Publications by authors named "Wieslaw Pesta"

Background: The problem of smoking and its influence on the occurrence of precursors and advanced colorectal cancer is often discussed in the medical literature. Tobacco smoke can provide a non-nutritional source of polycyclic hydrocarbons and other substances which, when combined with an incorrect diet, may play a role in promoting carcinogenesis at the level of the genetic control mechanism. The aim of our study was to assess the effect of smoking on the frequency and type of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in the rectum and polyps in the large intestine in people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day for more than 20 years.

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The Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Chapter of the Association of Polish Surgeons (Polish acronym: SCMiB TCHP) is a Polish specialist scientific society representing bariatric surgeons as well as specialists from other disciplines and professions cooperating with them during the provision of services in the field of bariatric and metabolic surgery, as well as the entire care process before and after surgery. The following standards constitute the minimum requirements set by the SCMiB TCHP for good practice of the basic process of bariatric care throughout its entire period, which ensure satisfactory safety and effectiveness of the obesity treatment and its metabolic complications.

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Background: The importance of ACF is not fully explained, however, their number may be a good predictor of synchronous and metachronic adenoma or other polyps whose removal reduces the risk of CRC. Due to the epidemiological and genetic association of ACF with pre-cancer lesions, they may be a potential CRC biomarker. The aim of our study was to show that the number and type of rectal ACF may be a good predictive factor for the presence of polyps located proximally from the splenic flexure and that the type and number of ACF can correlate with the number and specific types of polyps in the large intestine.

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Background: Echinococcosis multilocularis (Hydatid Disease - HD) is a zoonotic disease caused by the larval form of Echinococcus multilocularis (EM). The main sites for this zoonosis are the Middle East, China, India, Alaska, and Siberia. It is rather rare in Europe.

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Introduction: General approval of laparoscopy as well as persistent urge to minimize operative trauma with still existing difficulties in putting natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) into practice have contributed to the introduction of laparoscopic operations through one incision in the umbilicus named single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS).

Aim: The main aim of this study was to assess the benefits to patients of applying SILS cholecystectomy as a method of gallbladder removal based on the comparison with classic four-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Material And Methods: Between 18.

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Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) minimizes perioperative trauma and allows surgical procedures without a visible scar. Here we present a case in which the transabdominal pre-peritoneal method was used in inguinal hernioplasty using a SILS port. The presented case is part of a new trend in surgery to minimize operative trauma.

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In spite of medical science development and initiation of new technologies in minimally invasive surgery, treatment of advanced chronic venous insufficiency at the 5(th) and 6(th) degree of CEAP classification is still a great clinical challenge. In case of no satisfactory results of non-surgical treatment of recurrent venous ulcers, scientists search for alternative therapeutic methods which could be more effective and lasting. Subfascial endoscopic perforator vein surgery (SEPS) as a method of reducing venous pressure in the superficial venous system could provide healing of the recurrent venous ulcer.

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