Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi
June 2011
Objective: To explore the effect of oxytocin on uterine fibroids treated by ultrasound ablation.
Methods: Eighty-two single points in 29 uterine fibroids from 26 patients were sonicated with magnetic resonance imaging guided by high intensity focused ultrasound before and after using oxytocin. The required total energy, sonication time required to reach 60°C and the acoustic energy for increasing 1°C of temperature at the single point before and after using oxytocin were compared.
Objective: To explore the relationship between therapeutic dosage of ultrasound ablation in treatment of uterine fibroids and imaging characteristics of bloody supply of uterine fibroids by color Doppler ultrasound imaging.
Methods: One hundred and forty-two patients with 168 fibroids were treated by ultrasound ablation. Before treatment, bloody supply of fibroids were classified into grade 0 - 4 by ultrasonography.