Publications by authors named "Y Reid"

The Consortium for Mouse Cell Line Authentication was formed to validate Short Tandem Repeat (STR) markers for intraspecies identification of mouse cell lines. The STR profiling method is a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay comprised of primers targeting 19 mouse STR markers and two human STR markers (for interspecies contamination screening). The goals of the Consortium were to perform an interlaboratory study to-(1) validate the mouse STR markers to uniquely identify mouse cell lines (intraspecies identification), (2) to provide a public database of mouse cell lines with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-validated mouse STR profiles, and (3) to publish the results of the interlaboratory study.

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Experiments using cell cultures are only valid to the extent that the cell culture is a true model system for the biological system being investigated. To assure that a cell line is and remains an appropriate biological model, its identity, purity, ploidy, and phenotype must be maintained. These characteristics comprise and determine the authenticity of a cell line.

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Background: There is a prevailing opinion that spinning sensations signify a peripheral vestibular pathology while non-spinning sensations are not of vestibular origin.

Objectives: 1) Characterize the subjective sensations reported by patients during caloric testing. 2) Assess if the sensation was correlated with the peak slow phase velocity (SPV).

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One of the first considerations in using an existing cell line or establishing a new a cell line is the detailed proactive planning of all phases of the cell line management. It is necessary to have a well-trained practitioner in best practices in cell culture who has experience in receiving a new cell line into the laboratory, the correct and appropriate use of a cell line name, the preparation of cell banks, microscopic observation of cells in culture, growth optimization, cell count, cell subcultivation, as well as detailed protocols on how to expand and store cells. Indeed, the practitioner should best manage all activities of cell culture by ensuring that the appropriate certified facilities, equipment, and validated supplies and reagents are in place.

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A variety of analytical approaches have indicated that melanoma cell line UCLA-SO-M14 (M14) and breast carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-435 originate from a common donor. This indicates that at some point in the past, one of these cell lines became misidentified, meaning that it ceased to correspond to the reported donor and instead became falsely identified (through cross-contamination or other means) as a cell line from a different donor. Initial studies concluded that MDA-MB-435 was the misidentified cell line and M14 was the authentic cell line, although contradictory evidence has been published, resulting in further confusion.

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