Publications by authors named "Xavier K"

Quorum Sensing is a signalling mechanism used by bacteria to regulate gene expression as a function of population density, enabling them to engage in group behaviours. Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) is the most ubiquitously produced quorum sensing signal among bacterial species and it is unique in its capability of fostering cell-cell signalling across species from different phyla in multispecies communities. Alterations of AI-2 levels in the mouse gut can change the composition of the major gut microbiota phyla, but given the chemical instability of this signal, its quantification in intestinal samples and in vivo manipulation are challenging.

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The present study used haloarchaeal bacterioruberin (BR), a carotenoid pigment, to improve color and reduce fat oxidation. The BR is incorporated as 10 mg/kg (T1), 25 mg/kg (T2), and 50 mg/kg (T3) in the emulsion sausages, and 200 mg/kg butylated hydroxytoluene was used as a positive control (T4). Sausages without any antioxidant were taken as control (C).

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Background: Freshwater fish are affected with much parasitic diseases, among the most common are Henneguyosis caused by myxozoans of the genus Henneguya, which exhibit great diversity in fish from South America, particularly in the Brazilian Amazon.

Purpose: In this present study, we describe the morphological and phylogenetic aspects of the small ribosomal subunit (SSU rDNA) of two new species of Henneguya infecting the gills from Hypophthalmus marginatus, a freshwater catfish from the Amazon.

Methods: In 148 specimens, has been observed cyst formation in different regions of the gills, intrafilamentary and intralamellar.

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Dengue is a viral disease present in many regions of the world. Aedes aegypti transmits it, and the most effective way to eliminate the mosquito is during the larval stage. Seaweeds possess metabolites with insecticidal properties, making them potential sources of new larvicides and viable alternatives to synthetic products used to control insect vectors of diseases.

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Aquaculture, particularly shrimp farming, is crucial for global food security. However, the increasing presence of microplastics (MPs) in marine environments, shrimp feeds, and atmospheric particles has made MP contamination in shrimp tissues inevitable. This study systematically investigates the abundance, characteristics, and temporal trends (from 15th to the 120th day of culture) of MPs contamination in Litopenaeus vannamei, along with associated feed, water, and sediment across 12 shrimp ponds of two major shrimp-producing regions of India.

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Red rot disease reduces sugarcane yield and impacts the sugar quality, posing an important threat to the sugarcane industry in Florida. Although , the causal agent of red rot in Florida, was first reported in 1984 based on morphology, molecular and pathological data have remained limited, highlighting the critical need for comprehensive characterization. Thirteen isolates were obtained from three local sugarcane varieties in Belle Glade, Florida.

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Chitosan-based films, despite being biodegradable and edible, often lack the necessary requisite properties such as mechanical strength, water resistance, and thermal stability, which are critical for effective food packaging. To address these limitations, incorporating reinforcing nanofiller materials offers a promising solution. This study utilizes steam-exploded chitin nanocrystals (ChNCs) to reinforce chitosan nanocomposite films through a solution-casting technique.

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The gut microbiota, comprising trillions of diverse microorganisms inhabiting the intestines of animals, forms a complex and indispensable ecosystem with profound implications for the host's well-being. Its functions include contributing to developing the host's immune response, aiding in nutrient digestion, synthesizing essential compounds, acting as a barrier against pathogen invasion, and influencing the development or regression of various pathologies. The dietary habits of the host directly impact this intricate community of gut microbes.

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Article Synopsis
  • Helicobacter pylori is linked to serious gastrointestinal issues like chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastric cancer, affecting about half the world's population, especially in underdeveloped countries.
  • A study in Recife analyzed 147 patients and found a 48% infection rate of H. pylori, mainly in females over 46, with histological exams revealing conditions beyond chronic gastritis.
  • The virulence genes cagA, cagM, vacA, and oipA were detected in significant portions of the infected samples, but no specific genetic markers were associated with severity, suggesting a need for further research with larger groups.
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Introduction: In today's world, digital technologies have become pervasive, impacting every aspect of our lives. Even in subjects such as Health and Physical Education (HPE), which traditionally emphasizes experiential, active, and corporeal learning, there is a growing interest in the role and influence of new technologies. These technologies not only have the potential to transform human movement and health cultures, but they also offer valuable tools to facilitate teachers' work and enhance student learning.

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Little information exists on the fate and impacts of boats constructed of fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP) once they reach their end-of-life. In this study, the number of abandoned fishing boats constructed of FRP or constructed of plywood-wood and sheathed by FRP has been determined along the coast of Kerala, India, and chemical emissions have been estimated when boats are burned as a means of disposal. A total of 292 abandoned boats were observed across eight coastal transects constructed around selected landing centres, with abandonment ranging from 13 to 48 per km (average = 29 km).

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We have optimized a protocol to inoculate maize leaf sheaths with hemibiotrophic and necrotrophic foliar pathogenic fungi. The method is modified from one originally applied to rice leaf sheaths and allows direct microscopic observation of fungal growth and development in living plant cells. Leaf sheaths collected from maize seedlings with two fully emerged leaf collars are inoculated with 20 µL drops of 5 x 10 spores/mL fungal spore suspensions and incubated in humidity chambers at 23 °C under continuous fluorescent light.

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In this study, a multiobjective optimization (MOO) approach was utilized for effective decision-making when several variables were changing simultaneously during frying. Carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC), xanthan gum, and carrageenan coatings in different concentrations (0.25-1.

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Percutaneous tibial neuromodulation is a medical guideline recommended therapy for treating symptoms of overactive bladder. Stimulation is delivered to the tibial nerve via a thin needle placed percutaneously for 30 min once a week for 12-weeks, and monthly thereafter. Studies have shown that this therapy can effectively relieve symptoms of overactive bladder; however, the frequent office visits present a barrier to patients and can impact therapy effectiveness.

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CRISPR/Cas is a molecular mechanism to prevent predatory viruses from invading bacteria via the insertion of small viral sequences (spacers) in its repetitive locus. The nature of spacer incorporation and the viral origins of spacers provide an overview of the genetic evolution of bacteria, their natural viral predators, and the mechanisms that prokaryotes may use to protect themselves, or to acquire mobile genetic elements such as plasmids. Here, we report on the CRISPR/Cas genetic structure, its spacer content, and strain epidemiology through MLST and CRISPR typing in , an opportunistic pathogen intimately related to hospital infections and antimicrobial resistance.

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This study attempted for the first time to prepare chitin nanocrystals (ChNCs) from shrimp shell chitin using steam explosion (SE) method. Response surface methodology (RSM) approach was used to optimize the SE conditions. Optimum SE conditions to acquire a maximum yield of 76.

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The objective of the current study was to optimize the cook-chill conditions of high-value whiteleg shrimp () processed using the sous vide (SV) technique and to assess the effects of various time-temperature combinations on the physicochemical, textural, and sensory qualities. For optimization, a Response Surface Methodology (RSM) approach utilizing a Central Composite Design (CCD) was adopted. Optimum SV cooking conditions to acquire minimum texture (hardness) of 7235 g was 13.

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The presence of microplastics in 21 different species of marine dried fish products from four locations in India is reported in this study. All samples have microplastics, and majority of the MPs were found to be fragments (56 %) and are of <100 μm size (47 %). Eviscerated fish found to have significantly higher MPs than whole fish.

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The enduring coexistence between the gut microbiota and the host has led to a symbiotic relationship that benefits both parties. In this complex, multispecies environment, bacteria can communicate through chemical molecules to sense and respond to the chemical, physical, and ecological properties of the surrounding environment. One of the best-studied cell-to-cell communication mechanisms is quorum sensing.

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Aims: Sacral neuromodulation (SNM) is an advanced therapy option for the treatment of overactive bladder (OAB), nonobstructive urinary retention, and fecal incontinence. The aim of this ongoing prospective, multicenter, global, postmarket study is to confirm safety and clinical performance of the InterStim Micro system for SNM in all indications. Reported here are the results for the OAB cohort through 6-month follow-up.

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Citric acid is a popular food acidulant with versatile utility as a preservative and acidity regulator in the meat industry, owing to its unique three p values, which can be combined with the natural biopolymer chitosan to improve food quality. The scientific incorporation of a minimal range of chitosan and pH through organic acid additions for chitosan solubilization in the fish sausages can effectively improve their quality through their synergistic effect. Optimum conditions for emulsion stability, gel strength, and water holding capacity were found to be at a low concentration of chitosan, that is, 0.

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The spread of nano/microplastics (N/MPs) pollution has gained importance due to the associated health concerns. Marine environment including fishes, mussels, seaweed and crustaceans are largely exposed to these potential threats. N/MPs are associated with plastic, additives, contaminants and microbial growth, which are transmitted to higher trophic levels.

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Gut bacteria inhabit a complex environment that is shaped by interactions with their host and the other members of the community. While these ecological interactions have evolved over millions of years, mounting evidence suggests that gut commensals can evolve on much shorter timescales as well, by acquiring new mutations within individual hosts. In this review, we highlight recent progress in understanding the causes and consequences of short-term evolution in the mammalian gut, from experimental evolution in murine hosts to longitudinal tracking of human cohorts.

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The present study reports site-specific data on the seasonal variation in microplastic abundance and characteristics in coastal sediments along the North Eastern Arabian Sea, India. The abundance of MP in coastal sediments ranged from 4400 to 15,300 items/kg dry weight (DW), with the dominance of the size ranging between 100 and 500 μm. In the studied sediment samples, fibers were the most dominant form, followed by fragments.

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