Publications by authors named "Yexin Yu"

Introduction: The nutrient threshold of collapse and recovery of submerged macrophytes have been widely reported for shallow lakes. However, understanding the threshold variation for lakes with water depth (Z) gradients remains limited.

Methods: In this study, based on a field investigation of 9 lakes with varying water depths and nutrient levels in the Yunnan Plateau, southwest of China, we integrated water depth to predict the nutrient threshold of collapse and recovery of submerged macrophytes in lakes.

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Background: Metarhizium rileyi is an entomopathogenic fungus with promising potential for controlling agricultural pests, including Spodoptera frugiperda. Following penetration of the host through the cuticle, M. rileyi cells transform into in vivo blastospores or hyphal bodies, propagating within the hemocoel.

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Urban lakes are important natural assets but are exposed to multiple stressors from human activities. Submersed macrophytes, a key plant group that helps to maintain clear-water conditions in lakes, tend to be scarce in urban lakes, particularly when they are eutrophic or hypertrophic, and their loss is linked, in part, to impaired underwater light climate. We tested if enhancing the underwater light conditions using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) could restore submersed macrophytes in urban lakes.

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