Publications by authors named "Whitley N"

Background: Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with headaches in adults, but data for children with headaches are sparse.

Objective: To describe vitamin D levels in children with headaches.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed serum 25(OH)D concentrations in children aged 2-17 years with headaches compared to children with epilepsy at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario between October 1, 2014, and August 19, 2021.

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Gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infection poses the most significant obstacle to the sustainable development of small ruminant (sheep and goat) farming globally. Resistance of GINs to synthetic anthelmintic drugs has led to rising interest in exploring alternative methods for parasite control, such as the utilization of bioactive plants with anti-parasitic properties. In this investigation, black seed (Nigella sativa), a shrub high in secondary antioxidant compounds, and sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata), a perennial legume high in tannins with anti-parasitic properties were combined to determine if two bioactive plants containing different types of secondary compounds can provide a stronger anti-parasitic effect than sericea lespedeza alone.

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A chronic cough, gag, or retch is a common presenting clinical complaint in dogs. Those refractory to conservative management frequently undergo further diagnostic tests to investigate the cause, including CT examination of their head, neck, and thorax for detailed morphological assessment of their respiratory and upper gastrointestinal tract. This case series describes five patients with CT characteristics consistent with an intracranial and jugular foraminal mass of the combined glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X), and accessory (XI) cranial nerves and secondary features consistent with their paresis.

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Participants were enrolled into a pilot randomized-controlled 4-week trial comparing the efficacy and feasibility of app-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to a stretching program. Headache-related disability and quality of life were assessed using the Pediatric Migraine Disability Scale (PedMIDAS), Kidscree27, and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory. Multivariable regression analysis were performed to assess the group effects in the presence of adherence and other covariates.

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Background: The IV use of human immunoglobulin (hIVIG) in dogs with primary immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) has been described previously, but herein we describe the use of high-dose IgM-enriched hIVIG (Pentaglobin).

Hypothesis/objectives: Dogs treated with high-dose Pentaglobin will experience shorter time to remission and hospital discharge and have decreased transfusion requirements compared to dogs receiving standard treatment alone.

Animals: Fourteen client-owned dogs diagnosed with primary IMHA at specialist referral hospitals in the United Kingdom.

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Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) causes severe anemia in dogs and is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Treatment with various immunosuppressive and antithrombotic drugs has been described anecdotally and in previous studies, but little consensus exists among veterinarians as to the optimal regimen to employ and maintain after diagnosis of the disease. To address this inconsistency and provide evidence-based guidelines for treatment of IMHA in dogs, we identified and extracted data from studies published in the veterinary literature.

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Objective: The objective of the present study was to investigate pork quality from Hereford×Berkshire (HB) female and intact male pigs reared outdoors in an alternative production system.

Methods: Berkshire purebred sows were artificially inseminated, once in the fall and again in the spring of the following year, with semen from Hereford boars and managed free of antibiotics in an outdoor hoop structure until the last month of pregnancy, after which they were moved to a pasture-based unit of 0.8 hectares with individual lots with a farrowing hut, shade, and water ad libitum.

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Diverse drugs with presumed cytoprotective effect have been used therapeutically in small animal veterinary practice for various gastro-intestinal conditions such as oesophagitis, gastric ulceration, gastritis or chronic gastro-enteropathies. Their efficacy has been doubted in human medicine, raising similar questions in the veterinary field. The aim of this review was to assess the current evidence on the efficacy and safety of these drugs in dogs and cats.

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Objective: The objective of the present study was to compare growth performance of Berkshire purebred pigs (BB), Hereford (HB) and/or Tamworth (TB) sired Berkshire crossbred pigs reared in a hoop structure in two experiments.

Methods: In the first experiment, BB was compared to TB while HB and TB were compared in the second. Body weights (BW) were recorded at 3 days of age and every 28 days from birth until 140 days of age.

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Background: Outcome prediction in dogs with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is challenging and few prognostic indicators have been consistently identified.

Objectives: An online case registry was initiated to: prospectively survey canine IMHA presentation and management in the British Isles; evaluate 2 previously reported illness severity scores, Canine Hemolytic Anemia Score (CHAOS) and Tokyo and to identify independent prognostic markers.

Animals: Data from 276 dogs with primary IMHA across 10 referral centers were collected between 2008 and 2012.

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Sericea lespedeza (SL; Lespedeza cuneata) is a perennial warm-season forage rich in condensed tannins (CT) that has been reported to have anthelmintic activity against small ruminant gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN), particularly Haemonchus contortus, a highly pathogenic blood-feeder, but the mechanism of action of CT against H. contortus is not clearly understood. An experiment with young goats was designed to study the effect of SL leaf meal pellets on (1) a mature H.

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The objective of this study was to estimate the parameters of Gompertz growth curves with the measurements of body conformation, real-time ultrasound longissimus dorsi muscle area (LMA) and backfat thickness (BFT) in Hanwoo cows. The Hanwoo cows (n = 3,373) were born in 97 Hanwoo commercial farms in the 17 cities or counties of Gyeongbuk province, Korea, between 2000 and 2007. A total of 5,504 ultrasound measurements were collected for the cows at the age of 13 to 165 months in 2007 and 2008.

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The purpose of this study was to estimate genetic parameters of ultrasound measurements for longissimus dorsi muscle area (LMA), backfat thickness (BFT), and marbling score (MS) in Hanwoo cows (N = 3,062) at the ages between 18 and 42 months. Data were collected from 100 Hanwoo breeding farms in Gyeongbuk province, Korea, in 2007 and 2008. The cows were classified into four different age groups, i.

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Article Synopsis
  • Selecting service sires that lead to higher pregnancy survival rates can significantly impact sheep farming economics.
  • A study involved 980 ewes bred to 67 rams from 12 different breeds, assessing lamb birth rates and embryo losses through ultrasound.
  • Results indicated that individual service sires influenced lamb production and losses varied based on both sire and ewe breed, ewe age, and farm conditions, while season did not have an effect.
  • Specific breeds of rams and ewes were found to have different rates of prenatal losses, with hair-type ewes showing higher loss rates compared to other breeds.
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The objective of this study was to determine the impact of integrated parasite management (IPM) training, including FAMACHA(©) eyelid color scoring, on the ability of U.S. sheep and goat producers to control gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) on their farms.

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Objectives: To report short-term complications and long-term outcomes of thoracoscopic pericardial window for management of pericardial effusion in dogs.

Methods: Retrospective study of dogs in which thoracoscopic pericardial window was performed using a three-cannula technique. Surgery time, complications, postoperative management, area of resected pericardium, histopathology results and outcome were evaluated.

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The objective of this study was to compare pork characteristics and to determine consumer acceptability of pork chops from antibiotic free Yorkshire crossbreds sired by Berkshire (BY), Large Black (LBY), Tamworth (TY) or Yorkshire (YY) boars and reared in hoop houses. The experiments were conducted at the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NCA&TSU) Farm in Greensboro, NC and the Cherry Research Station Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) Alternative Swine Unit in Goldsboro, NC (source of antibiotic free Yorkshire sows used at both places). Twenty-four sows were artificially inseminated at each location in each of three trials.

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The objective of this study was to compare body weight, ADG, and feed:gain ratio of antibiotic-free pigs from Yorkshire dams and sired by Yorkshire (YY), Berkshire (BY), Large Black (LBY) or Tamworth (TY) boars. All the crossbred pigs in each of three trials were raised as one group from weaning to finishing in the same deep-bedded hoop, providing a comfortable environment for the animals which allowed rooting and other natural behaviors. Birth, weaning and litter weights were measured and recorded.

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Objective: To determine whether clinical and clinicopathologic data could assist differentiation of congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSSs) from acquired portosystemic shunts (APSSs) in young dogs.

Design: Retrospective case series.

Animals: Dogs < 30 months of age with CPSSs (n = 62) or APSSs (31).

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A retrospective study was performed to investigate the frequency of identification and characteristics of oesophageal disease in cats, including assessment of the utility of diagnostic techniques and clinical outcome. Thirty-three cats met the inclusion criteria, giving an in-clinic frequency of 33/2894 (approximately 1%) of feline referral cases. Vomiting and/or regurgitation were the most common presenting signs described, although a number of cats (6/33) showed neither.

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The objective of three experiments was to determine the impact of supplementing sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata; SL) in three concentrations in a loose or pelleted diet on gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in small ruminants. Experiments on lambs were conducted at the USDA, Agricultural Research Service in Booneville, AR (Exp. 1) and at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA (Exp.

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This review summarises the current understanding of immune response and T cell subsets in the context of development of autoimmunity in the dog. Mode of action and rational usage in immune-mediated disease in the dog are discussed for the following drugs: glucocorticoids, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, ciclosporin, tacrolimus, human intravenous immunoglobulin, vincristine, danazol, leflunomide, mycophenolate mofetil and liposome-encapsulated clodronate. Disease mechanisms are discussed and published evidence for drug efficacy is scrutinised for five important immune-mediated diseases: immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia, immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, myasthenia gravis, glomerulonephritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

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