Objective: In full-thickness wounds, it is necessary to have an appropriate dermal replacement because dermal tissue does not regenerate into normal dermis after injury. The use of a dermal matrix underneath a skin graft during the healing process provides a scaffold that supports tissue growth, resulting in improvement of cosmesis and functional outcomes. The management of large wounds with deep skin impairment using a combination of dermal matrices has not been exhaustively studied.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFContinued efforts to discover new antibacterial molecules are critical to achieve a robust pre-clinical pipeline for new antibiotics. Screening of compound or natural product extract libraries remains a widespread approach and can benefit from the development of whole cell assays that are robust, simple and versatile, and allow for high throughput testing of antibacterial activity. In this study, we created and validated two bioluminescent reporter strains for high-throughput screening, one in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and another in a hyperporinated and efflux-deficient Escherichia coli.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Decreasing sea ice coverage across the Arctic Ocean due to climate change is expected to increase shipping activity through previously inaccessible shipping routes, including the Northwest Passage (NWP). Changing weather conditions typically encountered in the Arctic will still pose a risk for ships which could lead to an accident and the uncontrolled release of hydrocarbons onto NWP shorelines. We performed a metagenomic survey to characterize the microbial communities of various NWP shorelines and to determine whether there is a metabolic potential for hydrocarbon degradation in these microbiomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe accelerated decline in Arctic sea-ice cover and duration is enabling the opening of Arctic marine passages and improving access to natural resources. The increasing accessibility to navigation and resource exploration and production brings risks of accidental hydrocarbon releases into Arctic waters, posing a major threat to Arctic marine ecosystems where oil may persist for many years, especially in beach sediment. The composition and response of the microbial community to oil contamination on Arctic beaches remain poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRecent discoveries related to the habitability and astrobiological relevance of the outer Solar System have expanded our understanding of where and how life may have originated. As a result, the Icy Worlds of the outer Solar System have become among the highest priority targets for future spacecraft missions dedicated to astrobiology-focused and/or direct life detection objectives. This, in turn, has led to a renewed interest in planetary protection concerns and policies for the exploration of these worlds and has been a topic of discussion within the COSPAR (Committee on Space Research) Panel on Planetary Protection.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith the increase in crude oil transport throughout Canada, the potential for spills into freshwater ecosystems has increased and additional research is needed in these sensitive environments. Large enclosures erected in a lake were used as mesocosms for this controlled experimental dilbit (diluted bitumen) spill under ambient environmental conditions. The microbial response to dilbit, the efficacy of standard remediation protocols on different shoreline types commonly found in Canadian freshwater lakes, including a testing of a shoreline washing agent were all evaluated.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn the search for life in our Solar System, Mars remains a promising target based on its proximity and similarity to Earth. When Mars transitioned from a warmer, wetter climate to its current dry and freezing conditions, any putative extant life probably retreated into habitable refugia such as the subsurface or the interior of rocks. Terrestrial cryptoendolithic microorganisms ( those inhabiting rock interiors) thus represent possible modern-day Mars analogs, particularly those from the hyperarid McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica.
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November 2023
Snow is the largest component of the cryosphere, with its cover and distribution rapidly decreasing over the last decade due to climate warming. It is imperative to characterize the snow (nival) microbial communities to better understand the role of microorganisms inhabiting these rapidly changing environments. Here, we investigated the core nival microbiome, the cultivable microbial members, and the microbial functional diversity of the remote Uapishka mountain range, a massif of alpine sub-arctic tundra and boreal forest.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Gypsum Hill Spring, located in Nunavut in the Canadian High Arctic, is a rare example of a cold saline spring arising through thick permafrost. It perennially discharges cold (~ 7 °C), hypersaline (7-8% salinity), anoxic (~ 0.04 ppm O), and highly reducing (~ - 430 mV) brines rich in sulfate (2.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGlobal warming induced sea ice loss increases Arctic maritime traffic, enhancing the risk of ecosystem contamination from fuel spills and nutrient loading. The impact of marine diesel on bacterial metabolic activity and diversity, assessed by colorimetric assay, 16S rRNA and metagenomic sequencing, of Northwest Passage (Arctic Ocean) beach sediments was assessed with nutrient amendment at environmentally relevant temperatures (5 and 15 °C). Higher temperature and nutrients stimulated microbial activity, while diesel reduced it, with metabolism inhibited at and above 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe biodegradability of residues derived from in-situ burning, an oil spill response strategy which involves burning an oil slick on the sea surface, has not yet been fully studied. With a growing risk of oil spills, the fate of the persistent burn residue containing potentially toxic substances must be better understood. Microcosms were used to study the microbial community response and potential biodegradability of in-situ burn residues generated from Ultra Low Sulphur (ULS) marine diesel.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLost Hammer Spring, located in the High Arctic of Nunavut, Canada, is one of the coldest and saltiest terrestrial springs discovered to date. It perennially discharges anoxic (<1 ppm dissolved oxygen), sub-zero (~-5 °C), and hypersaline (~24% salinity) brines from the subsurface through up to 600 m of permafrost. The sediment is sulfate-rich (1 M) and continually emits gases composed primarily of methane (~50%), making Lost Hammer the coldest known terrestrial methane seep and an analog to extraterrestrial habits on Mars, Europa, and Enceladus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLysosomal network abnormalities are an increasingly recognised feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD), which appear early and are progressive in nature. Sandhoff disease and Tay-Sachs disease (neurological lysosomal storage diseases caused by mutations in genes that code for critical subunits of β-hexosaminidase) result in accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) and related proteolytic fragments in the brain. However, experiments that determine whether mutations in genes that code for β-hexosaminidase are risk factors for AD are currently lacking.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Advancements in diabetes technology now allow insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor (CGM) technology to be a part of usual US Department Veterans Affairs (VA) clinical care. The automated insulin pump (AIP) delivers insulin automatically based on CGM readings. In randomized clinical trials the closed-loop system has shown to improve glycemic control in children and younger adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) while preventing hypoglycemia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSea ice loss is opening shipping routes in Canada's Northwest Passage, increasing the risk of an oil spill. Harnessing the capabilities of endemic microorganisms to degrade oil may be an effective remediation strategy for contaminated shorelines; however, limited data exists along Canada's Northwest Passage. In this study, hydrocarbon biodegradation potential of microbial communities from eight high Arctic beaches was assessed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGreenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Arctic permafrost soils create a positive feedback loop of climate warming and further GHG emissions. Active methane uptake in these soils can reduce the impact of GHG on future Arctic warming potential. Aerobic methane oxidizers are thought to be responsible for this apparent methane sink, though Arctic representatives of these organisms have resisted culturing efforts.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWith no direct extant-life detection instrumentation included in a space mission since the 1970s, the advancement of new technologies to be included in future space missions is imperative. We developed, optimized, and tested a semi-automated prototype, the microfluidics Microbial Activity MicroAssay (μMAMA). This system metabolically characterizes and detects extant microbial life by way of metabolism-indicator redox dyes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGut microbiomes were analyzed by 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding for polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from the southern Beaufort Sea (SB), where sea ice loss has led to increased use of land-based food resources by bears, and from East Greenland (EG), where persistent sea ice has allowed hunting of ice-associated prey nearly year-round. SB polar bears showed a higher number of total (940 vs. 742) and unique (387 vs.
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