Publications by authors named "Yoav Soen"

Despite significant progress in understanding epigenetic reprogramming of cells, the mechanistic basis of "organ reprogramming" by (epi-)gene-environment interactions remained largely obscure. Here, we use the ether-induced haltere-to-wing transformations in Drosophila as a model for epigenetic "reprogramming" at the whole organism level. Our findings support a mechanistic chain of events explaining why and how brief embryonic exposure to ether leads to haltere-to-wing transformations manifested at the larval stage and on.

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Microbial enzymes can address diverse challenges such as degradation of toxins. However, if the function of interest does not confer a sufficient fitness effect on the producer, the enzymatic function cannot be improved in the host cells by a conventional selection scheme. To overcome this limitation, we propose an alternative scheme, termed "partner-assisted artificial selection" (PAAS), wherein the population of enzyme producers is assisted by function-dependent feedback from an accessory population.

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gut microbiome in flies has been shown to have a systemic influence on energy production by the host and the energetic investment in growth and reproduction. Here we describe a protocol for studying the mechanisms responsible for this remote regulation by gut bacteria. This protocol enables whole-body and ovary-specific quantification of energy-storing molecules as well as identification of host metabolites and pathways that are regulated by gut microbiome-derived factors.

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Background: Cell therapy of diabetes aims at restoring the physiological control of blood glucose by transplantation of functional pancreatic islet cells. A potentially unlimited source of cells for such transplantations would be islet cells derived from an differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hESC/hiPSC). The islet-like clusters (ILC) produced by the known differentiation protocols contain various cell populations.

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Gut microbiota have been shown to promote oogenesis and fecundity, but the mechanistic basis of remote influence on oogenesis remained unknown. Here, we report a systemic mechanism of influence mediated by bacterial-derived supply of mitochondrial coenzymes. Removal of microbiota decreased mitochondrial activity and ATP levels in the whole-body and ovary, resulting in repressed oogenesis.

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Background: The relatively fast selection of symbiotic bacteria within hosts and the potential transmission of these bacteria across generations of hosts raise the question of whether interactions between host and bacteria support emergent adaptive capabilities beyond those of germ-free hosts.

Results: To investigate possibilities for emergent adaptations that may distinguish composite host-microbiome systems from germ-free hosts, we introduce a population genetics model of a host-microbiome system with vertical transmission of bacteria. The host and its bacteria are jointly exposed to a toxic agent, creating a toxic stress that can be alleviated by selection of resistant individuals and by secretion of a detoxification agent ("detox").

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Background: Most of our knowledge about the remarkable microbial diversity on Earth comes from sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. The use of next-generation sequencing methods has increased sample number and sequencing depth, but the read length of the most widely used sequencing platforms today is quite short, requiring the researcher to choose a subset of the gene to sequence (typically 16-33% of the total length). Thus, many bacteria may share the same amplified region, and the resolution of profiling is inherently limited.

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Article Synopsis
  • Most animals and plants have diverse gut microbiota that interact with the host, influencing their development and evolution.
  • Recent studies suggest these microbiota can affect not just the host’s body, but also its germline, possibly leading to transgenerational traits.
  • The paper explores three modes of transgenerational influence by gut bacteria: "soma-to-soma," "soma-to-germline," and "soma-germline-soma."
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The capacity of cells and organisms to respond to challenging conditions in a repeatable manner is limited by a finite repertoire of pre-evolved adaptive responses. Beyond this capacity, cells can use exploratory dynamics to cope with a much broader array of conditions. However, the process of adaptation by exploratory dynamics within the lifetime of a cell is not well understood.

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Unlike vertically transmitted endosymbionts, which have broad effects on their host's germ line, the extracellular gut microbiota is transmitted horizontally and is not known to influence the germ line. Here we provide evidence supporting the influence of these gut bacteria on the germ line of Drosophila melanogaster. Removal of the gut bacteria represses oogenesis, expedites maternal-to-zygotic-transition in the offspring and unmasks hidden phenotypic variation in mutants.

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Background: During the lifetime of an organism, every individual encounters many combinations of diverse changes in the somatic genome, epigenome and microbiome. This gives rise to many novel combinations of internal failures which are unique to each individual. How any individual can tolerate this high load of new, individual-specific scenarios of failure is not clear.

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The current world-wide epidemic of diabetes has prompted attempts to generate new sources of insulin-producing cells for cell replacement therapy. An inherent challenge in many of these strategies is the lack of cell-surface markers permitting isolation and characterization of specific cell types from differentiating stem cell populations. Here we introduce an iterative proteomics procedure allowing tag-free isolation of cell types based on their function.

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The microbiome is known to have a profound effect on the development, physiology and health of its host. Whether and how it also contributes to evolutionary diversification of the host is, however, unclear. Here we hypothesize that disruption of the microbiome by new stressful environments interferes with host-microbe co-adaptation, contributes to host destabilization, and can drive irreversible changes in the host prior to its genetic adaptation.

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Commensal gut bacteria in many species including flies are integral part of their host, and are known to influence its development and homeostasis within generation. Here we report an unexpected impact of host-microbe interactions, which mediates multi-generational, non-Mendelian inheritance of a stress-induced phenotype. We have previously shown that exposure of fly larvae to G418 antibiotic induces transgenerationally heritable phenotypes, including a delay in larval development, gene induction in the gut and morphological changes.

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Transgenerational persistence of parental responses to environmental stimuli has been reported in various organisms, but the underlying mechanisms remain underexplored. In one of these reported examples, we have shown that exposure of fly larvae to G418 antibiotic leads to non-Mendelian inheritance of ectopic induction of certain developmental genes. Here we investigate if this inheritance involves changes in mRNA composition within the early, maternal-stage offspring embryos of exposed flies.

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The emergence of massively parallel sequencing technology has revolutionized microbial profiling, allowing the unprecedented comparison of microbial diversity across time and space in a wide range of host-associated and environmental ecosystems. Although the high-throughput nature of such methods enables the detection of low-frequency bacteria, these advances come at the cost of sequencing read length, limiting the phylogenetic resolution possible by current methods. Here, we present a generic approach for integrating short reads from large genomic regions, thus enabling phylogenetic resolution far exceeding current methods.

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microRNAs of the miR-290-295 family are selectively expressed at high levels in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) and have established roles in regulating self-renewal. However, the potential influence of these microRNAs on cell fate acquisition during differentiation has been overlooked. Here, we show that miR-290-295 regulate the propensity of mESCs to acquire specific fates.

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Neurodegenerative diseases constitute a class of illnesses marked by pathological protein aggregation in the brains of affected individuals. Although these disorders are invariably characterized by the degeneration of highly specific subpopulations of neurons, protein aggregation occurs in all cells, which indicates that toxicity arises only in particular cell biological contexts. Aggregation-associated disorders are unified by a common cell biological feature: the deposition of the culprit proteins in inclusion bodies.

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While microRNAs have been shown to copurify with polysomes, their relative fraction in the translation pool (polysome occupancy) has not yet been measured. Here, we introduce a high-throughput method for quantifying polysome occupancies of hundreds of microRNAs and use it to investigate factors affecting these occupancies. Analysis in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and foreskin fibroblasts (hFFs) revealed microRNA-specific preferences for low, medium, or high polysome occupancy.

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Developing organisms have evolved a wide range of mechanisms for coping with recurrent environmental challenges. How they cope with rare or unforeseen challenges is, however, unclear as are the implications to their unchallenged offspring. Here, we investigate these questions by confronting the development of the fly, D.

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To identify early populations of committed progenitors derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), we screened self-renewing, BMP4-treated and retinoic acid-treated cultures with >400 antibodies recognizing cell-surface antigens. Sorting of >30 subpopulations followed by transcriptional analysis of developmental genes identified four distinct candidate progenitor groups. Subsets detected in self-renewing cultures, including CXCR4(+) cells, expressed primitive endoderm genes.

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Heterogeneity, shortage of material, and lack of progenitor-specific cell surface markers are major obstacles to elucidating the mechanisms underlying developmental processes. Here we report a proteomics platform that alleviates these difficulties and demonstrate its effectiveness in fractionating heterogeneous cultures of early endoderm derived from human embryonic stem cells. The approach, designated differential cell-capture antibody array, is based on highly parallel, comparative screening of live cell populations using hundreds of antibodies directed against cell-surface antigens.

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While experimentally induced arrest of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in G1 has been shown to stimulate differentiation, it remains unclear whether the unperturbed G1 phase in hESCs is causally related to differentiation. Here, we use centrifugal elutriation to isolate and investigate differentiation propensities of hESCs in different phases of their cell cycle. We found that isolated G1 cells exhibit higher differentiation propensity compared with S and G2 cells, and they differentiate at low cell densities even under self-renewing conditions.

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Transcriptional responses to extracellular stimuli involve tuning the rates of transcript production and degradation. Here, we show that the time-dependent profiles of these rates can be inferred from simultaneous measurements of precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) and mature mRNA profiles. Transcriptome-wide measurements demonstrate that genes with similar mRNA profiles often exhibit marked differences in the amplitude and onset of their production rate.

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Stem cell populations exist in "niches" that hold them and regulate their fate decisions. Identification and characterization of these niches is essential for understanding stem cell maintenance and tissue regeneration. Here we report on the identification of a novel stem cell niche in Botryllus schlosseri, a colonial urochordate with high stem cell-mediated developmental activities.

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