We developed a useful and preparative method based on high-speed counter-current chromatography with mass spectrometry (HSCCC/MS) to purify gentamicin C1a, C2/2a and C1 from standard powder. The analytes were purified on the HSCCC model CCC-1000 (multi-layer coil planet centrifuge) with a volatile two-phase solvent system composed of n-butanol/10% aqueous ammonia solution (50:50, v/v) and detected on an LCMS-2020EV quadrupole mass spectrometer fitted with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source system in positive ionization following scan mode (m/z 100-500). The HSCCC/ESI-MS peaks indicated that gentamicin C1a (m/z 450: [M+H](+)), C2/2a (m/z 464: [M+H](+)) and C1 (m/z 478: [M+H](+)) have the peak resolution values of 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the field of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis of peptides, a rapid on-line detection and identification for a methodology have been required for the discovery of new biological active products. In this study, a high-speed counter-current chromatography with electrospray mass spectrometry (HSCCC/ESI-MS) was developed for the on-line detection and purification of polypeptide antibiotics of enramycin-A and -B. The analytes were purified on HSCCC model CCC-1000 (multi-layer coil planet centrifuge) with a volatile solvent of two-phase system composed of n-butanol/hexane/0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSeven strains of dibenzofuran (DF)-degrading bacteria isolated from dioxin-polluted environments were characterized. These isolates were able to grow with dibenzofuran as the sole carbon and energy source. During the growth with dibenzofuran, they produced a soluble yellow metabolite that exhibited a unique pH-dependent shift of absorption maxima.
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