Cadmium (Cd) and polystyrene microplastics (PS) co-contamination always occurs in environment; however, the trophic transfer of Cd and PS is still poorly understood. A hydroponic experiment was conducted to investigate the behavior of Cd in lettuce, together with the root or foliar exposure of different sized PS. Accumulation and chemical form distributions of Cd in leaves were distinguished into young and mature leaves.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNitrogen mineralization in riparian soil changes the migration and utilization efficiency of nitrogen, which is closely related to the control of water eutrophication. The differences in soil properties caused by land use alter nitrogen retention and transport capacity. Therefore, the soil of three land use types (woodland, grassland, and cultivated land) in the western riparian zone of Taihu Lake were selected for research on the dynamic changes in nitrogen mineralization amount using an incubation experiment and a leaching characteristics by soil column leaching experiment, and their environmental effects were also studied under different biochar addition conditions (0%, 1%, and 5%).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA multi-medium system, involving tailing area (tailings, surrounding soils and water) and downstream agricultural area (river water, sediments and farmland soils), was conceived to evaluate the pollution status of potential toxic elements (PTEs, including Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Sn, Pb, Cr and Cd) and environmental risks in a tin-polymetallic mine area southwest China. The results indicated that tailings exhibited representative enrichment and combination characteristics of Sn, Cu, Ni, Fe, As, Pb and Cr compared to surrounding soils. Acid mine drainage (AMD) from tailings and other mining-related sources greatly affected river water and farmland soils, resulting in soil acidification and accumulation of Sn, As, Cu and Pb in paddy soils.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to explore the characteristics and environmental significance of available nitrogen and phosphorus in different land-water transition zones, soil and sediment samples from three study areas, including the upstream watershed of Minjiang River (MJU), western watershed of Hongze Lake (HZW), and western watershed of Taihu Lake (THW), were collected and analyzed. The results showed that the contents of total nitrogen and phosphorus in THW were higher than those of other two study areas. The contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments were higher than those in soils of HZW.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe total amount and morphology of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments have important environmental significance. The study of the ecological risk assessment of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments is important to understand the environmental quality of water body in the basin. In this study, taking the Futunxi Basin of Fujian Province as an example, the single factor index and bioavailability coefficient method were used to evaluate the ecological risk of nitrogen and phosphorus in the sediments, and reveal the spatial change and environmental significance of the nitrogen and phosphorus forms.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis study explored the spatial distribution of phosphorus fractions in river sediments and analyzed the relationship between different phosphorus fractions and their environmental influence on the sediments within different watersheds in Eastern China. River sediments from two inflow watersheds (Hongze and Tiaoxi) to Hongze and Taihu Lake in Eastern China were analyzed by the sequential extraction procedure. Five fractions of sedimentary phosphorus, including freely sorbed phosphorus (NHCl-P), redox-sensitive phosphorus (BD-P), bound phosphorus metal oxide (NaOH-P), bound phosphorus calcium (HCl-P), and residual phosphorus (Res-P) were all analyzed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiochar, as a new environmentally friendly material, has been used to improve soil quality and for pollution remediation. Biochar input has a significant impact on available nutrients in the soil. Based on the different land use types (forestland, grassland, cultivated land, and barren land) in the riparian zone of Taihu Lake, the effects of biochar application on the available content of nutrients in different land use types of soil were compared, and the dynamics of nutrient change was also discussed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFNitrogen is considered an essential nutrient element limiting water productivity, and its distribution in sediments directly affects its release potential. This study aimed to analyse the spatial characteristics, distribution, and influence of nitrogen forms in two different river catchments situated in eastern China. Using sequential extraction methods, the study divided sediment nitrogen into four forms, namely, an ion-exchangeable form (IEF-N), weak acid-extractable form (WAEF-N), strong alkali-extractable form (SAEF-N), and strong oxidant-extractable form (SOEF-N).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe distribution and composition of organic pollutants in sediment are affected by the source and regional environment. To understand the characteristics and risk of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the area around Taihu Lake, composite sediment samples (n = 41) were collected in rivers around Taihu Lake to explore the level, spatial distribution, and source of PBDEs. The results showed that the most abundant BDE congener in river sediment was BDE209, followed by BDE99 and BDE47, with median values of 48.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKnowledge gap exists to understand the soil CO emission and microbial group response to substrates of whole plant residues and derived biochar. We used C-labelled substrates (rice straw, roots and biochar) to track influences of their decomposition on soil priming effect (PE) and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition during one-year incubation. Organic substrates at 1% (w/w) level increased soil pH, available nitrogen (AN) and available phosphorus (AP), especially during the first 45 days of incubation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
January 2020
In this study, the characteristics and distribution of the organic phosphorus (Po) fractions in the surface sediments of seven inflow rivers around Hongze Lake in China were analyzed with a soil Po fraction method, as used by Ivanoff. The relationships between the Po fractions and physiochemical features of sediments were also discussed. The results showed that, the sediments of the rivers had been moderately pollution with certain ecological risk effects except the Waste Yellow River.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhytotoxicity of cadmium (Cd) and its trophic transfer along a terrestrial food chain have been extensively investigated. However, few studies focused on the role of amendments on the trophic transfer of Cd and related mineral nutrients. In a 60-day pot experiment, soil Cd availability, accumulation of Cd, mineral nutrients (Ca and Si) in lettuce, and subsequent trophic transfer along the lettuce-snail system were investigated with or without 3% (w/w) soil amendment (biochar or micro-hydroxyapatite, μHAP).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn order to explore the effect of land use pattern on phosphorus distribution and the potential release capacity of stream sediment in the upper Minjiang River, this paper presented organic phosphorus forms and their spatial distribution characteristics of sediments in the upper Minjiang River by using the IVANOFF method and discussing the effects of physicochemical properties of sediments on the distribution of organic phosphorus forms. The results show that:①nitrogen and phosphorus contents of sediments in Jianxi and Shaxi catchments are higher than those in the Futunxi catchment, probably related to the large number of farmland runoff and municipal sewage near the Jianxi and Shaxi catchments and the large forest area around the Futunxi catchment;②contents in the sediments from three catchments and TP contents in the sediments from Jianxi and Futunxi catchments showed the order of upper reaches < middle reaches < lower reaches, which may be caused by the mountainous and forested areas in the upper reaches and the intensive human activities in the middle and lower reaches;③nitrogen phosphorus in sediments of the three catchments were mainly non-active organic phosphorus, which indicated that upper reaches of the Minjiang river were generally less affected by external pollution, and the relative proportion of organic phosphorus in the sediments of different catchments was relatively large, while the change in different sections of the same river was relatively small;④physicochemical properties of sediments had a significant impact on the morphology and distribution of organic phosphorus, among which the effects of organic matter, TP, and TN were the most obvious, but the effects on sediments in different river basins were different. Therefore, to protect the water quality of the upper Minjiang River, it is necessary to strengthen the control of the living and agricultural pollution sources near the catchments.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInt J Environ Res Public Health
November 2018
The environmental risk of potentially toxic metals in tailing soils is of universal concern. We conducted a 3-month pot experiment to research the distribution and variations of potentially toxic metals (PTMs), and the translocation and accumulation capability of these metals (Cr, Ni, Mn, Cu, Zu) in natural plants for three Fe/Mg tailing soils (serpentine-type, olivine-type and magnetite-type) with growth of a grass plant-. We used comparative analysis, regression analysis and correlation analysis to process relevant experimental data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study evaluated source apportionment of heavy metals in vegetable samples from the potential sources of fertilizer, water and soil samples collected along the Changjiang River delta in China. The results showed that 25.72% of vegetable samples (Brassica chinensis L.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCadmium (Cd) trophic transfer along the soil-lettuce-snail food chain was investigated using the root bags-based pot experiments. Two amendments (corn straw biochar and micro-hydroxyapatite (μHAP)) were investigated on Cd (0, 2.5, and 5 mg/kg soil) availability in soils, chemical distribution in plant cells and accumulation in snails.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMetal bioavailability at root plasma membrane surfaces and chemical forms within cells putatively controls the trophic transfer processes. Accumulation and distribution of Cu or Cd in lettuce were investigated as a function of lettuce leaf aging through soil-solution culture experiments. Metal contents in snail tissues were examined after fed on young (interior) or old (exterior) age leaves for 15d, respectively.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIt is necessary to investigate the distribution of nitrogen forms in river sediments to recognize the water environment quality. In this study, ion exchangeable form nitrogen(IEF-N), weak acid extractable form nitrogen (WAEF-N), strong alkali extractable form nitrogen (SAEF-N) and strong oxidation extractable form nitrogen (SOEF-N) in sediments were obtained by means of sequential extraction procedures.We analyzed the spatial variations of nitrogen forms in sediments from Taihu watershed (Dongtiaoxi River and Xitiaoxi River) and Hongzehu watershed (Anhe River and Suihe River), and expounded the influence factors of nitrogen form distribution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA systematic investigation into total and bioaccessible heavy metal concentrations in rice grains harvested from heavy metal-contaminated regions was carried out to assess the potential health risk to local residents. Arsenic, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations were within acceptable levels while Cd and Ni concentrations appeared to be much higher than in other studies. The bioaccessibity of As, Cd, and Ni was high (>25%) and could be well predicted from their total concentrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFResponses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedling roots to the mixtures of copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd) and humic acids (HA) were investigated using the solution culture experiments, focusing on the interaction patterns between multiple metals and their influences on root proton release. A concentration-addition multiplication (CA) model was introduced into the modeling analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFConsumption of crops grown in cadmium-contaminated soils is an important Cd exposure route to humans. The present study utilizes statistical analysis and in vitro digestion experiments to uncover the transfer processes of Cd from soils to the human body through rice consumption. Here, a model was created to predict the levels of bioaccessible Cd in rice grains using phytoavailable Cd quantities in the soil.
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