Publications by authors named "Xiao-Gang Wen"

We propose a bosonic U^{κ}(1) rotor model on a three dimensional spacetime lattice. With the inclusion of a Maxwell term, we show that the low-energy properties of our model can be obtained reliably via a semiclassical approach. Those properties are the same as that of the Chern-Simons field theory, S=∫d^{3}x(K_{IJ}/4π)A_{I}dA_{J}.

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Spin-1 bosons on a one-dimensional chain, at incommensurate filling with an antiferromagnetic spin interaction between neighboring bosons, may form a spin-1 boson condensed state that contains both a gapless charge and spin excitations. We argue that the spin-1 boson condensed state is unstable, and will become one of two superfluids by opening a spin gap. One superfluid must have a spin-1 ground state on a ring if it contains an odd number of bosons and has no degenerate states at the chain end.

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It has long been thought that all different phases of matter arise from symmetry breaking. Without symmetry breaking, there would be no pattern, and matter would be featureless. However, it is now clear that for quantum matter at zero temperature, even symmetric disordered liquids can have features, giving rise to topological phases of quantum matter.

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We address the question about the origin of the 1/2(e^{2}/h) conductance plateau observed in a recent experiment on an integer quantum Hall (IQH) film covered by a superconducting (SC) film. Since one-dimensional (1D) chiral Majorana fermions on the edge of the above device can give rise to the half quantized plateau, such a plateau is regarded as conclusive evidence for the chiral Majorana fermions. However, in this Letter we give another mechanism for the 1/2(e^{2}/h) conductance plateau.

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We generalize the hierarchy construction to generic 2+1D topological orders (which can be non-Abelian) by condensing Abelian anyons in one topological order to construct a new one. We show that such construction is reversible and leads to a new equivalence relation between topological orders. We refer to the corresponding equivalence class (the orbit of the hierarchy construction) as "the non-Abelian family.

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We introduce a tensor renormalization group scheme for coarse graining a two-dimensional tensor network that can be successfully applied to both classical and quantum systems on and off criticality. The key innovation in our scheme is to deform a 2D tensor network into small loops and then optimize the tensors on each loop. In this way, we remove short-range entanglement at each iteration step and significantly improve the accuracy and stability of the renormalization flow.

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Iron scraps-Fenton-coagulation process was applied to chemical dyestuff wastewater. The removal performance of absorbable organic halogens(AOX), chroma and total organic carbon (TOC) was investigated at different molar ratios of Fe to HO (1:3-1:15), iron scraps reaction time (2-5 h) and Fenton reaction time (20-80 min). The results showed that the removal ratios of AOX, chroma and TOC firstly increased and then decreased with the decrease of the molar ratio of Fe to HO, while continuously increased with the increase of iron scraps and Fenton reaction time.

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Ozone-biological activated carbon (O3-BAC) process and double O3-BAC process were respectively used for advanced treatment of the biologically treated effluent of incineration leachate, and their pollutant removal performances were compared. The results showed that the double O3-BAC removed 75.9% ± 2.

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We study a chain of ferromagnetic sites, ie nano-particles, molecules or atoms, on a substrate of fully gapped superconductors. We find that under quite realistic conditions, the fermion-number-parity symmetry Z₂(f) can spontaneously break. In other words, such a chain can realize a 1  +  1D fermionic topologically ordered state and the corresponding two-fold topological degeneracy on an open chain.

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We propose a way-universal wave-function overlap-to extract universal topological data from generic ground states of gapped systems in any dimensions. Those extracted topological data might fully characterize the topological orders with a gapped or gapless boundary. For nonchiral topological orders in (2+1)D, these universal topological data consist of two matrices S and T, which generate a projective representation of SL(2,Z) on the degenerate ground state Hilbert space on a torus.

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Gapped domain walls, as topological line defects between (2+1)D topologically ordered states, are examined. We provide simple criteria to determine the existence of gapped domain walls, which apply to both Abelian and non-Abelian topological orders. Our criteria also determine which (2+1)D topological orders must have gapless edge modes, namely, which (1+1)D global gravitational anomalies ensure gaplessness.

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The challenge of identifying symmetry-protected topological states (SPTs) is due to their lack of symmetry-breaking order parameters and intrinsic topological orders. For this reason, it is impossible to formulate SPTs under Ginzburg-Landau theory or probe SPTs via fractionalized bulk excitations and topology-dependent ground state degeneracy. However, the partition functions from path integrals with various symmetry twists are universal SPT invariants, fully characterizing SPTs.

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It is well known that a bosonic Mott insulator can be realized by condensing vortices of a boson condensate. Usually, a vortex becomes an antivortex (and vice versa) under time reversal symmetry, and the condensation of vortices results in a trivial Mott insulator. However, if each vortex or antivortex interacts with a spin trapped at its core, the time reversal transformation of the composite vortex operator will contain an extra minus sign.

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Pollution characteristics of digested piggery wastewater (DPW), including not only the chemical oxygen demand (COD), nitrogen and phosphorus but also the veterinary antibiotics and heavy metals, were investigated in ten large-scale pig farms in Jiaxing City. Results showed that the water quality of DPW greatly varied with farms and seasons. DPW in the spring group showed the highest pollutant concentration, with seven of the ten pig farms demonstrating COD of over 2 000 mg x L(-1), total nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen of over 1 000 mg x L(-1) and total phosphorus of over 60 mg x L(-1).

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J City lies in the downstream of Taihu Lake and its water source was micro-polluted by the well-developed industry and agriculture inside the city and in the upper stream. Tap water of J City is characterized as high concentrations of organics and ammonia nitrogen, and chlorinated disinfection byproducts (CDBPs), which has drawn many public concerns for the health risk. Tap water was sampled in May, August, October of 2012 and January of 2013.

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We construct a class of projected entangled pair states which is exactly the resonating valence bond wave functions endowed with both short range and long range valence bonds. With an energetically preferred resonating valence bond pattern, the wave function is simplified to live in a one-parameter variational space. We tune this variational parameter to minimize the energy for the frustrated spin-1/2 J(1)-J(2) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the square lattice.

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Symmetry-protected topological (SPT) states are short-range entangled states with symmetry. Nontrivial SPT states have symmetry-protected gapless edge excitations. In 2 dimension (2D), there are an infinite number of nontrivial SPT phases with SU(2) or SO(3) symmetry.

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An electronic nose, core detector of which was composed of three metal-doped SnO2 gas sensors and a photo ionization detector (PID) as a sensor array, was developed for rapid detection of volatile chloralkane and chloroalkene. A gas recognition model was developed based on test and analysis with nine of pure gas and five of mixtures, and then the electronic nose was applied to several water samples and the validity was evaluated with a gas chromatography. The results revealed that the sensor array responded differently between the chloralkane and chloroalkene.

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Symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases are bulk-gapped quantum phases with symmetries, which have gapless or degenerate boundary states as long as the symmetries are not broken. The SPT phases in free fermion systems, such as topological insulators, can be classified; however, it is not known what SPT phases exist in general interacting systems. We present a systematic way to construct SPT phases in interacting bosonic systems.

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In free fermion systems with given symmetry and dimension, the possible topological phases are labeled by elements of only three types of Abelian groups, 0, Z2, or Z. For example, noninteracting one-dimensional fermionic superconducting phases with S(z) spin rotation and time-reversal symmetries are classified by Z. We show that with weak interactions, this classification reduces to Z4.

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A pretreament device was implemented for removing the interference of humidity on the baseline signal response of sensors in an electronic nose, which was used for rapid detection and real-time monitoring of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (VCHs) pollution in soil. The desiccant material was optimized, and the humidity removal performance and adsorpiton of VCHs was studied. The pretreatment device was evaluated by both the electronic nose and gas chromatography (GC) for its applicability in monitoring the PCE concentration in the desorption gas during the soil ventilation process.

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An electronic nose principally composed of a photo ionization detector (PID) was developed for rapid detection of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (VCHs) in contaminated soil. Removal of interference gas such as benzene homologues with a pre-filtration tube was analyzed with gas chromatography (GC). A standard gas generator was applied to generate different concentrations of perchloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) gas, with which the determine precision and reproducibility of the electronic nose were evaluated by comparison with GC.

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We show that a suitable combination of geometric frustration, ferromagnetism, and spin-orbit interactions can give rise to nearly flatbands with a large band gap and nonzero Chern number. Partial filling of the flatband can give rise to fractional quantum Hall states at high temperatures (maybe even room temperature). While the identification of material candidates with suitable parameters remains open, our work indicates intriguing directions for exploration and synthesis.

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We find a series of possible continuous quantum phase transitions between fractional quantum Hall states at the same filling fraction in two-component quantum Hall systems. These can be driven by tuning the interlayer tunneling and/or interlayer repulsion. One side of the transition is the Halperin (p,p,p-3) Abelian two-component state, while the other side is the non-Abelian Z4 parafermion (Read-Rezayi) state.

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We generalize the topological entanglement entropy to a family of topological Rényi entropies parametrized by a parameter alpha, in an attempt to find new invariants for distinguishing topologically ordered phases. We show that, surprisingly, all topological Rényi entropies are the same, independent of alpha for all nonchiral topological phases. This independence shows that topologically ordered ground-state wave functions have reduced density matrices with a certain simple structure, and no additional universal information can be extracted from the entanglement spectrum.

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