Publications by authors named "Woloschak G"

Ionizing radiation exposure during perinatal development can produce various biological effects on the developing offspring. These effects are dependent on a number of factors, including total dose, dose rate and the developmental processes occurring at the time of irradiation. The present study conducted an analysis of historical radiobiological archived data involving 60Co-gamma irradiation of beagle dogs at specific periods of prenatal or postnatal development.

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Iron redistribution in the intestine after total body irradiation is an established phenomenon. However, in the literature, there are no reports about the use of X-ray fluorescence microscopy or equivalent techniques to generate semi-quantitative 2D maps of iron in sectioned intestine samples from irradiated mice. In this work, we used X-ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM) to map the elemental content of iron as well as phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, copper and zinc in tissue sections of the small intestine from eight-week-old BALB/c male mice that developed gastrointestinal acute radiation syndrome (GI-ARS) in response to exposure to 8 Gray of gamma rays.

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Strontium-90 is a radionuclide found in high concentrations in nuclear reactor waste and nuclear fallout from reactor accidents and atomic bomb explosions. In the 1950s, little was known regarding the health consequences of strontium-90 internalization. To assess the health effects of strontium-90 ingestion in infancy through adolescence, the Atomic Energy Commission and Department of Energy funded large-scale beagle studies at the University of California Davis.

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Introduction: Neuroblastoma is one of the most common childhood cancers with one of the lowest survival rates, accounting for 15% of childhood cancer mortality. Approximately half of children treated for high-risk neuroblastoma will relapse following remission, while another 15% of patients do not respond to initial treatment. External beam radiation is infrequently used for treatment of pediatric cancer such as neuroblastoma, typically reserved for palliative care in patients with aggressive metastatic disease who fail to respond to alternative treatments.

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Biobanks containing formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues from animals and human atomic-bomb survivors exposed to radioactive particulates remain a vital resource for understanding the molecular effects of radiation exposure. These samples are often decades old and prepared using harsh fixation processes which limit sample imaging options. Optical imaging of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained tissues may be the only feasible processing option, however, H&E images provide no information about radioactive microparticles or radioactive history.

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Engagement of community participation is an innovative driver of modern research. However, to benefit the communities being studied, it is imperative to continuously evaluate ethical considerations, the relationship dynamic between researchers and community members, and the responsiveness of research teams to the needs and preferences of communities. Northwestern University's Center for Health Equity Transformation founded a community scientist program in 2018 that implemented a study using the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) model.

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In recent decades, the principal goals of participants in the field of radiation biologists have included defining dose thresholds for cancer and non-cancer endpoints to be used by regulators, clinicians and industry, as well as informing on best practice radiation utilization and protection applications. Importantly, much of this work has required an intimate relationship between "bench" radiation biology scientists and their target audiences (such as physicists, medical practitioners and epidemiologists) in order to ensure that the requisite gaps in knowledge are adequately addressed. However, despite the growing risk for public exposure to higher-than-background levels of radiation, e.

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During evolution, humans are acclimatized to the stresses of natural radiation and circadian rhythmicity. Radiosensitivity of mammalian cells varies in the circadian period and adaptive radioprotection can be induced by pre-exposure to low-level radiation (LDR). It is unclear, however, if clock proteins participate in signaling LDR radioprotection.

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Despite decades of research to understand the biological effects of ionising radiation, there is still much uncertainty over the role of dose rate. Motivated by a virtual workshop on the "Effects of spatial and temporal variation in dose delivery" organised in November 2020 by the Multidisciplinary Low Dose Initiative (MELODI), here, we review studies to date exploring dose rate effects, highlighting significant findings, recent advances and to provide perspective and recommendations for requirements and direction of future work. A comprehensive range of studies is considered, including molecular, cellular, animal, and human studies, with a focus on low linear-energy-transfer radiation exposure.

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Ionizing radiation is omnipresent and unavoidable on Earth; nevertheless, the range of doses and modes of radiation delivery that represent health risks remain controversial. Radiation protection policy for civilians in US is set at 1 mSv per year. Average persons from contemporary populations are exposed to several hundred milliSieverts (mSv) over their lifetimes from both natural and human made sources such as radon, cosmic rays, CT-scans (20-50 mSv partial body exposure per scan), etc.

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The US National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) convened Scientific Committee 6-12 (SC 6-12) to examine methods for improving dose estimates for brain tissue for internally deposited radionuclides, with emphasis on alpha emitters. This Memorandum summarises the main findings of SC 6-12 described in the recently published NCRP Commentary No. 31, 'Development of Kinetic and Anatomical Models for Brain Dosimetry for Internally Deposited Radionuclides'.

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Scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) tomography provides powerful characterization capabilities in evaluating elemental distribution and differentiating their inter- and intra-cellular interactions in a three-dimensional (3D) space. Scanning XRF tomography encounters practical challenges from the sample itself, where the range of rotation angles is limited by geometric constraints, involving sample substrates or nearby features either blocking or converging into the field of view. This study aims to develop a reliable and efficient workflow that can (1) expand the experimental window for nanoscale tomographic analysis of local areas of interest within a laterally extended specimen, and (2) bridge 3D analysis at micrometer and nanoscales on the same specimen.

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Isolation of RNA from whole saliva, a non-invasive and easily accessible biofluid that is an attractive alternative to blood for high-throughput biodosimetry of radiological/nuclear victims might be of clinical significance for prediction and diagnosis of disease. In a previous analysis of 12 human samples we identified two challenges to measuring gene expression from total RNA: (1) the fraction of human RNA in whole saliva was low and (2) the bacterial contamination was overwhelming. To overcome these challenges, we performed selective cDNA synthesis for human RNA species only by employing poly(A)+-tail primers followed by qRT-PCR.

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Purpose: This review is focused on radium and radionuclides in its decay chain in honor of Marie Curie, who discovered this element.

Materials And Methods: We conglomerated current knowledge regarding radium and its history predating our present understanding of this radionuclide.

Results: An overview of the properties of radium and its dose assessment is shown followed by discussions about both the negative detrimental and positive therapeutic applications of radium with this history and its evolution reflecting current innovations in medical science.

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Background: Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid malignancy in childhood which, despite the current progress in radiotherapy and chemotherapy protocols, still has a high mortality rate in high risk tumors. Nanomedicine offers exciting and unexploited opportunities to overcome the shortcomings of conventional medicine. The photocatalytic properties of FeO core-TiO shell nanocomposites and their potential for cell specific targeting suggest that nanoconstructs produced using FeO core-TiO shell nanocomposites could be used to enhance radiation effects in neuroblastoma.

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Article Synopsis
  • In the event of a nuclear or radiological incident, early diagnostic tools are needed to identify individuals based on their level of radiation exposure, especially for those who need urgent medical attention.
  • Radiation-induced gene expression changes can serve as biomarkers to assess exposure levels and predict potential health effects well into the future.
  • At the ConRad 2021 conference, experts discussed advancements in using these gene expression markers for retrospective biodosimetry, predicting acute health impacts, and developing efficient diagnostic platforms.
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Research in cancer nanotechnology is entering its third decade, and the need to study interactions between nanomaterials and cells remains urgent. Heterogeneity of nanoparticle uptake by different cells and subcellular compartments represent the greatest obstacles to a full understanding of the entire spectrum of nanomaterials' effects. In this work, we used flow cytometry to evaluate changes in cell cycle associated with non-targeted nanocomposite uptake by individual cells and cell populations.

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TheraSphere microspheres containing yttrium Y are among many radioembolization agents used clinically to reduce liver tumor burden, and their effects on cancer volume reduction are well-established. At the same time, concerns about off target tissue injury often limit their use. Deeper investigation into tissue distribution and long-term impact of these microspheres could inform us about additional ways to use them in practice.

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In developing a cluster-nanocarrier design, as a magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent, we have investigated the enhanced relaxivity of a manganese and iron-oxo cluster grafted within a porous polystyrene nanobead with increased relaxivity due to a higher surface area. The synthesis of the cluster-nanocarrier for the cluster MnFeO(OCCHCH═CH)(HO), cross-linked with polystyrene (the nanocarrier), under miniemulsion conditions is described. By including a branched hydrophobe, -octane, the resulting nanobeads are porous and ∼70 nm in diameter.

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  • Glioblastoma (GBM) is hard to treat due to the challenges posed by blood-brain barriers and a lack of targeted therapies.
  • Researchers developed a new treatment using spherical nucleic acids (SNAs) made of gold nanoparticles that deliver siRNA to target a specific GBM oncogene, Bcl2L12.
  • A clinical trial showed that this approach is safe, allows the SNAs to penetrate tumors, and leads to a decrease in the target protein in glioma cells, marking a promising step for GBM treatment.
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The Department of Energy conduced ten large-scale neutron irradiation experiments at Argonne National Laboratory between 1972 and 1989. Using a new approach to utilize experimental controls to determine whether a cross comparison between experiments was appropriate, we amalgamated data on neutron exposures to discover that fractionation significantly improved overall survival. A more detailed investigation showed that fractionation only had a significant impact on the death hazard for animals that died from solid tumors, but did not significantly impact any other causes of death.

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Carcinogenic effects of radiation are often assumed to be universally understood, more often than, for example, carcinogenic effects of many different chemicals. This in turn leads to an assumption that any dose of radiation, delivered at any dose rate, poses a serious health challenge. This remains an issue of dispute and low dose radiation research is focused on understanding whether these exposures contribute to cancer incidence.

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Purpose/objective: The objective of this study was to assess the association between pretreatment p53, hypoxia inducible factor 1a (HIF1a), Ki-67, carbonic anhydrase-9 (CA-9), and glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) expression in locally advanced cervical cancer patients treated definitively with concurrent chemoradiation therapy (CRT) and treatment outcomes including overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), local-regional control (LC), and distant metastases-free survival (DMFS).

Patients And Methods: Twenty-eight patients treated definitively and consecutively for cervical cancer with CRT had p53, HIF1a, Ki-67, CA-9, and GLUT1 protein expression assessed and scored semiquantitatively by 3 pathologists, blinded to the treatment outcomes. Outcomes were stratified by p53 (H-score: <15 vs.

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