Conclusions: It is suggested that the combination of the pharyngeal narrowing rate during the Bernouilli effect producing maneuver (BEPM) with the body mass index (BMI) might be a promising predictive method for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).
Objectives: An attempt was made to clarify the possibility that the dynamic narrowing of the pharynx evaluated by nasopharyngoscopy with BEPM, a forced inspiration through the nose with the mouth closed, might be a reliable clinical daytime predictor for identifying patients at risk of developing OSAS.
Subjects And Methods: Subjects were 57 patients complaining of snoring and sleepiness during daytime.
Objective: To evaluate the dynamic narrowing of the retropalatal pharynx by the Bernouilli effect producing maneuver (BEPM) in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) with computer-assisted analysis of nasopharyngoscopic images.
Methods: Endoscopic images of the retropalatal pharynx were obtained and their area was measured by NIH imaging. Because changes in distance between the CCD camera of the nasopharyngoscope and the site of pharyngeal narrowing decreased the measurement reliability, the area of the retropalatal pharynx was divided by the square of the uvula's lateral side length for normalization.