Publications by authors named "Wilhelm Niebling"

: The purpose of our study was to develop and psychometrically test a German-language survey instrument that measures patient enablement generically and in greater detail than previous instruments. : A multidisciplinary team developed 13 items to capture individual aspects of patient enablement (PEN-13). A pre-test with 26 subjects was followed by a random sample survey of = 1168 subjects.

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Background: Multimorbid older adults suffering from a long-term health condition like depression, diabetes mellitus type 2, dementia or frailty are at high risk of losing their autonomy. Disability and multimorbidity in the older population are associated with social inequality and lead to soaring costs. Our local, collaborative, stepped and personalised care management for older people with chronic diseases (LoChro-Care) aims at improving outcomes for older multimorbid patients with chronic conditions whose social and medical care must be improved.

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Background: Back pain is one of the most frequent causes of health-related work absence. In Germany, more than 70% of adults suffer from at least one back pain episode per annum. It has strong impact on health care costs and patients' quality of life.

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Background: Late-life depression is a highly prevalent disorder that causes a large economic burden. A stepped collaborative care program was set up in order to improve care for patients with late-life depression in primary care in Germany: GermanIMPACT is the adaption of the Improving Mood-Promoting Access to Collaborative Treatment (IMPACT) program that has already been established in primary care in the USA. The aim of this study was to determine the cost-effectiveness of GermanIMPACT compared with treatment as usual from a societal perspective.

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Background: Depression in the elderly is mainly treated by primary care physicians; the treatment is often suboptimal because of the limited resources available in pri- mary care. New models of care in which treatment by a primary care physician is supplemented by the provision of brief, low-threshold interventions mediated by care managers are showing themselves to be a promising approach.

Methods: In this open, cluster-randomized, controlled study, we sought to determine the superiority of a model of this type over the usual form of treatment by a primary care physician.

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Background: Cardiovascular diseases are among the most common causes of death in industrialized countries. The goal of the DECADE study ("decision aid, action planning, and follow-up support for patients to reduce the 10-year risk of cardiovascular diseases") is to improve patient activation and health-related behavior by means of structured cardiovascular risk counseling and DECADE brochures. In this pilot study, the applicability of DECADE and the potential effects of the intervention on patients with cardiovascular risk factors were investigated.

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Introduction: The integrated health care pilot model "Gesundes Kinzigtal" (GK) is recognized as a reference model for integrated healthcare in Germany. The aim of GK is to improve the health of the insured persons and, at the same time, to decrease their healthcare costs compared to usual care. The evaluation of GK has so far shown that GK might reach this aim.

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In face of the looming shortage of general practitioners, primary healthcare providers and post-graduate training in general practice are increasingly becoming part of the political agenda in Germany. In 2009 the program "Verbundweiterbildung Baden-Württemberg" (VWB BW) was developed by the Competence Center for General Practice in Baden-Wuerttemberg to ensure primary healthcare in the future by enhancing the attractiveness of general medicine. This paper describes the experiences that have been gathered in developing a post-graduate training-program for physicians undergoing specialist training in general practice.

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An oral exam (30-60 minutes) is administered at the end of every post-graduate medical specialty program or is required to attain additional specialized qualifications. In both undergraduate and post-graduate medical education oral exams are not considered to be very objective or reliable. To improve the quality of exams in medical specialties, the Regional Medical Association for South Baden (Bezirksärztekammer Südbaden) decided in 2013 to offer a training program for head examiners and others responsible for administering exams in medical specialties.

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Background: A healthy lifestyle can reduce cardiovascular risk (CVR) and prevent premature death. Usually most patients at increased CVR have difficulties implementing the necessary health behavior changes, such as smoking cessation, increasing of physical activity, healthy diet, stress reduction, etc. In this pilot study, a new intervention (DECADE) that includes a cardiovascular risk calculation, evidence-based decision aids, action planning, and follow-up support for patients to reduce their 10-year risk of cardiovascular diseases will be tested in primary care.

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Background: Aside from the fully licensed herbal medicines there are products on the European pharmaceutical market which are registered by virtue of their longstanding traditional use. The normal registration procedure does not apply to them because presently they do not meet the legal requirements for a full license as set out in the relevant European Union Directive. One of these requirements, "proof of tradition", has so far been dealt with in different ways and fails to meet the criteria of good practice.

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Background: Depression is a very common disease among the elderly. Various studies demonstrated the need to improve the care for elderly depressed patients. Within the GermanIMPACT trial specifically trained care managers were engaged to cooperate with general practitioners (GPs).

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Objectives: To evaluate the usefulness of culture-sensitive patient information material compared with standard translated material.

Design: Multicentre, double-blind randomised controlled trial.

Setting: 37 primary care practices.

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Background: Authors' conflicts of interest may affect the content of medical guidelines. In April 2010, the Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF) issued recommendations on how such conflicts of interest should be dealt with. Most AWMF guidelines are so-called S1 guidelines developed by informal consensus in a group of experts.

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Background: Depression is not a normal side effect of aging, however it is one of the most prevalent mental health issues in later life, imposing a tremendous burden on patients, their families, and the healthcare system. We describe the experimental implementation of a collaborative, stepped-care model for the treatment of late-life depression (GermanIMPACT trial) in the German primary care context. GermanIMPACT was developed as an adaptation of a successful and widely used American model.

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Background: The recommendations in clinical guidelines are based on clinical trial findings and expert opinion. The influence of drug companies on these two factors is illustrated with two examples.

Methods: A judicially ordered expert review revealed that the market authorization holder (MAH) of gabapentin manipulated study data.

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Background: Hypertension is one of the key factors causing cardiovascular diseases. A substantial proportion of treated hypertensive patients do not reach recommended target blood pressure values. Shared decision making (SDM) is to enhance the active role of patients.

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Background: Hypertension is one of the key factors causing cardiovascular diseases which make up the most frequent cause of death in industrialised nations. However about 60% of hypertensive patients in Germany treated with antihypertensives do not reach the recommended target blood pressure. The involvement of patients in medical decision making fulfils not only an ethical imperative but, furthermore, has the potential of higher treatment success.

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Translating clinical research findings into daily medical practice is a complex procedure and subject to multiple impacts. Studies sponsored by drug manufacturers produce positive results more frequently than would be expected by chance alone; positive studies have a better chance to be published than negative ones. There is a lack of effective implementation strategies for medical guidelines.

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The paper reflects central recommendations and methodological issues of the new German guidelines for the treatment of depression, as discussed in the article New German Guidelines for the Treatment of Depression - The Central Role of Psychotherapy (Schauenburg et al. 2009). Members of the steering group for these guidelines disagree with the authors' description in several points, especially with reference to the efficacy of pharmacotherapy with antidepressants and psychotherapy, as well as the relationship between both strategies of therapy and their combination in diverse phases of treatment (acute/maintenance).

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