Importance: Varenicline is the most effective sole pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation. If used in combination with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), cessation rates may be further improved, but the efficacy and safety of the combination need to be evaluated.
Objective: To examine whether hospitalized smokers treated with varenicline and NRT lozenges achieve higher prolonged smoking abstinence rates compared with those treated with varenicline alone.
Family accommodation, or changes in parental behavior aimed at avoiding or alleviating child anxiety-related distress, contributes to the severity of anxiety symptoms, and is most strongly associated with separation anxiety. This study examined whether child attachment security, characterized as the degree to which children perceive their parents to be reliable, available, and communicative, moderates the association between family accommodation and separation anxiety symptoms, and whether this moderation is specific to separation anxiety among other anxiety symptoms. In a sample of clinically anxious children (N = 243, 6-12 years), family accommodation was significantly positively associated with separation anxiety symptoms across levels of attachment security.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCurrently, clinicians use their judgement and indices such as the Prediction of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Scale (PAWSS) to determine whether patients are admitted to hospitals for consideration of withdrawal syndrome (AWS). However, only a fraction of those admitted will experience severe AWS. Previously, we and others have shown that epigenetic indices, such as the Alcohol T-Score (ATS), can quantify recent alcohol consumption.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFamily accommodation, or changes in parental behavior aimed at avoiding or alleviating child anxiety-related distress, contributes to the severity of anxiety symptoms, and is most strongly associated with separation anxiety symptoms. This study examined whether child attachment security, characterized as the degree to which children perceive their parents to be reliable, available, and communicative, moderates the association between family accommodation and separation anxiety symptoms, and whether this moderator is specific to separation anxiety among other anxiety symptoms. In a sample of clinically anxious youth ( = 243, 6-12 yrs), family accommodation was significantly positively associated with separation anxiety symptoms across levels of attachment security.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: The purpose of this article is to share the collaborative planning and execution of these two public universities and one community college in developing an innovative program to increase BSN-prepared nurses. The aim of the collaboration is to offer a high quality, affordable, and time-saving pre-licensure, concurrent enrollment program (CEP) which allows community college ADN students direct access to BSN study, while maintaining excellent program outcomes, and increasing diverse baccalaureate-prepared nurses in practice.
Methods: Key stakeholders in two public educational systems met to discuss the development of a regional collaboration between two state universities and one local community college.
High-grade glioma is an aggressive cancer that occurs naturally in pet dogs. Canine high-grade glioma (cHGG) is treated with radiation, chemotherapy or surgery, but has no curative treatment. Within the past eight years, there have been advances in our imaging and histopathology standards as well as genetic charactereization of cHGG.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMolnupiravir, an oral antiviral shown to reduce COVID-19 severity, is available in Australia via the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for treatment of mild-moderate COVID-19. For people less than 70 years of age it is only available with risk factors for severe disease, hence the majority of healthcare workers do not qualify. Currently, Australian health services are under considerable strain due to COVID-related staff shortages.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThere are several established predictors of smoking, but it is unknown if these predictors operate similarly for young and old smokers. We examined clinical data from the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) to determine the predictive ability of gender, body mass index (BMI), marital status, and race on smoking behavior, with emphasis on gender interactions. In addition, we validated the self-report of smoking behaviors for a subgroup that had available epigenetic data in the form of cg05575921 methylation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Understanding smoking behaviors in hospital patients who smoke may improve inpatient cessation treatments. This study aimed to describe smoking-related behaviors, past-quit attempts, and self-reported difficulties experienced in quitting among those who enrolled in a smoking cessation trial of varenicline.
Methods: Baseline data were obtained from adult hospitalized smokers (average ≥ 10 cigarettes/day in 4-weeks prior to hospitalization) who enrolled in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of varenicline ± nicotine lozenges at five Australian public hospitals.
Varenicline is an effective monotherapy for smoking cessation, but adherence is often suboptimal. This qualitative study explored the experiences of varenicline treatment among participants enrolled in a randomized controlled trial, who self-reported being adherent or nonadherent to varenicline treatment (n = 15). Individual interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA culturally informed community health assessment was conducted to explore the community context of care for older adults in African American urban neighborhoods. The purpose of this study is to explore the challenges to aging in place for African American older adults living with dementia and their family members. Data collection and analysis were conducted as concurrent iterative procedures between photographs, media clippings, semi-structured interviews (N = 24), observation notes, and journaling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Pharmacists have a key role to play in optimisation of medication regimens and promotion of medication safety. The role of specialist pharmacists as part of the multidisciplinary palliative care team, especially in the primary care setting, is not widely recognised.
Aim: To explore the perspectives of stakeholders about the gaps in the current model of community palliative care services in relation to medication management and to assess their opinions pertaining to the role of a specialist palliative care pharmacist in addressing some of those gaps.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
November 2016
Background: A range of health workforce strategies are needed to address health service demands in low-, middle- and high-income countries. Non-medical prescribing involves nurses, pharmacists, allied health professionals, and physician assistants substituting for doctors in a prescribing role, and this is one approach to improve access to medicines.
Objectives: To assess clinical, patient-reported, and resource use outcomes of non-medical prescribing for managing acute and chronic health conditions in primary and secondary care settings compared with medical prescribing (usual care).
Target of Rapamycin Complex 2 (TORC2) has conserved roles in regulating cytoskeleton dynamics and cell migration and has been linked to cancer metastasis. However, little is known about the mechanisms regulating TORC2 activity and function in any system. In Dictyostelium, TORC2 functions at the front of migrating cells downstream of the Ras protein RasC, controlling F-actin dynamics and cAMP production.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Identification of challenges associated with quitting and overcoming them may improve cessation outcomes. This study describes the development and initial validation of a scale for measuring challenges to stopping smoking.
Methods: The item pool was generated from empirical and theoretical literature and existing scales, expert opinion and interviews with smokers and ex-smokers.
Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of a pharmacist-led multi-component smoking cessation programme (GIVE UP FOR GOOD) compared with usual care in hospitalized smokers.
Design: Randomized, assessor-blinded, parallel-group trial.
Setting: Three tertiary public hospitals in Australia.
Objective: Understanding smokers' quit experiences and their preferences for a future quit attempt may aid in the development of effective cessation treatments. The aims of this study were to measure tobacco use behaviour; previous quit attempts and outcomes; methods used to assist quitting; difficulties experienced during previous attempts; the motives and preferred methods to assist quitting in a future attempt; identify the factors associated with preferences for smoking cessation.
Design: Face-to-face interview using a structured questionnaire.
Background: Nuclear Dbf-related/large tumor suppressor (NDR/LATS) kinases have been shown recently to control pathways that regulate mitotic exit, cytokinesis, cell growth, morphological changes and apoptosis. LATS kinases are core components of the Hippo signaling cascade and important tumor suppressors controlling cell proliferation and organ size in flies and mammals, and homologs are also present in yeast and Dictyostelium discoideum. Ras proto-oncogens regulate many biological functions, including differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Signaling pathways linking receptor activation to actin reorganization and pseudopod dynamics during chemotaxis are arranged in complex networks. Dictyostelium discoideum has proven to be an excellent model system for studying these networks and a body of evidence has indicated that RasG and RasC, members of the Ras GTPase subfamily function as key chemotaxis regulators. However, recent evidence has been presented indicating that Ras signaling is not important for Dictyostelium chemotaxis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn cell culture, genetically identical cells often exhibit heterogeneous behavior, with only 'lineage primed' cells responding to differentiation inducing signals. It has recently been proposed that such heterogeneity exists during normal embryonic development to allow position independent patterning based on 'salt and pepper' differentiation and sorting out. However, the molecular basis of lineage priming and how it leads to reproducible cell type proportioning are poorly understood.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Emergency departments (EDs) face increasing service demands and the imposition of treatment targets which has led to continual process redesign and changes in staff skill mix and functions.
Objective: To identify extended ED pharmacist roles that could improve medication management and to implement and evaluate one such role change.
Methods: A focus group of clinicians sought to redesign processes around ED medication management.
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