Zhonghua Zheng Xing Wai Ke Za Zhi
May 2005
Objective: To measure breast basic dimension by using computer-aided projection fringe system.
Methods: A system has been developed for measuring breast basic dimension based on computer-aided projection fringe measurement and programming software. Plastic manikins breast's SN-N (sternal notch to nipple distance), N-ML (nipple to midline distance), N-N (internipple distance), MBW (base width of breast) and N-IMF (nipple to inframammary fold distance) are measured with this system.
Objective: To develop a system for three-dimensional (3D) non-contact measurement of breast using computer-aided projection fringe measurement (CAPFM).
Methods: A system of 3D non-contact breast measurement was developed based on CAPFM and used for measurement of a plastic model mimicking human breast.
Results: The CAPFM system was capable of non-contact 3D measurement with rapid data collection (within 0.