Zhonghua Shi Yan He Lin Chuang Bing Du Xue Za Zhi
December 2004
Objective: To collect background information on drug-resistant HIV-1 strains in various regions before the start of nation-wide antiretroviral therapy in China.
Methods: Twenty percent of the 2,000 blood samples from antiretroviral therapy naive patients collected for the 2nd national HIV molecular epidemiology survey (NHMES) in 2002 were randomly sampled for this study. The entire protease gene and 20-230 amino acids of the reverse transcriptase gene were amplified by PCR from provirus DNA and sequenced.
Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi
March 2004
Objective: To characterize full length gag gene and partial pol gene of Chinese prevalent HIV-1 B/C recombinant strains, to explore the genetic difference between parent strains and B/C recombinant strains, and to investigate the mechanism of different biologic phenotype among them.
Methods: The peripheral blood samples were collected from 138 HIV-positive persons from 12 regions of China respectively. Samples of total DNA were extracted from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells to undergo nested PCR and sequencing.