Publications by authors named "Worsfold P"

The purpose of this study was to determine the number of crank revolutions required to obtain stable mean values of sagittal plane biomechanics variables, and the between-session reliability of these variables, whilst cyclists used an aerodynamic position. Eighteen elite cyclists completed a 3-min maximal bout on a cycling ergometer. Lower-limb kinematic and kinetic data were captured using 2D motion capture and force pedals.

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Simulation studies have demonstrated that the hip and ankle joints form a task-specific synergy during the downstroke in maximal cycling to enable the power produced by the hip extensor muscles to be transferred to the crank. The existence of the hip-ankle synergy has not been investigated experimentally. Therefore, we sought to apply a modified vector coding technique to quantify the strength of the hip-ankle moment synergy in the downstroke during short-term maximal cycling at a pedalling rate of 135 rpm.

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The aim was to investigate the effects of a gym-based strength training intervention on biomechanics and intermuscular coordination patterns during short-term maximal cycling. Twelve track sprint cyclists performed 3 × 4 s seated sprints at 135 rpm, interspersed with 2 × 4 s seated sprints at 60 rpm on an isokinetic ergometer, repeating the session 11.6 ± 1.

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Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is the major biogenic volatile sulfur compound in surface seawater. Good quality DMS data with high temporal and spatial resolution are desirable for understanding reduced sulfur biogeochemistry. Here we present a fully automated and novel "microslug" gas-liquid segmented flow-chemiluminescence (MSSF-CL) based method for the continuous in-situ measurement of DMS in natural waters.

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An understanding of test-retest reliability is important for biomechanists, such as when assessing the longitudinal effect of training or equipment interventions. Our aim was to quantify the test-retest reliability of biomechanical variables measured during short-term maximal cycling. Fourteen track sprint cyclists performed 3 × 4 s seated sprints at 135 rpm on an isokinetic ergometer, repeating the session 7.

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Phosphorus is a finite resource essential for global food production. However, excessive loss to river systems from diffuse sources (typically agricultural) and point sources (e.g.

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The stability of four major arsenic (As) species during application of the BARGE (Bioaccessibility Research Group of Europe) unified bioaccessibility method (UBM) has been assessed. The concentrations of As species in the UBM gastric and gastro-intestinal (gastric + intestinal) phases were determined using HPLC-ICP-MS whilst the total As content in the samples was determined using ICP-MS alone. The arsenic species studied were arsenite As(III), arsenate As(V), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMA).

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Accurate and precise measurements of marine macronutrient concentrations are fundamental to our understanding of biogeochemical cycles in the ocean. Quantifying the measurement uncertainty associated with macronutrient measurements remains a challenge. Large systematic biases (up to 10%) have been identified between datasets, restricting the ability of marine biogeochemists to distinguish between the effects of environmental processes and analytical uncertainty.

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High quality observational data with a firm uncertainty assessment are essential for the proper validation of biogeochemical models for trace metals such as iron. Typically, concentrations of these metals are very low in oceanic waters (nM and sub nM) and ICP-MS is therefore a favoured technique for quantitative analysis. Uncertainties in the measurement step are generally well constrained, even at sub-nM concentrations.

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The availability of iron (Fe) can seasonally limit phytoplankton growth in the High Latitude North Atlantic (HLNA), greatly reducing the efficiency of the biological carbon pump. However, the spatial extent of seasonal iron limitation is not yet known. We present autumn nutrient and dissolved Fe measurements, combined with microphytoplankton distribution, of waters overlying the Hebridean (Scottish) shelf break.

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Lowering of the estuarine Environmental Quality Standard for zinc in the UK to 121 nM reflects rising concern regarding zinc in ecosystems and is driving the need to better understand its fate and behavior and to develop and parametrize speciation models to predict the metal species present. For the first time, an extensive data set has been gathered for the speciation of zinc within an estuarine system with supporting physicochemical characterization, in particular dissolved organic carbon. WHAM/Model VII and Visual MINTEQ speciation models were used to simulate zinc speciation, using a combination of measured complexation variables and available defaults.

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UK implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive (for the 2015-2021 cycle) Ecological Status (ES) classification for river phosphorus is based on the calculation of reference conditions for reactive phosphorus (RP) using river alkalinity measurements. Underpinning this approach is that the alkalinity is primarily from rock weathering and is free of anthropogenic influences. However, the potential contribution of anthropogenic alkalinity needs to be considered and, if possible, quantified.

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Two Guillemot carcases were dissected, each providing 12 discrete tissue samples and 3 samples of partially digested food. One hundred and five PCBs from the 209 PCBs determined by GCxGC-ToFMS were detected. The relative proportions of individual PCBs did not vary greatly within tissue types, although the PCB profile from undigested food could be distinguished.

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Article Synopsis
  • Tritium (H) release in marine environments raises concerns about its bioaccumulation and negative effects on marine life, prompting research into its toxicity in mussels.
  • Despite previous studies, there has been a lack of research connecting the chemical conditions of marine environments to biological outcomes and the accumulation of H alongside other contaminants.
  • This study found that zinc (Zn) reduces H-induced DNA damage in mussels, possibly due to its role in DNA repair, and highlights that tritium's interactions with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) can influence its toxicity, suggesting that environmental risk assessments should consider effects of contaminant mixtures.
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This article highlights the most important developments in flow analysis with chemiluminescence (CL) detection, describing different flow systems that are compatible with CL detection, detector designs, commonly applied CL reactions and approaches to sample treatment. Recent applications of flow analysis with CL detection (focusing on outputs published since 2010) are also presented. Applications are classified by sample matrix, covering foods and beverages, environmental matrices, pharmaceuticals and biological fluids.

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A new generation of speciation-based aquatic environmental quality standards (EQS) for metals have been developed using models to predict the free metal ion concentration, the most ecologically relevant form, to set site-specific values. Some countries such as the U.K.

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This work assesses the components contributing to the combined uncertainty budget associated with the measurement of the Fe amount content by flow injection chemiluminescence (FI-CL) in <0.2 m filtered and acidified seawater samples. Amounts of loaded standard solutions and samples were determined gravimetrically by differential weighing.

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Excess dissolved phosphorus (as orthophosphate-P) contributes to reduced river water quality within Europe and elsewhere. This study reports results from analysis of a 23 year (1990-2013) water quality dataset for orthophosphate-P in the rural Taw catchment (SW England). Orthophosphate-P and river flow relationships and temporal variations in orthophosphate-P concentrations indicate the significant contribution of sewage (across the catchment) and industrial effluent (upper R.

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The aim of this paper is to introduce a virtual special issue that reviews the development of analytical approaches to the determination of phosphorus species in natural waters. The focus is on sampling and sample treatment, analytical methods and quality assurance of the data. The export of phosphorus from anthropogenic activities (from diffuse and point sources) can result in increased primary production and eutrophication, and potentially the seasonal development of toxic algal blooms, which can significantly impact on water quality.

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This study aimed to (a) assess the reliability of the functional movement screening (FMS) protocol and (b) to establish changes in both FMS and tests of physical performance throughout a season. The reliability of the FMS components (12 in total) was assessed through a nonparametric statistical approach, based on 2 trials, separated by 1 week. Score on the FMS, strength (3 repetition maximum full squat, 1 repetition maximum [1 RM] bench press), running speed (10 and 40 m), and jump height of 12 elite male under-19 rugby league players was monitored at pre-, mid-, and late-season periods.

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Zinc (Zn) has been classified as a "Specific Pollutant" under Annex VIII of the EU Water Framework Directive by two thirds of the EU member states. As a result, the UK Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) for Transitional and Coastal (TrAC) Waters has been reduced from 612 nM to 121 nM total dissolved Zn. It is widely accepted that the free metal ion ([Zn(2+)]) is the most bioavailable fraction, but there are few techniques available to determine its concentration in these waters.

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The molybdenum blue reaction, used predominantly for the determination of orthophosphate in environmental waters, has been perpetually modified and re-optimised over the years, but this important reaction in analytical chemistry is usually treated as something of a 'black box' in the analytical literature. A large number of papers describe a wide variety of reaction conditions and apparently different products (as determined by UV-visible spectroscopy) but a discussion of the chemistry underlying this behaviour is often addressed superficially or not at all. This review aims to rationalise the findings of the many 'optimised' molybdenum blue methods in the literature, mainly for environmental waters, in terms of the underlying polyoxometallate chemistry and offers suggestions for the further enhancement of this time-honoured analytical reaction.

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