Microorganisms, the major decomposers of plant residues, are crucial for soil nutrient cycling. Living grass mulching effectively alters microbial community structure and promotes nutrient cycling. However, its consistency with mulching ages and growth periods remains unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo study the interspecific differentiation characteristics of species originating from recent radiation, the genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technique was used to explore the kinship, population structure, gene flow, genetic variability, genotype-environment association and selective sweeps of complex with similar phenotypes from a genome-wide perspective. The following results were obtained: 14 populations of complex could be divided into 5 clades; and diverged earlier and were more distantly related to the remaining 6 spruce species. Various geological events have promoted the species differentiation of complex.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFForest management changes the physical environments and nutrient dynamics and then regulates the forest productivity. Soil phosphorus (P) availability is critical for productivity in tropical and subtropical forests. However, it was still poorly understood how soil P content and fraction respond to various forest management practices in these regions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe taxonomic classification of Picea meyeri and P. mongolica has long been controversial. To investigate the genetic relatedness, evolutionary history, and population history dynamics of these species, genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technology was utilized to acquire whole-genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, which were subsequently used to assess population structure, population dynamics, and adaptive differentiation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPlant Physiol Biochem
June 2024
Heavy metal pollution is a global environmental problem, and Quercus variabilis has a stronger tolerance to Cd stress than do other species. We aimed to explore the physiological response and molecular mechanisms of Q. variabilis to Cd stress.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFYing Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao
January 2024
Clarifying the accumulation pattern of soil microbial residue carbon and its contribution to soil organic carbon (SOC) across stand age is helpful to understand the mechanism underlying soil carbon cycling. In this study, we analyzed the differences of amino sugar content, physicochemical properties and microbial composition in surface soil (0-10 cm) in young (6 a), middle-aged (13 a), near-mature (29 a), mature (38 a) and over-mature (57 a) plantations of subtropical China, quantified the microbial residue carbon content and its contribution to SOC, and discussed the mechanism. The results showed that SOC, total nitrogen, amorphous iron oxide and leucine aminopeptidase contents in the middle-aged plantation were significantly lower than those in the mature plantation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe sieved soils from a plantation in the Three Gorges Reservoir area into four aggregate sizes, including aggregates of 2000-8000 μm (large macroaggregates), 1000-2000 μm (coarse aggregates), 250-1000 μm (small macroaggregates), and <250 μm (microaggregates). We analyzed the differences in the acidolyzable organic N components and net N mineralization of the aggregates under different N addition levels (30, 60, and 90 kg N·hm·a, representing by N, N and N, respectively). The results showed that net nitrification rate of the aggregates ranged from 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFYing Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao
August 2023
Gravel (>2 mm) is one of the main parameters for estimating soil carbon pool. To assess the effects of gravel on soil bulk density (BD) and organic carbon density (SOCD) in plantations, we estimated the BD and SOCD at the 0-10, 10-20 and 20-40 cm soil depths of 131 plots under two different conditions, with and without removing gravel. The BD of each soil layer after removing gravel was 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe examined species composition, community characteristics, diversity, and community similarity of five communities composed of three species (, var, ) on the altitudinal gradient on the south and north slopes of Taibai Mountain. The results showed that there was an altitudinal transition pattern from pure forest to . variabilis- var mixed forest, var pure forest, var mixed forest and pure forest on the south and north slopes of Taibai Mountain.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn woody plants, bark is an important protective tissue which can participate in photosynthesis, manage water loss, and transport assimilates. Studying the bark anatomical traits can provide insight into plant environmental adaptation strategies. However, a systematic understanding of the variability in bark anatomical traits and their drivers is lacking in woody plants.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effects of tree age on the growth of cutting seedlings propagated from ancient trees have been an important issue in plant breeding and cultivation. In order to understand seedling growth and stress resistance stability, phenotypic measurements, physiological assays, and high-throughput transcriptome sequencing were performed on sown seedlings propagated from 5-year-old donors and cutting seedlings propagated from 5-, 300-, and 700-year-old donors. In this study, the growth of cutting seedlings propagated from ancient trees was significantly slower; the soluble sugar and chlorophyll contents gradually decreased with the increase in the age of donors, and the flavonoid and total phenolic contents of sown seedlings were higher than those of cutting seedlings.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA large amount of stable soil organic matter (SOM) is derived from microbial necromass, which can be assessed by quantifying amino sugar biomarkers. Pinus massoniana Lamb. Plantations are widely distributed in China and play a vital role in forest carbon sequestration.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTo evaluate the effects of donor ages on growth and stress resistance of 6-year-old seedlings propagated from 5-, 2000-, and 3000-year-old donors with grafting, cutting, and seed sowing, growth indicators and physiological and transcriptomic analyses were performed in 6-year-old seedlings in winter. Results showed that basal stem diameters and plant heights of seedlings of the three propagation methods decreased with the age of the donors, and the sown seedlings were the thickest and tallest. The contents of soluble sugar, chlorophyll, and free fatty acid in apical leaves of the three propagation methods were negatively correlated with donor ages in winter, while the opposite was true for flavonoid and total phenolic.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnalyzing the molecular and physiological processes that govern the uptake and transport of nitrogen (N) in plants is central to efforts to fully understand the optimization of plant N use and the changes in the N-use efficiency in relation to changes in atmospheric N deposition changes. Here, a field experiment was conducted using the ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF), (Pt) and (Sg). The effects of N deposition were investigated using concentrations of 0 kg·N·hma (N0), a normal N deposition of 30 kg·N·hma (N30), a moderate N deposition of 60 kg·N·hma (N60), and a severe N deposition of 90 kg·N·hma (N90), with the goal of examining how these factors impacted root activity, root absorbing area, NH and NO uptake kinetics, and the expression of ammonium and nitrate transporter genes in seedlings under different levels of N deposition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLiving grass mulching (LGM) is an important orchard floor management that has been applied worldwide. Although LGM can effectively enhance soil nutrient availability and fertility, its effects on microbial-mediated soil nutrient cycling and main drivers are unclear. Meanwhile, the variation of enzyme activities and soil nutrient availability with LGM duration have been rarely studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAs a key component of terrestrial ecosystems, soil interacts directly with aboveground vegetation. Evaluating soil quality is therefore of great significance to comprehensively explore the interaction mechanism of this association. The purpose of this study was to fully understand the characteristics of aboveground vegetation, soil quality, and their potential coupling relationship among different forest types in Hunan Province, and to provide a theoretical basis for further exploring the mechanisms underlying soil-vegetation interactions in central China.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIncreasing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has a profound impact on the ecosystem functions and processes. Fine root decomposition is an important pathway for the reentry of nutrients into the soil. However, the effect of N addition on root decomposition and its potential mechanism is not well understood with respect to root branch orders.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFQuantifying the allocation of photosynthetic products among different carbon (C) pools is critical for understanding and predicting plant C turnover response to climate change. A field experiment with ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) and nitrogen (N) was established to investigate the effects on allocation of photosynthetic products in (Lamb.) seedlings given increased N deposition.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPhosphorus (P) is a nutrient limiting plant growth in subtropical regions. However, our understanding of how soil P responds to an increase in stand age is rather poor. In particular, little is known about how bioavailable P pools (soluble P, exchangeable P, hydrolyzable P, and ligand P) shift with a change in stand age.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLow light and drought often limit the growth and performance of Masson pines () in the subtropical forest ecosystem of China. We speculated that stress-induced defensive secondary metabolites, such as flavonoids and terpenoids, might influence the growth of Masson pines, considering the existence of tradeoffs between growth and defense. However, the mechanisms of Masson pines responsive to low light and drought at the levels of these two metabolites remain unclear.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAfforestation is an effective method to increase carbon (C) sinks and address climate change. It is crucial to understand how the stand growth affects C sequestration capacity, especially when the trade-offs with timber production from plantations have not been fully examined. We used a chronosequence approach to estimate C storage in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDrought would significantly influence the forest soils through changing the litterfall production and decomposition process. However, comprehensive in situ studies on drought effects in subtropical forests, especially in bamboo forests, have rarely been conducted. Here, we conducted a throughfall exclusion experiment with a rainfall reduction of ~80% in moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) forests to investigate effects of drought on litter quantity, quality, soil microbial and enzyme activities, and soil nutrients across two years in subtropical China.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSoil extracellular enzymes play an important role in microbial functions and soil nutrient cycling in the context of increasing N deposition globally. This is particularly important for Chinese fir () forests because of the decline in soil fertility induced by successive rotation. In this study, we aimed to determine the effects of simulated N deposition (N30: 30 kg ha year; N60: 60 kg ha year) and phosphorus addition (P20: 20 mg kg; P40: 40 mg kg) on the activity and stoichiometry of soil extracellular enzymes related to soil C, N, and P cycling in Chinese fir.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe examined the effects of nitrogen addition (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg N·hm·a) to soil microbial biomass, enzyme activities, and nutrient contents of the mixed plantations in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, with the aim to provide a theoretical basis for predicting soil carbon dynamics under the background of continuously increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition in this area. The results showed that nitrogen addition at all levels led to a significant increase of the contents of organic carbon, total nitrogen, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), and microbial biomass phosphorus (MBP) in the forest soil, while a decrease of soil pH-value, and no significant effect on the total phosphorus content. Nitrogen addition increased the activities of β-1-4 glucosidase (BG), cellobiose hydrolase (CB), acid phosphatase (AP), N-acetylglucosaminosidase (NAG) and peroxidase (POD), while inhibited that of polyphenol oxidase (PPO).
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