Health care and academic systems are increasingly collaborating with community health advisors (CHAs) to provide culturally relevant health interventions that promote sustained community transformation. Little attention has been placed on CHA training evaluation, including core competency attainment. This study identified common CHA core competencies, generated a theoretically based measure of those competencies, and explored psychometric properties of that measure.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAtten Defic Hyperact Disord
September 2011
The purpose of the current study was to examine protopathic stimulant use among children with the symptoms of ADHD but do not have a diagnosis of ADHD. Protopathic or prodromal stimulant use refers to the use of stimulants by children with the symptoms of ADHD prior to a diagnosis of ADHD. In the current study, we examined children with the symptoms of ADHD who received stimulant treatment across time and with respect to several background variables.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: An examination of the academic achievement of children with ADHD by stimulant treatment status must consider this heterogeneity of the disorder. With the dissemination of the final wave of data, the Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study presents an opportunity to examine the academic achievement of students with ADHD using a large, community-based, and nationally representative sample over 4 years.
Method: In Study 1, the association between stimulant treatment and academic achievement is examined over 4 years.
Though some models of emotion contend that happiness and sadness are mutually exclusive in experience, recent findings suggest that adults can feel happy and sad at the same time in emotionally complex situations. Other research has shown that children develop a better conceptual understanding of mixed emotions as they grow older, but no research has examined children's actual experience of mixed emotions. To examine developmental differences in the experience of mixed emotions, we showed children ages 5 to 12 scenes from an animated film that culminated with a father and daughter's bittersweet farewell.
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