Synopsis of recent research by authors named "Xiaolei Hao"
- Xiaolei Hao's recent research encompasses a wide array of topics in biomedicine and materials science, with a strong focus on the interaction of biological systems with novel materials, including Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and ionic liquids, to enhance sensing, immunomodulation, and therapeutic applications.
- Significant findings include the development of high-sensitivity refractive index sensors using subwavelength grating microring resonators, as well as insights into the structure-activity relationship of reconstructed MOFs which can potentially advance efficiency in oxygen evolution reactions in water electrolysis.
- Additionally, Hao's work extends into immunological mechanisms, particularly mechanisms behind Treg cell function and their relevance in autoimmune diseases, highlighting the regulation of chromatin interactions and Foxp3 expression, with implications for cancer immunotherapy and chronic hepatitis outcomes.