Delactosed whey permeate is the mother liquor/by-product of lactose manufacture, but it still contains around 20 wt% lactose. The high mineral content, stickiness, and hygroscopic behavior prevent further recovery of lactose in the manufacturing process. Therefore, its use is currently limited to low-value applications such as cattle feed, and more often it is seen as waste.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFEutectic freeze crystallization is explored as an alternative to the state-of-the-art evaporation process for the recovery of lactose from whey permeate. At the so-called eutectic freezing point, both water (the solvent) and lactose (the solute) crystallize and can be removed continuously while continuously feeding whey permeate. This continuous process is demonstrated on a pilot scale at sub-zero temperatures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe consumption of pharmaceuticals has increased the presence of micropollutants (MPs) in the environment. The removal and degradation of pharmaceutical mixtures in different water matrices are thus of significant importance. The photocatalytic degradation of four micropollutants-diclofenac (DCF), iopamidol (INN), methylene blue (MB), and metoprolol (MTP)-have been analyzed in this study by using a photocatalytic ceramic membrane.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study investigated the application of dual-frequency type dynamic acoustic fields for size-selective particle separation on centimeter scale in a continuous flow. The 3D-printed X-shaped prototype has two inlets and two outlets. The dynamic acoustic field is generated by two transducers positioned under an angle of 60 and operating at slightly different frequencies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe presence of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in various water bodies and the associated threats to eco-system and human society have raised increasing concerns. To fight against such a problem, TiO photocatalysis is considered to be a powerful tool. In recent decades, TiO nanotube array (TNA) fabricated by electrochemical anodization emerged as a viable immobilized catalyst and its applications on CECs removal have gained a considerable amount of research interest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBioelectrochemical systems combine electrodes and reactions driven by microorganisms for many different applications. The conversion of organic material in wastewater into electricity occurs in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). The power densities produced by MFCs are still too low for application.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this research non-collinear wave mixing is used as a non-destructive testing method where the amplitude of the scattering wave contains information on the condition of a material. The practical implementation of non-collinear wave mixing as a non-destructive testing technique is limited by many factors such as the geometry and shape of the structure, the accessibility to the specimen's surfaces and the ultrasonic sensors available to perform measurements. A novel approach to steer the propagation direction of a generated wave from the mixing of two incident acoustic waves is proposed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe objective of this study is to investigate the performance of a serpentine channel for acoustically driven selective particle filtering. The channel consists of sharp corners and straight sections, and the acoustic field is affecting the particles throughout the channel. A prototype of the separator channel is manufactured using 3D printing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn this research, ultrasonic pulse echo measurements are used to quantify through thickness chemical degradation in thin mortar specimens. The degradation level is predicted using the time of travel of the acoustic wave through the thickness of the structure. The front and back wall interaction reflections are used to obtain additional information from very early stage degradation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStrong electric fields for disinfection of wastewaters have been employed already for several decades. An innovative approach combining low strength (7 V/cm) alternating electric fields with a granular activated carbon fluidized bed electrode (FBE) for disinfection was presented recently. For disinfection performance of FBE several pure microbial cultures were tested: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus subtilis subsp.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe performance of an acoustic particle velocity sensor that is placed between two cylindrical objects has been analyzed both analytically and by means of finite volume simulations on fluid dynamics. The results are compared with acoustic experiments that show a large magnification of the output signal of the particle velocity sensor due to the mounting of the sensor between two cylinders. The influences of this construction consist of an attenuation of particle velocities at frequencies below a few hertz, whereas signals in the higher frequency range are amplified, up to approximately three times (10 dB) in a frequency range between 50 and 1000 Hz.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Resource-Based Relative Value Scale is based in part on the ratings of the work of services obtained from a random sample of physicians in a specialty. Ratings are used without regard to board-certification or other characteristics of the physician, or to the physician's experience with the service. Critics have suggested that all physicians may not be equally qualified to rate the work of services.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNational telephone surveys used in the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale Study produce reliable and valid relative values of work, but phone surveys are expensive and time consuming. We evaluated three small-group processes as alternatives. We compared national survey work estimates for 38 surgical services to those generated by panels of 11 and 19 highly qualified general surgeons using 1) single-round mail survey; 2) Delphi multiple-round ratings; and 3) modified Delphi with face-to-face discussion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFResponding to distortions in payment rates between services, policymakers in the United States have sought a systematic and rational foundation for determining physician fees. One such approach to paying physicians, the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), determines fees by measuring the relative resource costs required to produce them. On January 1, 1992, the Medicare program implemented a new payment system for physician services based on the RBRVS.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Exp Child Psychol
December 1989
This article describes methods used to combine into a common scale resource-based relative values from separate specialties. The key to producing a common scale is identifying pairs ("links") of services from different specialties that require approximately equal amounts of intraservice work. We distinguished two kinds of pairs of link services, those judged to be the same and those judged to be equivalent, usually within a narrow category of medical activity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe work that physicians perform represents a major resource input to medical services and procedures. In this article we describe the concepts of work and its dimensions, as well as the methods developed to measure them. We also describe the design and results of a national probability survey of physicians in 18 specialties.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have developed a resource-based relative-value scale as an alternative to the system of payment based on charges for physicians' services. Resource inputs by physicians include (1) total work input performed by the physician for each service; (2) practice costs, including malpractice premiums; and (3) the cost of specialty training. These factors were combined to produce a relative-value scale denominated in nonmonetary units.
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