Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi
September 2013
Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi
October 2012
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
November 2009
Objective: To estimate the median survival and the effect of antiretroviral therapy (ART) among HIV-positive former blood donors of Fuyang in Anhui province, China.
Methods: A retrospective survey was conducted among HIV-positive former blood donors, and data was collected on survivors who had received ART. Weibull function was used to calculate median survival of HIV-positive former blood donors.
Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi
April 2009
Background: Unregulated commercial blood/plasma collection among farmers occurred between 1992 and 1995 in central China and caused the second major epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in China. It is important to characterize HIV-1-infected former blood donors and to study characteristics associated with disease progression for future clinical intervention and vaccine development.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on HIV-1-infected former blood donors (FBDs) and age-matched HIV-seronegative local residents.