Introduction: During early pregnancy, fetal placental tissue implants into maternal decidual tissue, forming a unique interface where maternal immune cells do not reject the invading fetal cells. Given the roles of Galectin-9 and Tim-3 in tumor immune regulation, studying their distribution and function at this interface may provide insights into recurrent pregnancy loss.
Methods: This study uses single-cell transcriptomics, spatial transcriptomics, and multiplex immunohistochemistry to examine the expression and localization of Galectin-9 and TIM-3.
Introduction: Despite of numerous studies of the placenta, some molecular and cellular characteristics, particularly the relationship among different cell types, have not been well understood. We aim to investigate the basic and intricate details of cellular and molecular elements in early and late phase placentas to gain better understanding of the immune regulation of human reproductive process.
Methods: A novel combination of techniques of spatial transcriptomics(ST), multiple immunohistochemistry, and a dual labeling combining immunohistochemistry and (fluorescence in situ hybridization) FISH on normal and ectopic pregnancy and animal models was employed to investigate the placenta at tissue, cell, protein and molecular levels and to trace the fetal and maternal origin of every cell in early and late placentas.