissection(VAD)presenting as isolated occipital headache and/or neck pain is being increasingly diagnosed because of the development of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). While a majority of the patients diagnosed with this condition shows a favorable prognosis, the pain may be a predictor of fatal stroke in some patients. We aimed to find out the features of headache with VAD, identify the clinical manifestations indicative of VAD, and determine the ideal diagnostic approach to this condition to avoid fatal stroke.

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The present study provides a longitudinal fMRI study of reading 7 days after a hemorrhage in the left basal occipito-temporal region when the patient showed letter-by-letter (LBL) reading, and repeated again 50 days after onset, when his LBL reading had resolved. Direct comparison of the two sessions showed that right homologue of the so called visual word form area (VWFA), as well as a network related to language and verbal working memory, such as the bilateral premotor areas, Broca's area and its right homologue, and the left supplementary motor area were more strongly activated when his LBL reading persisted than when he recovered, whereas perilesional activity around the VWFA and the activity of superior part of the left superior parietal lobule were more strongly activated when he recovered than when his LBL reading persisted. These results suggest that dynamic functional reorganization of the brain was caused in the acute phase and that the increased activation of certain areas in the left superior parietal lobule in addition to the VWFA may be related to recovery from LBL reading.

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In order to seek chicken W chromosome-linked genes expressed significantly earlier than the time of gonadal differentiation, female-minus-male-subtracted cDNA macroarrays were prepared from day 2 (Hamburger-Hamilton stages 12-13), day 3 (stages 19-20) and day 4 (stages 24-25) embryos. From a total of 15-744 macroarrayed cDNA clones, 610 clones exhibiting significantly female-specific expression were selected. When each one of the 610 cDNA clones was used as a probe in Southern blot hybridization with male or female chicken genomic DNA, 62 clones, grouped into eight (A-H) types according to their patterns of hybridization, were considered to be derived from W chromosome-linked genes.

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JSNP is a repository of Japanese Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) data, begun in 2000 and developed through the Prime Minister's Millennium Project. The aim of this undertaking is to identify and collate up to 150 000 SNPs from the Japanese population, located in genes or in adjacent regions that might influence the coding sequence of the genes. The project has been carried out by a collaboration between the Human Genome Center (HGC) in the Institute of Medical Science (IMS) at the University of Tokyo and the Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST).

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