Background: Improving access to general practitioner (GP) services is seen as a way to enhance patients' experiences. England introduced the national extended access scheme to provide routine and urgent GP appointments outside core hours. However, little is known about how this initiative affects patient experience, especially in terms of efficiency and equity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The pandemic saw widespread use of home pulse oximeters to patients diagnosed with COVID-19 to support early detection of low oxygen saturation levels and appropriate care. Rapid implementation made conventional evaluation challenging, highlighting the need for rigorous non-randomised methods to support decision-making about future use of these technologies. We used routine data to explore the benefits of pulse oximetry in Greater Manchester, under the 'COVID-19 oximetry at home' (CO@h) programme.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground Patient satisfaction is a significant dimension of quality in general practice and has notably declined post-COVID. Understanding the dynamics between practice activities, practice characteristics and patient experience is vital for improving care quality. Aim This study investigates the relationship between the volume, modality (telephone or face-to-face) and practitioner type of general practice appointments and patient experience.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommunity Dent Oral Epidemiol
August 2024
Objectives: The objective was to assess the effectiveness of a Water Fluoridation program on a contemporary population of children.
Methods: The study used a longitudinal prospective cohort design. In Cumbria, England, two groups of children were recruited and observed over a period of 5-6 years.
: Equitable access to healthcare is a priority of many healthcare systems, aiming to ensure access is driven by need and not minority groups such as those defined by sexual orientation. However, there are healthcare areas where inequity in access across sexual orientation groups is found that are not justified based on need. Mandated LGBTQ+-specific training of the healthcare workforce may help address some barriers of access for these groups.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommunity Dent Oral Epidemiol
August 2024
Objectives: The addition of fluoride to community drinking water supplies has been a long-standing public health intervention to improve dental health. However, the evidence of cost-effectiveness in the UK currently lacks a contemporary focus, being limited to a period with higher incidence of caries. A water fluoridation scheme in West Cumbria, United Kingdom, provided a unique opportunity to study the contemporary impact of water fluoridation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The World Health Organisation declared a global pandemic in March 2020. The impact of COVID-19 has not been felt equally by all regions and sections of society. The extent to which socio-demographic and deprivation factors have adversely impacted on outcomes is of concern to those looking to 'level-up' and decrease widening health inequalities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommissioning describes the process of contracting appropriate care services to address pre-identified needs through pre-agreed payment structures. Outcomes-based commissioning (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: There is an international trend towards the at-scale provision of primary care services, with such services often provided in different settings by a clinician unfamiliar to the patient. It is often assumed that, in the absence of relational continuity, any competent clinician can deliver joined-up, continuous care if they have access to clinical notes.
Aim: To explore the factors that affect the potential for providing joined-up, continuous care in a system where care is delivered away from a patient's regular practice, by a different organisation and set of staff.
Objectives: In 2018, NHS England mandated that all patients in England should be able to access general practice services outside of ordinary hours. While some patients would access additional hours at their own practice, others would need supra-practice level provision - that is, they would be seen in a different location and by a different care team. The policy aim was to enhance patient access to care, with a particular focus on those who work during the day.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: As integrated care systems are embedded across England there are regions where the integration process has been evaluated and continues to evolve. Evaluation of these integrated systems contributes to our understanding of the challenges and facilitators to this ongoing process. This can support integrated care systems nationwide as they continue to develop.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP) in England is a behavioural intervention for preventing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among people with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia (NDH). How this programme affects inequalities by age, sex, limiting illnesses or disability, ethnicity or deprivation is not known.
Methods: We used multinomial and binary logistic regression models to compare whether the population with NDH at different stages of the programme are representative of the population with NDH: stages include (1) prevalence of NDH (using survey data from UK Household Longitudinal Study (n=794) and Health Survey for England (n=1383)); (2) identification in primary care and offer of programme (using administrative data from the National Diabetes Audit (n=1 267 350)) and (3) programme participation (using programme provider records (n=98 024)).
Background: The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) is a behaviour change programme for adults who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM): people with raised blood glucose levels, but not in the diabetic range, diagnosed with nondiabetic hyperglycaemia (NDH). We examined the association between referral to the programme and reducing conversion of NDH to T2DM.
Methods And Findings: Cohort study of patients attending primary care in England using clinical Practice Research Datalink data from 1 April 2016 (NDPP introduction) to 31 March 2020 was used.
Background: To support proactive care during the coronavirus pandemic, a digital COVID-19 symptom tracker was deployed in Greater Manchester (UK) care homes. This study aimed to understand what factors were associated with the post-uptake use of the tracker and whether the tracker had any effects in controlling the spread of COVID-19.
Methods: Daily data on COVID-19, tracker uptake and use, and other key indicators such as staffing levels, the number of staff self-isolating, availability of personal protective equipment, bed occupancy levels, and any problems in accepting new residents were analysed for 547 care homes across Greater Manchester for the period April 2020 to April 2021.
Background: COVID-19 spread rapidly in UK care homes for older people in the early pandemic. National infection control recommendations included remote resident assessment. A region in North-West England introduced a digital COVID-19 symptom tracker for homes to identify early signs of resident deterioration to facilitate care responses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground And Aim: Recent UK policy has focussed on improving support for victims of domestic violence and abuse (DVA), in healthcare settings. DVA victims attending hospital are often at highest risk of harm, yet DVA support in hospitals has been inadequate. A targeted service supporting high risk DVA victims, was implemented at a hospital Trust in North West England.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Extended access services were introduced to help stop declining patient satisfaction with access to general practice. There has been no evaluation, at a practice population level, as to how the introduction of these services has impacted patients.
Aim: To explore the association between practices offering extended access and patient responses to the GP Patient Survey (GPPS).
Objectives: To estimate the 'rule of halves' for diabetes care for urban and rural areas in England using several data sources covering the period 2015-2017; and to examine the extent to which any differences in urban and rural settings are explained by population characteristics and the workforce supply of primary care providers (general practices).
Design: A retrospective observational study.
Setting: Populations resident in predominantly urban and rural areas in England (2015-2017).
Int J Popul Data Sci
March 2022
Introduction: Poor access to general practice services has been attributed to increasing pressure on the health system more widely and low satisfaction among patients. Recent initiatives in England have sought to expand access by the provision of appointments in the evening and at weekends. Services are provided using a hub model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnalyses of an individual's sexual orientation over time are desirable for policy evaluations and in estimating causal effects. We explore whether accounting for those who change sexual orientation over two time points, to create a measure of fluidity, produces substantially different results compared to sexual orientation measured at one time point and extrapolated to subsequent survey waves. We use seven waves of the UK Household Longitudinal Study which asked sexual orientation identity questions at two time points: waves three (2011-2013) and nine (2017-2019).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAims: To estimate how a scheme to pay substance misuse treatment service providers according to treatment outcomes affected hospital admissions.
Design: A controlled, quasi-experimental (difference-in-differences) observational study using negative binomial regression.
Setting: Hospitals in all 149 organisational areas in England for the period 2009-2010 to 2015-2016.
Delayed transfers of care (DTOC), often unhelpfully referred to as 'bed blocking', has become a byword for waste and inefficiency in healthcare systems throughout the world. An estimated 2.7 million bed days are occupied each year in England by older people no longer in need of acute treatment, estimated to cost £820 million (2014/15) in inpatient care.
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