Compact data representations in quantum systems are crucial for the development of quantum algorithms for data analysis. In this study, we present two innovative data encoding techniques, known as QCrank and QBArt, which exhibit significant quantum parallelism via uniformly controlled rotation gates. The QCrank method encodes a series of real-valued data as rotations on data qubits, resulting in increased storage capacity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Comput Graph Appl
January 2023
The focus of this Visualization Viewpoints article is to provide some background on quantum computing (QC), to explore ideas related to how visualization helps in understanding QC, and examine how QC might be useful for visualization with the growth and maturation of both technologies in the future. In a quickly evolving technology landscape, QC is emerging as a promising pathway to overcome the growth limits in classical computing. In some cases, QC platforms offer the potential to vastly outperform the familiar classical computer by solving problems more quickly or that may be intractable on any known classical platform.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe introduce a novel and uniform framework for quantum pixel representations that overarches many of the most popular representations proposed in the recent literature, such as (I)FRQI, (I)NEQR, MCRQI, and (I)NCQI. The proposed QPIXL framework results in more efficient circuit implementations and significantly reduces the gate complexity for all considered quantum pixel representations. Our method scales linearly in the number of pixels and does not use ancilla qubits.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFProc Natl Acad Sci U S A
April 2022
Assembly of biomolecules at solid–water interfaces requires molecules to traverse complex orientation-dependent energy landscapes through processes that are poorly understood, largely due to the dearth of in situ single-molecule measurements and statistical analyses of the rotational dynamics that define directional selection. Emerging capabilities in high-speed atomic force microscopy and machine learning have allowed us to directly determine the orientational energy landscape and observe and quantify the rotational dynamics for protein nanorods on the surface of muscovite mica under a variety of conditions. Comparisons with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations show that the transition rates between adjacent orientation-specific energetic minima can largely be understood through traditional models of in-plane Brownian rotation across a biased energy landscape, with resulting transition rates that are exponential in the energy barriers between states.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThree-dimensional (3D) micro-tomography (µ-CT) has proven to be an important imaging modality in industry and scientific domains. Understanding the properties of material structure and behavior has produced many scientific advances. An important component of the 3D µ-CT pipeline is image partitioning (or image segmentation), a step that is used to separate various phases or components in an image.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Comput Graph Appl
May 2017
The generation of short pulses of ion beams through the interaction of an intense laser with a plasma sheath offers the possibility of compact and cheaper ion sources for many applications--from fast ignition and radiography of dense targets to hadron therapy and injection into conventional accelerators. To enable the efficient analysis of large-scale, high-fidelity particle accelerator simulations using the Warp simulation suite, the authors introduce the Warp In situ Visualization Toolkit (WarpIV). WarpIV integrates state-of-the-art in situ visualization and analysis using VisIt with Warp, supports management and control of complex in situ visualization and analysis workflows, and implements integrated analytics to facilitate query- and feature-based data analytics and efficient large-scale data analysis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
February 2014
Plasma-based particle accelerators can produce and sustain thousands of times stronger acceleration fields than conventional particle accelerators, providing a potential solution to the problem of the growing size and cost of conventional particle accelerators. To facilitate scientific knowledge discovery from the ever growing collections of accelerator simulation data generated by accelerator physicists to investigate next-generation plasma-based particle accelerator designs, we describe a novel approach for automatic detection and classification of particle beams and beam substructures due to temporal differences in the acceleration process, here called acceleration features. The automatic feature detection in combination with a novel visualization tool for fast, intuitive, query-based exploration of acceleration features enables an effective top-down data exploration process, starting from a high-level, feature-based view down to the level of individual particles.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMass spectrometry imaging (MSI) enables researchers to directly probe endogenous molecules directly within the architecture of the biological matrix. Unfortunately, efficient access, management, and analysis of the data generated by MSI approaches remain major challenges to this rapidly developing field. Despite the availability of numerous dedicated file formats and software packages, it is a widely held viewpoint that the biggest challenge is simply opening, sharing, and analyzing a file without loss of information.
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October 2010
This article presents the results of experiments studying how the pure-parallelism paradigm scales to massive data sets, including 16,000 or more cores on trillion-cell meshes, the largest data sets published to date in the visualization literature. The findings on scaling characteristics and bottlenecks contribute to understanding how pure parallelism will perform in the future.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
March 2011
Driven by the ability to generate ever-larger, increasingly complex data, there is an urgent need in the scientific community for scalable analysis methods that can rapidly identify salient trends in scientific data. Query-Driven Visualization (QDV) strategies are among the small subset of techniques that can address both large and highly complex data sets. This paper extends the utility of QDV strategies with a statistics-based framework that integrates nonparametric distribution estimation techniques with a new segmentation strategy to visually identify statistically significant trends and features within the solution space of a query.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKnowledge discovery from large and complex scientific data is a challenging task. With the ability to measure and simulate more processes at increasingly finer spatial and temporal scales, the growing number of data dimensions and data objects presents tremendous challenges for effective data analysis and data exploration methods and tools. The combination and close integration of methods from scientific visualization, information visualization, automated data analysis, and other enabling technologies -such as efficient data management- supports knowledge discovery from multi-dimensional scientific data.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE/ACM Trans Comput Biol Bioinform
May 2010
The recent development of methods for extracting precise measurements of spatial gene expression patterns from three-dimensional (3D) image data opens the way for new analyses of the complex gene regulatory networks controlling animal development. We present an integrated visualization and analysis framework that supports user-guided data clustering to aid exploration of these new complex data sets. The interplay of data visualization and clustering-based data classification leads to improved visualization and enables a more detailed analysis than previously possible.
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December 2008
The visualization and analysis of AMR-based simulations is integral to the process of obtaining new insight in scientific research. We present a new method for performing query-driven visualization and analysis on AMR data, with specific emphasis on time-varying AMR data. Our work introduces a new method that directly addresses the dynamic spatial and temporal properties of AMR grids that challenge many existing visualization techniques.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
June 2008
Chromium Renderserver (CRRS) is software infrastructure that provides the ability for one or more users to run and view image output from unmodified, interactive OpenGL and X11 applications on a remote, parallel computational platform equipped with graphics hardware accelerators via industry-standard Layer 7 network protocols and client viewers. The new contributions of this work include a solution to the problem of synchronizing X11 and OpenGL command streams, remote delivery of parallel hardware accelerated rendering, and a performance analysis of several different optimizations that are generally applicable to a variety of rendering architectures. CRRS is fully operational, Open Source software.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
April 2008
We present a novel approach for latency-tolerant delivery of visualization and rendering results where client-side frame rate display performance is independent of source dataset size, image size, visualization technique or rendering complexity. Our approach delivers pre-rendered, multiresolution images to a remote user as they navigate through different viewpoints, visualization or rendering parameters. We employ demand-driven tiled, multiresolution image streaming and prefetching to efficiently utilize available bandwidth while providing the maximum resolution user can perceive from a given viewpoint.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOur ability to generate ever-larger, increasingly-complex data, has established the need for scalable methods that identify, and provide insight into, important variable trends and interactions. Query-driven methods are among the small subset of techniques that are able to address both large and highly complex datasets. This paper presents a new method that increases the utility of query-driven techniques by visually conveying statistical information about the trends that exist between variables in a query.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Comput Aided Mol Des
April 2004
We describe ProteinShop, a new visualization tool that streamlines and simplifies the process of determining optimal protein folds. ProteinShop may be used at different stages of a protein structure prediction process. First, it can create protein configurations containing secondary structures specified by the user.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMotivation: The power of multi-sequence comparison for biological discovery is well established. The need for new capabilities to visualize and compare cross-species alignment data is intensified by the growing number of genomic sequence datasets being generated for an ever-increasing number of organisms. To be efficient these visualization algorithms must support the ability to accommodate consistently a wide range of evolutionary distances in a comparison framework based upon phylogenetic relationships.
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