Broiler chicks in the immediate posthatch handling period are exposed to thermal stress, with potentially harmful consequences for muscle growth and structure (e.g., less protein and more fat deposition).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHeat or cold stress, can disrupt well-being and physiological responses in birds. This study aimed to elucidate the effects of continuous heat exposure in the first 2 wk of age on muscle development in broilers, with an emphasis on the pectoralis muscle satellite cell population. Chicks were reared for 13 d under either commercial conditions or a temperature regime that was 5°C higher.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThermal manipulation (TM) of 39.5°C applied during mid-embryogenesis (embryonic d 7 to 16) has been proven to promote muscle development and enhance muscle growth and meat production in meat-type chickens. This study aimed to elucidate the cellular basis for this effect.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPrevious studies conducted on meat-type chickens in our laboratory showed that thermal manipulations (TMS:) of the embryo during the time window of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-thyroid axis development and maturation significantly reduced the metabolic rates of the embryo and the chicken, improving the posthatch feed conversion rate (FCR:). The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of intermittent TMs during turkey embryogenesis on embryo development. Fertile turkey eggs were divided into three treatments: control; 6H--with TM by elevation of temperature and RH by 1.
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September 2013
The only light source for chickens in environmentally controlled houses is an artificial one. Thus, source, spectra, intensity and regimen of light supplementation became major factors in modern meat type bird management. Light spectra affect growth in meat type birds both in ovo and post hatch.
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