Background: This study analyzed clinical results of video-assisted breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer.
Methods: Video-assisted breast-conserving surgery is indicated for breast cancer that has not invaded the skin. A skin incision is made at an inconspicuous site.
Objective: To analyze therapeutic results of video-assisted breast-conserving surgery (VA-BCS) for early stage breast cancer.
Background: VA-BCS for breast cancer has been developed in Japan, and is indicated for breast cancer unaccompanied by skin involvement. The surgical incision is made at an inconspicuous site, followed by skin-sparing partial mastectomy (SSPM) and immediate reconstruction of the breast.
Background: We classified Japanese breast cancer patients based on estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and HER2 protein expression and compared their prognoses.
Methods: We compared the background and prognostic factors of 600 patients with breast cancer who were assigned to the following groups: luminal A (ER + and/or PR + and HER2-; n = 431; 71.8%), luminal B (ER + and/or PR + and HER2 + ; n = 27; 4.
We experienced a case of multi-drug resistant recurrent breast cancer with multiple bone metastases achieving a significant improvement by TS-1 and trastuzumab. The prior treatments including taxane or vinorelbine and trastuzumab were changed in the regimen to TS-1 and trastuzumab because of the progressive disease. TS-1 was administered orally at 100 mg/day everyday for 2 weeks, followed by a 1-week rest interval as 1 cycle, and trastuzumab was injected at 2 mg/kg/week for 4 weeks, followed by a 1-week rest interval as 1 cycle.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA surgically resected case of giant mucinous carcinoma of the breast that had remained untreated for 2 years is reported. A 64-year-old postmenopausal woman presented with a large right breast mass (17.4 x 16.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBreast conserving surgery has become the commonest surgery for breast cancer in Japan. And the cosmetic results have become more and more important. The main characteristics of endoscopy assisted surgery for breast cancer can realize radical resection and immediate reconstruction from a small skin incision and inconspicuous scars.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhereas the majority of surgeons in Western countries perform sentinel node biopsy (SNB) for early breast cancer, the majority of Japanese surgeons do not. Veronesi very recently reported the results of a clinical trial in which SNB without axillary lymph node dissection for small breast cancer did not increase axillary recurrence. Thus, sentinel node surgery has been accepted as a safe and accurate method of screening the axillary nodes for metastasis in women with small breast cancer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNihon Geka Gakkai Zasshi
November 2002
Since sentinel lymph node(SLN) biopsy has a higher negative predictive value than that of four-node sampling, SLN biopsy might become the new acknowledged standard of clinical care for patients with early breast cancer. SLN biopsy is widely used in Western countries despite the lack of data from randomized trials. Clinical practice guidelines document that SLN biopsy should be performed with prudent informed consent and thorough surgical technique.
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