Publications by authors named "Wery van den Wildenberg"

The aim of this selective review paper is to clarify potential confusion when referring to the term proactive inhibitory control. Illustrated by a concise overview of the literature, we propose defining reactive inhibition as the mechanism underlying stopping an action. On a stop trial, the stop signal initiates the stopping process that races against the ongoing action-related process that is triggered by the go signal.

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Essential tremor (ET) is a movement disorder characterized primarily by action tremor which affects the regulation of movements. Disruptions in cerebello-thalamocortical networks could interfere with cognitive control over actions in ET, for example, the ability to suppress a strong automatic impulse over a more appropriate action (conflict control). The current study investigated whether ET impacts conflict control proficiency.

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Findings from previous research using the classic stop-signal task indicate that the subthalamic nucleus (STN) plays an important role in the ability to inhibit motor actions. Here we extend these findings using a stop-change task that requires voluntary action override to stop an ongoing motor response and change to an alternative response. Sixteen patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (PD) and 16 healthy control participants (HC) performed the stop-change task.

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Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) often experience reductions in the proficiency to inhibit actions. The motor symptoms of PD can be effectively treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN), a key structure in the frontal-striatal network that may be directly involved in regulating inhibitory control. However, the precise role of the STN in stopping control is unclear.

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Moderate alcohol intake may impair stimulus-driven inhibition of motor actions in go/no-go and stop-signal tasks. Exposure to alcohol-related cues has been found to exacerbate this impairment. By contrast, the effect of alcohol use on intentional inhibition, or the capacity to voluntarily suspend an action, has rarely been investigated.

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Background: Response inhibition can be classified into stimulus-driven inhibition and intentional inhibition based on the degree of endogenous volition involved. In the past decades, abundant research efforts to study the effects of alcohol on inhibition have focused exclusively on stimulus-driven inhibition. The novel Chasing Memo task measures stimulus-driven and intentional inhibition within the same paradigm.

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Football is played in a dynamic, often unpredictable, visual environment in which players are challenged to process and respond with speed and flexibility to critical incoming stimulus events. To meet this challenge, we hypothesize that football players possess, in conjunction with their extraordinary physical skills, exceptionally proficient executive cognitive control systems that optimize response execution. It is particularly important for these systems to be proficient at coordinating directional reaction and counter-reaction decisions to the very rapid lateral movements routinely made by their opponents during a game.

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Many studies have reported that heavy substance use is associated with impaired response inhibition. Studies typically focused on associations with a single substance, while polysubstance use is common. Further, most studies compared heavy users with light/non-users, though substance use occurs along a continuum.

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Objectives: Essential tremor (ET) is a movement disorder characterized by action tremor which impacts motor execution. Given the disrupted cerebellar-thalamo-cortical networks in ET, we hypothesized that ET could interfere with the control mechanisms involved in regulating motor performance. The ability to inhibit or stop actions is critical for navigating many daily life situations such as driving or social interactions.

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American football is played in a dynamic environment that places considerable demands on a player's ability to make fast, precise reactions while controlling premature, impulsive reactions to spatial misinformation. We investigated the hypothesis that collegiate football players are more proficient than their non-athlete counterparts at controlling impulsive motor actions. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I football players ( = 280) and non-athlete controls ( = 32) completed a variant of the Simon conflict task, which quantifies choice reaction speed and the proficiency of controlling spatially driven response impulses.

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Background: Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN DBS) is known to increase response speed and lower response accuracy in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. It has been proposed that this speed-accuracy tradeoff is due to enhanced sensitivity of the motor system to sensory information. An alternative possibility is that this effect is due to weakened suppressive processes.

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The present behavioral study delineates the impact of Parkinson's disease (PD) and of dopaminergic medication on action control over voluntary behavior. Previous studies reported either prolonged responding or stopping latencies in PD compared to healthy controls (HC). Few studies investigated the effects of dopaminergic medication on these processes concurrently.

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In the recent literature, the effects of noninvasive neurostimulation on cognitive functioning appear to lack consistency and replicability. We propose that such effects may be concealed unless dedicated, sensitive, and process-specific dependent measures are used. The expression and subsequent suppression of response capture are often studied using conflict tasks.

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Objectives: We investigated how broad motivational tendencies are related to the expression and suppression of action impulses in Parkinson's disease (PD).

Methods: Sixty-nine participants with PD completed a Simon response conflict task and Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) and Behavioral Activation System (BAS) scales based on Gray's (1987) reinforcement sensitivity theory. Analyses determined relationships between BIS, BAS, and the susceptibility to making impulsive action errors and the proficiency of inhibiting interference from action impulses.

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We administered a stop-change paradigm, an extended version of the stop task that requires (a) stopping an ongoing motor response and (b) changing to an alternative (change) response. Performance of a group of patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (PD) and taking dopaminergic medication was compared with that of matched healthy control (HC) participants. Behavioral results indicated that response latencies to the initial go signal did not distinguish between the 2 groups, but that stopping latencies were prolonged in PD patients.

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Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are characterized by deficits in their executive functioning and motivation. In addition, these children are characterized by a decline in performance as time-on-task increases (i.e.

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Evidence that Tourette's syndrome (TS) disrupts inhibitory motor control is highly mixed. The authors investigated inhibitory control of manual and vocal actions in young adults with relatively uncomplicated, persistent TS. Both TS and control groups showed similar response latencies when executing manual and vocal reactions, but individuals with TS were slower at stopping their manual and vocal responses.

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In a rich environment, with multiple action affordances, selective action inhibition is critical in preventing the execution of inappropriate responses. Here, we studied the origin and the dynamics of incorrect response inhibition and how it can be modulated by task demands. We used EEG in a conflict task where the probability of compatible and incompatible trials was varied.

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Inhibitory control, like most cognitive processes, is subject to an age-related decline. The effect of age on neurofunctional inhibition processing remains uncertain, with age-related increases as well as decreases in activation being reported. This is possibly because reactive (i.

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Dopamine plays a key role in a range of action control processes. Here, we investigate how dopamine depletion caused by Parkinson disease (PD) and how dopamine restoring medication modulate the expression and suppression of unintended action impulses. Fifty-five PD patients and 56 healthy controls (HCs) performed an action control task (Simon task).

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Morality plays a vital role in our social life. A vast body of research has suggested that moral judgments rely on cognitive processes mediated by the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ), an area thought to be involved in belief attribution. Here we assessed the role of the rTPJ in moral judgments directly by means of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)--a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that, by applying a weak current to the scalp, allows modulating cortical excitability of the area being stimulated.

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Background: Social categorization and group identification are essential ingredients for maintaining a positive self-image that often lead to negative, implicit stereotypes toward members of an out-group. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) may be a critical component in counteracting stereotypes activation.

Objective: Here, we assessed the causal role of the mPFC in these processes by non-invasive brain stimulation via transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).

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Healthy aging is associated with a progressive decline across a range of cognitive functions. An important factor underlying this decline may be the age-related impairment in stimulus-reward processing. Several studies have investigated age-related effects, but compared young versus old subjects.

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To err is human. However, an inappropriate urge does not always result in error. Impulsive errors thus entail both a motor system capture by an urge to act and a failed inhibition of that impulse.

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