Publications by authors named "Wolfgang Schmid"

Unsustainable groundwater extraction can lead to aquifer compaction, damages to infrastructure, changes of water accumulation in rivers and lakes and to a decrease of the aquifer's ability to store water for future generations. While this phenomenon is well identified across the globe, the potential for groundwater-related ground deformation is still largely unknown for most of the heavily exploited aquifers of Australia. This study fills that science gap by exploring signs of this phenomenon across a large region comprising seven of Australia's most intensively exploited aquifers, in the New South Wales Riverina region.

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We consider a linear measurement error model (MEM) with AR(1) process in the state equation which is widely used in applied research. This MEM could be equivalently re-written as ARMA(1,1) process, where the MA(1) parameter is related to the variance of measurement errors. As the MA(1) parameter is of essential importance for these linear MEMs, it is of much relevance to provide instruments for online monitoring in order to detect its possible changes.

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In this paper, we develop new techniques for monitoring image processes under a fairly general setting with spatially correlated pixels in the image. Monitoring and handling the pixels directly is infeasible due to an extremely high image resolution. To overcome this problem, we suggest control charts that are based on regions of interest.

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This study examined whether musical and emotional attunement predicts changes in improvisational music therapy with children with autism (4-7 years, N = 101, majority: no/limited speech, low IQ), assessed over 12 months. Attunement, as observed from session videos, and changes in generalized social skills, judged by blinded assessors and parents, were evaluated using standardized tools (Assessment of the Quality of Relationship, Improvisational Music Therapy Principles, ADOS, SRS). In contrast to the smaller pilot, we did not find significant effects between attunement and changes in outcomes, only tendencies in the same direction are observed.

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This study examined whether the therapeutic relationship in music therapy with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder predicts generalized changes in social skills. Participants (4-7 years, N = 48) were assessed at baseline, 5 and 12 months. The therapeutic relationship, as observed from session videos, and the generalized change in social skills, as judged by independent blinded assessors and parents, were evaluated using standardized tools (Assessment of the Quality of Relationship; ADOS; SRS).

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In this paper, we propose a test procedure to detect change points of multidimensional autoregressive processes. The considered process differs from typical applied spatial autoregressive processes in that it is assumed to evolve from a predefined center into every dimension. Additionally, structural breaks in the process can occur at a certain distance from the predefined center.

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A method for the analysis of phytostanyl fatty acid esters, the functional ingredients of cholesterol-lowering enriched foods, was developed. The procedure is based on (i) separation of the intact esters via reversed-phase ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography; (ii) detection by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry; and (iii) quantitation using selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. Employing a C8 column, phytostanyl fatty acid esters sharing the same stanol nucleus could be separated according to the esterified fatty acids while esters with different stanol moieties could be distinguished via SIM based on the formation of an intense fragment ion [M - fatty acid + H](+).

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By broadening the stripe width of the active waveguide region, it is possible to extract high optical powers from semiconductor broad area lasers. However, a weak output beam quality, optical filamentation, and high peak power densities will result, which are invoked by the amplification of higher order modes. We show an approach to influence the optical field inside the resonator by integrating optical phase structures directly into the waveguide.

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In an attempt to combine the ability of indolobenzazepines (paullones) to inhibit cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) and that of platinum-group metal ions to interact with proteins and DNA, ruthenium(II) and osmium(II) arene complexes with paullones were prepared, expecting synergies and an increase of solubility of paullones. Complexes with the general formula [M(II)Cl(η(6)-p-cymene)L]Cl, where M=Ru (1, 3) or Os (2, 4), and L=L(1) (1, 2) or L(2) (3, 4), L(1)=N-(9-bromo-7,12-dihydroindolo[3,2-d][1]-benzazepin-6(5H)-yliden-N'-(2-hydroxybenzylidene)azine and L(2)=N-(9-bromo-7,12-dihydroindolo[3,2-d][1]benzazepin-6-yl)-N'-[3-hydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methylpyridin-4-yl-methylene]azinium chloride (L(2)(*)HCl), were now investigated regarding cytotoxicity and accumulation in cancer cells, impact on the cell cycle, capacity of inhibiting DNA synthesis and inducing apoptosis as well as their ability to inhibit Cdk activity. The MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) assay yielded IC(50) values in the nanomolar to low micromolar range.

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Objectives: Including the perspectives of persons with dementia (PwD) is essential in order to organize care structures for them. With this systematic review, we set out to screen the existing scientific evidence on self-expressions of community-dwelling individuals with dementia in order to provide a research base for developing an intervention for persons in early stages of the disease. The leading research questions for this review are: What needs do PwD living at home express? What are their subjective demands? What do they do to cope with their situation?

Methods: We performed a systematic literature review of review publications on subjective experiences of PwD.

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Sepsis is controlled by endogenous glucocorticoids (GCs). Previous studies provided evidence that crosstalk of the monomeric GC receptor (GR) with proinflammatory transcription factors is the crucial mechanism underlying the suppressive GC effect. Here we demonstrate that mice with a dimerization-deficient GR (GR(dim)) are highly susceptible to sepsis in 2 different models, namely cecal ligation and puncture and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced septic shock.

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Surface elevations represented in MODFLOW head-dependent packages are usually derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) that are available at much high resolution. Conventional grid refinement techniques to simulate the model at DEM resolution increases computational time, input file size, and in many cases are not feasible for regional applications. This research aims at utilizing the increasingly available high resolution DEMs for effective simulation of evapotranspiration (ET) in MODFLOW as an alternative to grid refinement techniques.

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Approaches for the capillary gas chromatographic (GC) based analysis of intact plant stanyl esters in enriched foods were developed. Reference compounds were synthesized by enzyme-catalyzed transesterifications. Their identities were confirmed by means of mass spectrometry.

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Background: Almost every Western healthcare system is changing to make their services more centered around out-patient care. In particular, long-term or geriatric patients who have been discharged from the hospital often require home-based care and therapy. Therefore, several programs have been developed to continue the therapeutic process and manage the special needs of patients after discharge from hospital.

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The aim of the study was to evaluate the suitability of alginates for Soft Tableting. For this purpose the compaction properties of alginates, varying in molecular weight, guluronic acid/mannuronic acid ratio and salt, were investigated and compared to MCC. Based on the mechanical properties, the suitability of the tested excipients for Soft Tableting was predicted.

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The material and tablet formation properties of pregelatinized (thermally modified) forms of four Dioscorea starches have been investigated. Dioscorea starches were pregelatinized followed by either oven drying (PS) or freeze drying (FD) and used as excipient in direct compression. The physicochemical, morphological and material properties of the pregelatinized starches have been investigated.

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Paullones constitute a class of potent cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. To overcome the insufficient solubility and bioavailability, which hamper their potential medical application, we aim at the development of metal-based derivatives. Two types of paullone ligands, L (1) - L (3) and L (4) , with different locations of metal-binding sites, were prepared.

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We have used a lentiviral delivery system (LentiLox3.7) to generate transgenic mice harbouring RNA interference (RNAi) against the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 gamma (HNF4gamma). HNF4gamma is a nuclear receptor with unknown function.

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Glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely used in the treatment of allergic skin conditions despite having numerous side effects. Here we use Cre/loxP-engineered tissue- and cell-specific and function-selective GC receptor (GR) mutant mice to identify responsive cell types and molecular mechanisms underlying the antiinflammatory activity of GCs in contact hypersensitivity (CHS). CHS was repressed by GCs only at the challenge phase, i.

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Two novel paullone derivatives, namely, 6-(alpha-picolylamino)-7,12-dihydroindolo[3,2-d][1]benzazepine (L1) and 9-bromo-6-(alpha-picolylamino)-7,12-dihydroindolo[3,2-d][1]benzazepine (L2), have been prepared. The reaction of cis-[RuCl2(DMSO)4] (DMSO=dimethyl sulfoxide) with L1 and L2 in a 1:1 molar ratio in dry ethanol at 50 degrees C afforded the complexes trans-[RuIICl2(DMSO)2L1] (1a) and trans-[RuIICl2(DMSO)2L2] (1b) in 26 and 30% yield, respectively. The reaction carried out from the same starting compounds in a 1:2 molar ratio at 75 degrees C led to the formation of [RuIICl(DMSO)(L1)2]Cl (2a) and [RuIICl(DMSO)(L2)2]Cl (2b) in 16 and 23% yield, correspondingly.

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Coping with multiple sclerosis symptoms still remains a challenge for each patient suffering from this chronic inflammatory disease. Therefore, patients often turn to using complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). In this review, the authors aimed to investigate the current state of literature of music therapy in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS).

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Numerous studies have demonstrated the potential of isoflavones occurring in soy (Glycine max L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) to alleviate climacteric complaints.

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Reaction of the antitumor complex trans-[Ru(III)Cl4(Hind)2]- (Hind = indazole) with an excess of dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso) in acetone afforded the complex trans,trans,trans-[Ru(II)Cl2(dmso)2(Hind)2] (1). Two other isomeric compounds trans,cis,cis-[Ru(II)Cl2(dmso)2(Hind)2] (2) and cis,cis,cis-[Ru(II)Cl2(dmso)2(Hind)2] (3) have been obtained on refluxing cis-[Ru(II)Cl(2)(dmso)(4)] with 2 equiv. of indazole in ethanol and methanol, respectively.

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Altered glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signaling is a postulated mechanism for the pathogenesis of major depression. To mimic the human situation of altered GR function claimed for depression, we generated mouse strains that underexpress or overexpress GR, but maintain the regulatory genetic context controlling the GR gene. To achieve this goal, we used the following: (1) GR-heterozygous mutant mice (GR+/-) with a 50% GR gene dose reduction, and (2) mice overexpressing GR by a yeast artificial chromosome resulting in a twofold gene dose elevation.

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Glucocorticoids (GCs) play an important role in the regulation of peripheral T-cell survival. Their molecular mechanism of action and the question of whether they have the ability to inhibit apoptosis in vivo, however, are not fully elucidated. Signal transduction through the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is complex and involves different pathways.

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