Unlabelled: To assess the accuracy of (ICD-9-CM) codes in identifying subjects with colorectal cancer.
Design: A diagnostic accuracy study comparing ICD-9-CM codes (index test) for colorectal cancers with medical chart (as a reference standard). Case ascertainment based on neoplastic lesion(s) within the colon/rectum and histological documentation from a primary or metastatic site positive for colorectal cancer.
Objectives: To assess the accuracy of International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision-Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes in identifying subjects with lung cancer.
Design: A cross-sectional diagnostic accuracy study comparing ICD-9-CM 162.x code (index test) in primary position with medical chart (reference standard).
Objectives: To assess the accuracy of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes in identifying subjects with melanoma.
Design: A diagnostic accuracy study comparing melanoma ICD-9-CM codes (index test) with medical chart (reference standard). Case ascertainment was based on neoplastic lesion of the skin and a histological diagnosis from a primary or metastatic site positive for melanoma.