Publications by authors named "Xiao-Hai Yan"

Objective: To compare the clinical effect of arsenic-containing Qinghuang Powder (QHP) and low-intensity chemotherapy (LIC) in treatment of elderly acute myeloid leukemia (eAML) patients.

Methods: Clinical data of 80 eAML patients treated at Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences from January 2015 to December 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. The treatment scheme was designed by real world study according to patients' preference, and patients were divided into a QHP group (35 cases) and a LIC group (45 cases).

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Background: Among primary brain tumors, gliomas are associated with a poor prognosis and a median survival that varies depending on the tumor grade and subtype. As the most malignant form of glioma, glioblastoma (GBM) constitutes a significant health concern. Alteration in granulin(GRN) has been proved to be accountable for several diseases.

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Background: Over the past 50 years, two national control programs on infection have been conducted in South Korea. Spatial-temporal profiles of infection risk provide useful information on assessing the effectiveness of the programs and planning spatial-targeted control strategies.

Methods: Advanced Bayesian geostatistical joint models with spatial-temporal random effects were developed to analyze disease data collecting by a systematic review with potential influencing factors, and to handle issues of preferential sampling and data heterogeneities.

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In this study, we annotated 49 odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) in , with four novel genes and seven improved sequences. Expression profiles identified numerous OBPs in antennae or reproductive tissues. Using two antenna-enriched general OBPs (PxutGOBP1 and PxutGOBP2) as targets, we screened three key compounds by a reverse chemical ecology strategy.

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The butylphthalide(NBP), a colorless or light yellow viscous oily component isolated from celery seeds, has the effects of anti-inflammation, anti-oxidative stress, protecting blood-brain barrier, improving cerebral microcirculation, and promoting angiogenesis. It can protect the neurological function of patients with ischemic stroke through a variety of mechanisms, improve the symptoms of patients, and contribute to the long-term recovery of them. Therefore, independently developed in China, NBP was approved by State Food and Drug Administration for the clinical treatment of stroke patients in 2002.

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In most moth species, sex pheromones responsible for mating and communication of both sexes are primarily produced by the pheromone glands (PGs) of female moths. Although the PG transcriptomes and pheromone production related genes from 24 moth species have been characterized, studies on the related information remain unknown in the Zygaenidae family. Here, we sequenced the PG transcriptome of a zygaenid moth, .

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Objective: To investigate the expressions of microRNAs in peripheral blood of patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia(ITP) and its correlation with the imbalance of Th1/Th2 cells.

Methods: Thirty patients with ITP (ITP group) and 15 healthy people (control group) were enrolled.Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect the expressions of six miRNAs (miR-107,miR-205-5p,miR-138-5p,miR-326,miR-1827,miR-185-5p) and Th1-specific transcription factor T-bet mRNA and Th2-specific transcription factor GATA-3 mRNA in the peripheral blood of the two groups. Th1 and Th2 cells were detected by flow cytometry.

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  • The study investigates the relationship between the particulate backscattering coefficient (b) and particulate organic carbon (POC) as well as phytoplankton carbon (C) in the oligotrophic South China Sea, revealing important bio-optical connections.
  • It was found that POC and C have strong linear relationships with b, with a noted contribution from non-algal particles.
  • Additionally, variations in the POC-specific b (b*) were linked to the presence of larger phytoplankton groups, suggesting that their composition significantly influences backscattering in these nutrient-poor waters.
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The common cutworm, Spodoptera litura, is a polyandrous moth with high reproductive ability. Sexual reproduction is a unique strategy for survival and reproduction of population in this species. However, to date available information about its reproductive genes is rare.

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Abnormal autophagy is related to the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). However, the effect of autophagy-related genes (ARGs) on the prognosis of MDS remains unclear. Here, we examined the expression profile of 108 patients with MDS from the GSE58831 dataset, and identified 22 genes that were significantly associated with overall survival.

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Recently, a new class of lithium chlorides and bromides (e.g., Li3YCl6 and Li3YBr6) were reported to be promising solid-state electrolytes with high ionic conductivity in all-solid-state battery cells.

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Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) and Trichoptera (caddisflies), belonging to the superorder Amphiesmenoptera, are the most diverse insect orders as representatives of the terrestrial and aquatic insects, respectively. The insects of the two orders possess different biological and behavioral characteristics, especially their larvae, presumably resulting in the differences of the ionotropic receptor (IR) genes in numbers, sequence characteristics or gene structure. Here, we employed genomics, transcriptomics, bioinformatics, phylogenetics and molecular biology strategies to characterize the IR gene repertoire in Lepidoptera and Trichoptera.

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Background: Wearable activity trackers offer potential to optimize behavior and support self-management. To assist older adults in benefiting from mobile technologies, theory-driven deployment strategies are needed to overcome personal, technological, and sociocontextual barriers in technology adoption.

Objective: To test the effectiveness of a social group-based strategy to improve the acceptability and adoption of activity trackers by middle-aged and older adults.

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Qinghuang Powder (QHP), an oral arsenic, has become an effective drug in the treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences for many years, and the action mechanism of the compound or active ingredient AsS of QHP has been elucidated. Considering the relatively safety, chemotherapy-free and convenient oral profile, QHP is widely used in the clinical treatment for MDS patients, especially for elderly patients. In this review, the authors document the efficacy and safety of oral arsenic-containing compound QHP in the treatment of MDS, with a special focus on the association of efficacy of QHP with the cytogenetics, prognostic risk, DNA methylation, gene mutation, blood arsenic concentration, mechanism of action of AsS and the countermeasures against adverse reactions of gastrointestinal tract.

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GaAs has been demonstrated to be a promising material for manufacturing semiconductor light-emitting devices and integrated circuits. It has been widely used in the field of aerospace, due to its high electron mobility and wide band gap. In this study, the structural and photoelectric characteristics of Si-doped GaAs under different gamma irradiation doses (0, 0.

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Objective: To analyze the overall survival (OS) of elderly acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients treated with oral arsenic-containing Qinghuang Powder (, QHP) or low-intensity chemotherapy (LIC).

Methods: Forty-two elderly AML patients treated with intravenous or subcutaneous LIC (1 month for each course, at least 3 courses) or oral QHP (3 months for each course, at least 2 courses) were retrospectively analyzed from January 2015 to December 2017. The main endpoints of analysis were OS and 1-, 2-, 3-year OS rates of patients, respectively.

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The Earth has experienced a global surface warming slowdown (GSWS) or so-called "global warming hiatus" since the end of the 20 century. The GSWS was marked by a La Niña-like decadal cooling in the Pacific Ocean that subsequently generated an increase in the transfer of Pacific waters into the Indian Ocean via the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). How the Pacific water spreads through the interior of the Indian Ocean and the impact of these decadal ITF transport changes on the Indian Ocean water mass transformation and circulation remain largely unknown.

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Objective: To analyze the consistency of gene mutation sites between bone marrow DNA (BM-tDNA) and perepheral plasma circulating tumor DNA (PP-ctDNA) in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).

Methods: The simultaneous sampled BM and PP from 19 patients (SBPP) was detected by NGS-127 gene panel, and the consistency of VAF between BM-tDNA and PP-ctDNA was analyzed. The peripheral blood cell tumor DNA (PC-tDNA) of 5 out of 19 patients was detected randomly, the consistency of VAF among PC-tDNA,BM-tDNA and PP-ctDNA was analyzed.

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The Agulhas Region gains more heat during the global surface warming slowdown than acceleration period. Yet, mechanisms that cause excessive heat accumulation in this region remain largely unknown. We investigate the underlying physical processes and examine their influence on ocean heat changes in the last three decades.

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  • * The combination of graphene's large surface area and the high conductivity of Au nanoparticles enhances the sensor's ability to capture more sulfanilamide molecules, leading to increased sensitivity in detection.
  • * The sensor operates well within a concentration range of 0.1-1000 μmol·L, has a detection limit of 0.011 μmol·L, and proves effective for testing sulfanilamide levels in animal meat, making it suitable for practical applications in real-world scenarios.
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The Subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA) is one of the most important areas to global climate because its ocean heat content (OHC) is highly correlated with the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), and its circulation strength affects the salt transport by the AMOC, which in turn feeds and sustains the strength of the AMOC. Moreover, the recent global surface warming "hiatus" may be attributed to the SPNA as one of the major planetary heat sinks. Although almost synchronized before 1996, the OHC has greater spatial disparities afterwards, which cannot be explained as driven by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).

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We examine several characteristics of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WP) in the past thirty years of mixed interannual variability and climate change. Our study presents the three-dimensional WP centroid (WPC) movement, WP heat content anomaly (HC) and WP volume (WPV) on interannual to decadal time scales. We show the statistically significant correlation between each parameter's interannual anomaly and the NINO 3, NINO 3.

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Global mean surface temperatures (GMST) exhibited a smaller rate of warming during 1998-2013, compared to the warming in the latter half of the 20th Century. Although, not a "true" hiatus in the strict definition of the word, this has been termed the "global warming hiatus" by IPCC (2013). There have been other periods that have also been defined as the "hiatus" depending on the analysis.

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Coastlines are fundamental to humans for habitation, commerce, and natural resources. Many coastal ecosystem disasters, caused by extreme sea surface temperature (SST), were reported when the global climate shifted from global warming to global surface warming hiatus after 1998. The task of understanding the coastal SST variations within the global context is an urgent matter.

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  • Three optimization methods are used to determine the Marine Environmental Carrying Capacity (MECC) in Xiamen Bay by simulating hydrodynamic and pollutant fields.
  • Phosphorus is chosen as an indicator of water quality, leading to response fields that demonstrate how pollution sources affect sea zone concentration.
  • While classical linear optimization favors one stakeholder's interests, fuzzy and grey fuzzy optimizations aim for a compromise, with grey fuzzy offering more flexibility for decision-makers.
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