Background And Purpose: Doctor's delay in diagnosing Ewing sarcoma is often long. We examined the initial symptoms of Ewing sarcoma of the rib to find characteristics that could help to shorten the delay in diagnosis and hopefully influence the prognosis.
Patients And Methods: We examined the records from the first visit for symptoms related to Ewing sarcoma of the rib in 26 consecutive patients, all of whom were <30 years of age and had been diagnosed between 1981 and 2000.
A probable new type of osteopenic bone disease in two sisters and one female cousin is described. In infancy, the radiological findings were osteopenia, coxa vara, periosteal cloaking, bowing of the long bones, and flaring of the metaphyses. During growth, spinal pathology developed with compression of the vertebral bodies and scoliosis in one girl and kyphosis in another.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA longitudinal study was undertaken to analyse the development of posture and spinal mobility during growth and its relationship to low back pain and sports activities. A total of 90 children were examined at 5-6 years of age and re-examined at 15-16. Sagittal configuration and mobility were measured using Debrunner's kyphometer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Bone Joint Surg Am
May 2000
Background: The time between the initial symptoms of osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma and the correct diagnosis and treatment is long. Over the last two decades, the prognosis for patients with these diseases has dramatically improved due to a new chemotherapy regimen. As a consequence, a limb-sparing operation has become an alternative to amputation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe have previously presented evidence that most of the 24S-hydroxycholesterol present in the circulation originates from the brain and that most of the elimination of this oxysterol occurs in the liver. Plasma 24S-hydroxycholesterol levels decline by a factor of about 5 during the first decades of life. The concentration of the enzyme cholesterol 24S-hydroxylase in the brain is, however, about constant from the first year of life, and reduced enzyme levels thus cannot explain the decreasing plasma levels during infancy.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Pediatr Orthop
March 1997
In a prospective study of 2,401 newborns, the incidence of foot deformities was 4%, of which three fourths were various forms of adductus anomalies. At age 16 years, the children with a foot deformity and a random sample of those with normal feet as newborns were examined by dynamic foot pressure (EMED) and gait analysis (Vifor). The natural course of all congenital foot deformities, except clubfoot, was favorable.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFoot Ankle Int
April 1994
Gait analysis and dynamic foot pressure were used in a follow-up study of 42 children with idiopathic clubfeet. Mean age at follow-up was 9 years (range 4-15 years). Twenty-four of the 62 clubfeet were treated conservatively and 38 had at least one operative intervention.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFour hundred and sixty-six or 11.5% of a cohort of 4,039 children, aged 0-6 years, were referred to the orthopaedic clinic (trauma cases excluded). Twenty-three per cent of the children were referred from the obstetric departments, 64% from Children Health Centres, and 6% from district pediatricians.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn a consecutive screening of 2,401 newborn, a foot deformity was noted in 100 of the infants (4.2 percent). At follow-up 5-6 years later, the children with a foot deformity were reexamined and compared with normal controls.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe bone mineral density was determined by dual-photon absorptiometry on the proximal femur in 32 women with femoral neck fractures, 30 with trochanteric fractures, 39 with a fracture elsewhere than the hip, and 16 premenopausal healthy women. Single-photon absorptiometry was performed at two sites on the radius. The bone mineral density in the neck and intertrochanteric area was greater in the women with femoral neck fractures than in those with trochanteric fractures.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin Orthop Relat Res
June 1982
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between protein intake and calcium metabolism in young rats. Just weaned rats were fed diets with different protein content, combined with normal and low-calcium intake. The food consumption and bodyweight gain were low but equal in all experimental groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFZ Ernahrungswiss
June 1981
A study has been made of the effects of various levels of dietary protein and calcium on the skeleton of young undernourished rats. The data for the study were obtained from physical properties of bone, from microradiographs of various parts of femur and histological sections of the bone. There were significant associations between a low protein intake and low bone mass, irrespective of calcium intake, and between a high protein intake and a high bone density at a normal calcium content of the diet.
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