Publications by authors named "Wilson Gonzalez-Espada"

CienciaPR, a nonprofit that brings together the largest network of Puerto Rican scientists and one of the largest networks of Hispanic/Latine scientists in the world, has collaborated with El Nuevo Día (END), Puerto Rico's newspaper of record, to increase culturally relevant stories in their science section. This Practice Insight quantifies and compares the presence of culturally relevant elements (e.g.

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Ciencia Puerto Rico, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting science, research and scientific education among Latinos, organized an educational symposium to provide college science majors the tools, opportunities and advice to pursue graduate degrees and succeed in the STEM disciplines. In this article we share our experiences and lessons learned, for others interested in developing large-scale events to recruit underrepresented minorities to STEM and in evaluating the effectiveness of these efforts.

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In this Community Page, we learn how a scientific community leverages social networking tools to connect a group of dispersed scientific researchers in Ciencia Puerto Rico; this effort fosters innovative research and educational collaborations and changes the way scientists interact with the public.

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The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) and Arkansas Children's Hospital (ACH) sponsor Peds PLACE (Pediatric Physician Learning and Collaborative Education), a telemedicine continuing education program. This study assessed to what extent participants were satisfied with Peds PLACE and how to improve it. It was found that 95% of the participants agreed that the presentations related to their professional needs and 98% that it increased their knowledge.

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Objective: Practicing clinicians, especially in rural areas, are often isolated from learning opportunities and interactions with subspecialty providers. Pediatric Physician Learning and Collaborative Education, an interactive, educational, telemedicine program, was developed to address this need. We evaluated the success of this program through surveys with practicing and academic physicians.

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Research evidence suggests that minority patients experience disparities in health care management. This study examines how cultural and language expectations affect the perceived interaction between physicians and Hispanic patients. Seventeen physicians and thirteen Hispanic parents were interviewed at Arkansas Children's Hospital's General Pediatric Clinic.

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