Publications by authors named "Wim De Waele"

In linear elastic fracture mechanics, the stress intensity factor describes the magnitude of the stress singularity near a crack tip caused by remote stress and is related to the rate of fatigue crack growth. The literature lacks SIF solutions for cracks emanating from a three-dimensional semi-ellipsoidal pit. This study undertakes a comprehensive parametric investigation of the Mode I stress intensity factor (KI) concerning cracks originating from a semi-ellipsoidal pit in a plate.

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Hydrogen can degrade the mechanical properties of steel components, which is commonly referred to as "hydrogen embrittlement" (HE). Quantifying the effect of HE on the structural integrity of components and structures remains challenging. The authors investigated an X70 pipeline steel through uncharged and hydrogen-charged (notched) tensile tests.

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This study aims to demonstrate the capability of the digital image correlation (DIC) technique for evaluating full-field residual stresses in wire and arc additive manufactured (WAAM) components. Investigations were carried out on WAAM steel parts (wall deposited on a substrate) with two different wall heights: 24 mm and 48 mm. Mild steel solid wire AWS ER70S-6 was used to print WAAM walls on substrates that were rigidly clamped to H-profiles.

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This work presents the development of a -integral estimation procedure for deep and shallow cracked bend specimens based upon plastic factors for a butt weld made in an S690 QL high strength low alloyed steel. Experimental procedures include the characterization of average material properties by tensile testing and evaluation of base and weld metal resistance to stable tearing by fracture testing of square SE(B) specimens containing a weld centerline notch. -integral has been estimated from plastic work using a single specimen approach and the normalization data reduction technique.

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Background: Determining the mechanical behaviour of tendon and ligamentous tissue remains challenging, as it is anisotropic, non-linear and inhomogeneous in nature.

Methods: In this study, three-dimensional (3D) digital image correlation (DIC) was adopted to examine the strain distribution in the human Achilles tendon. Therefore, 6 fresh frozen human Achilles tendon specimens were mounted in a custom made rig for uni-axial loading.

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