Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
July 2007
Objective: To explore the relationship between serum level of leptin and the components of metabolic syndrome in a group of mid-aged Chinese population.
Methods: 345 adults (184 men and 161 women) aged 46 - 53 were enrolled from Fetal Origin of Adult Disease (FOAD) cohort to participate the clinic examination including anthropometry, measurements of blood pressure, fasting and 2 hr plasma levels of glucose and insulin, serum levels of lipid and leptin. HOMA-IR index was calculated to estimate individual insulin resistance.
Objective: To investigate the relationship between polymorphisms of insulin-receptor (INSR) gene and insulin resistance in a population-based study in China.
Methods: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used to the amplify Exon 17 of INSR gene and all amplified products were analyzed by direct sequencing.
Results: Six single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found at the following loci: T to TC at the locus of 10699 (Tyr(984)), G to GC at the locus of 10731 (Glu(994)), Deletion G at the locus of 10798 (Asp(1017)), C to T/TC at the locus of 10923 (His(1058)), C to CA at the locus of 10954 (Leu(1069)), and T to TA at the locus of 10961 (Phe(1071)), which might not change the amino acid sequence.
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi
July 2004
Objective: To examine the association between Ponderal index (PI) at birth and metabolic syndrome during middle age.
Methods: Totally, 975 adults (494 men and 481 women) aged 41-52 from the study cohort of Fetal Origin of Adult Disease were recruited in the study for clinic examinations, involving anthropometry and measurements of blood pressure, fasting and 2 hr plasma levels of glucose and insulin, serum lipid profile. Their HOMA-insulin resistance (IR) index was estimated.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
January 2004
Objective: To understand the role of insulin-receptor gene in the development of insulin resistance on a population-based study in China.
Methods: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify the EXON2 of the insulin-receptor gene and all amplified products were analyzed by direct sequencing.
Results: Three genotypes of single nucleotide at the site of 2257 in EXON2 of the insulin-receptor gene were identified.