Sweet orange is cultivated worldwide but suffers from various devastating diseases because of its monogenetic background. The elucidation of the origin of a crop facilitates the domestication of new crops that may better cope with new challenges. Here we collected and sequenced 226 citrus accessions and assembled telomere-to-telomere phased diploid genomes of sweet orange and sour orange.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe rapid growth of population-scale whole genome resequencing, RNA sequencing, bisulfate sequencing, metabolomics and proteomic profiling has led quantitative genetics into a big omics data era. Performing omics data association analysis, such as genome, transcriptome, proteome and methylome wide association analysis, and integrative analysis on multiple omics datasets requires various bioinformatics tools that rely on advanced programming skills and command-line tools, which are challenging for wet-lab biologists. Here, we present EasyOmics a stand-alone R Shiny application with a user-friendly interface for wet-lab biologists to perform population-scale omics data association, integration and visualization.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenomic prediction is a powerful approach for improving genetic gain and shortening the breeding cycles in animal and crop breeding programs. A series of statistical and machine learning models has been developed to increase the prediction performance continuously. However, the application of these models requires advanced R programming skills and command-line tools to perform quality control, format input files, and install packages and dependencies, posing challenges for breeders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGenome-wide association study (GWAS) is a powerful tool to identify genomic loci underlying complex traits. However, the application in natural populations comes with challenges, especially power loss due to population stratification. Here, we introduce a bivariate analysis approach to a GWAS dataset of Arabidopsis thaliana.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFStructural variations have emerged as an important driving force for genome evolution and phenotypic variation in various organisms, yet their contributions to genetic diversity and adaptation in domesticated animals remain largely unknown. Here we constructed a pangenome based on 250 sequenced individuals from 32 pig breeds in Eurasia and systematically characterized coding sequence presence/absence variations (PAVs) within pigs. We identified 308.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFArabidopsis thaliana serves as a model species for investigating various aspects of plant biology. However, the contribution of genomic structural variations (SVs) and their associate genes to the local adaptation of this widely distribute species remains unclear. Here, we de novo assemble chromosome-level genomes of 32 A.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhenotypic plasticity is the ability of a given genotype to produce multiple phenotypes in response to changing environmental conditions. Understanding the genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity and establishing a predictive model is highly relevant to future agriculture under a changing climate. Here we report findings on the genetic basis of phenotypic plasticity for 23 complex traits using a diverse maize population planted at five sites with distinct environmental conditions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMissing heritability in genome-wide association studies defines a major problem in genetic analyses of complex biological traits. The solution to this problem is to identify all causal genetic variants and to measure their individual contributions. Here we report a graph pangenome of tomato constructed by precisely cataloguing more than 19 million variants from 838 genomes, including 32 new reference-level genome assemblies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHere, we have evaluated the general genomic structure and diversity and studied the divergence resulting from selection and historical admixture events for a collection of worldwide chicken breeds. In total, 636 genomes (43 populations) were sequenced from chickens of American, Chinese, Indonesian, and European origin. Evaluated populations included wild junglefowl, rural indigenous chickens, breeds that have been widely used to improve modern western poultry populations and current commercial stocks bred for efficient meat and egg production.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Great Himalayan Mountains and their foothills are believed to be the place of origin and development of many plant species. The genetic basis of adaptation to high plateaus is a fascinating topic that is poorly understood at the population level. We comprehensively collected and sequenced 377 accessions of Prunus germplasm along altitude gradients ranging from 2,067 to 4,492 m in the Himalayas.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNorway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) is one of the most important forest tree species with significant economic and ecological impact in Europe. For decades, genomic and genetic studies on Norway spruce have been challenging due to the large and repetitive genome (19.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe plastid-encoded genes of higher plants are transcribed by at least two types of RNA polymerases, the nuclear-encoded RNA polymerase (NEP) and the plastid-encoded RNA polymerase (PEP). In mature photosynthesizing leaves, the vast majority of the genes are transcribed by PEP. However, the regulatory mechanisms controlling plastid transcription during early light response is unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVariable individual responses to environmental changes, such as phenotype plasticity, are heritable, with some genotypes being robust and others plastic. This variation for plasticity contributes to variance in complex traits as genotype-by-environment interactions (G × E). However, the genetic basis of this variability in responses to the same external stimuli is still largely unknown.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBi-directional selection for increased and decreased 56-day body weights (BW56) has been applied to two lines of White Plymouth Rock chickens-the Virginia high (HWS) and low (LWS) body weight lines. Correlated responses have been observed, including negative effects on traits related to fitness. Here, we use high and low body weight as proxies for fitness.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCryptic genetic variation could arise from, for example, Gene-by-Gene (G-by-G) or Gene-by-Environment (G-by-E) interactions. The underlying molecular mechanisms and how they influence allelic effects and the genetic variance of complex traits is largely unclear. Here, we empirically explored the role of environmentally influenced epistasis on the suppression and release of cryptic variation by reanalysing a dataset of 4,390 haploid yeast segregants phenotyped on 20 different media.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Experimental intercrosses between outbred founder populations are powerful resources for mapping loci that contribute to complex traits i.e. quantitative trait loci (QTL).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFat-tailed sheep have a unique characteristic of depositing fat in their tails. In the present study, we conducted genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on traits related to tail fat deposition and body size in the Hulun Buir sheep. A total number of 300 individuals belonging to two fat-tailed lines of the Hulun Buir sheep breed genotyped with the Ovine Infinium HD SNP BeadChip were included in the current study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHere, we report an empirical study of the polygenic basis underlying the evolution of complex traits. Flowering time variation measured at 10 and 16°C in the 1,001-genomes Arabidopsis thaliana collection of natural accessions were used as a model. The polygenic architecture of flowering time was defined as the 48 loci that were significantly associated with flowering time-at 10 and/or 16°C and/or their difference-in this population.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA plausible explanation for statistical epistasis revealed in genome wide association analyses is the presence of high order linkage disequilibrium (LD) between the genotyped markers tested for interactions and unobserved functional polymorphisms. Based on findings in experimental data, it has been suggested that high order LD might be a common explanation for statistical epistasis inferred between local polymorphisms in the same genomic region. Here, we empirically evaluate how prevalent high order LD is between local, as well as distal, polymorphisms in the genome.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe adaptation to a new habitat often results in a confounding between genomewide genotype and beneficial alleles. When the confounding is strong, or the allelic effects is weak, it is a major statistical challenge to detect the adaptive polymorphisms. We describe a novel approach to dissect polygenic traits in natural populations.
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