Cyanobacterial blooms are a global concern due to their adverse effects on water quality and human health. Therefore, we examined the effects of various compounds on growth. We found that NIES-298 cells were lysed rapidly by linear six-carbon sugar alcohols including mannitol, galactitol, iditol, fucitol, and sorbitol, but not by other sugar alcohols.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA strict aerobic bacterium, strain JW14 was isolated from soil in the Republic of Korea. Cells were Gram-stain-positive, non-endospore-forming and motile rods showing catalase-positive and oxidase-negative activities. Growth of strain JW14 was observed at 20-37 °C (optimum, 30 °C), pH 6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStrain MaA-C15, a Gram-stain-negative, non-spore-forming and strictly aerobic bacterium, was isolated from a xenic culture of in the Republic of Korea. Cells were motile rods showing positive reactions in catalase and oxidase tests. Growth was observed between 15 and 37 °C (optimum, 30 °C), between pH 6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Syst Evol Microbiol
January 2021
A Gram-stain-negative, orange-pigmented and strictly aerobic bacterium, designated strain MJ115, was isolated from seawater in Pohang, South Korea. Cells were non-motile rods and showed positive reactions for catalase and oxidase tests. Growth of strain MJ115 was observed at 4-35 °C (optimum, 30 °C), pH 6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTwo Gram-stain-negative, facultative anaerobic and non-motile bacteria, strains R11 and S1162, were isolated from soil in the Republic of Korea. Both strains were catalase- and oxidase-positive and contained menaquinone-7 as the major isoprenoid quinone. Strain R11 contained summed feature 3 (C ω7 and/or C ω6), iso-C, C and iso-C 3-OH as major fatty acids and phosphatidylethanolamine, an unidentified aminophospholipid and an unidentified aminolipid as major polar lipids; while strain S1162 contained summed feature 3 (C ω7 and/or C ω6), iso-C, iso-C 3-OH, C and summed feature 9 (10-methyl C and/or iso-C ω9) as major fatty acids and phosphatidylethanolamine and an unidentified aminophospholipid as major polar lipids.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA novel Gram-stain-positive, strictly aerobic, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain R14T was isolated from steep grove soil and taxonomically characterized using a polyphasic approach. Cells showed oxidase-negative and catalase-positive activities and grew at 25-37 °C (optimum, 30 °C), pH 5.0-8.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA Gram-stain-negative, yellow-pigmented, strictly aerobic bacterium, designated strain MaA-Y11, was isolated from a culture of in the Republic of Korea. Cells were non-motile rods showing catalase- and oxidase-positive reactions. Growth of strain MaA-Y11 was observed at 25-37 °C (optimum, 30 °C) and pH 6.
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