Publications by authors named "Walls D"

People facing pollution do not always have the resources needed to investigate their environment for harmful contaminants. In this paper, we report on a low-cost, accessible method to screen soil for inorganic arsenic, a substance associated with a growing list of acute and chronic diseases. The method adapts a commercial water test kit, which measures inorganic arsenic between 0 and 500 µg L on a quantitative, discrete color scale.

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spp. are considered the leading bacterial cause of human gastroenteritis in the world. The development of effective intervention strategies aimed at limiting infections has encountered various challenges, including a lack of an appropriate animal model.

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Poultry is a ubiquitous and highly sought-after protein source valued for its accessibility, notable protein content, and lack of religious constraints. However, the demand for poultry has resulted in a surge in intensive production practices. The transition from subsistence agricultural practices to intensive food production resulted in the widespread adoption of antibiotics for both therapeutic and economic purposes.

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Marginalized communities experience barriers that can prevent soil monitoring efforts and knowledge transfer. To address this challenge, this study compared two analytical methods: portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (pXRF, less time, cost) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, "gold standard"). Surface soil samples were collected from residential sites in Arizona, USA (N = 124) and public areas in Troy, New York, USA (N = 33).

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Environmental Justice (EJ) communities may experience barriers that can prevent soil monitoring efforts and knowledge transfer. To address this gap, this study compared two analytical methods: portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (pXRF, less time and costs) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS, "gold standard"). Surface soil samples were collected from yards and gardens in three counties in Arizona, USA (N=124) and public areas in Troy, New York, USA (N=33).

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The accurate quantitation of proteins and an analysis of their purity is essential in numerous areas of scientific research and is a critical factor in many clinical applications. The large number and variety of techniques employed for this purpose is therefore not surprising. The selection of a suitable assay is dependent on such factors as the level of sensitivity required, the presence of interfering agents, and the composition of the protein itself.

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His-tagging is the most widespread and versatile strategy used to purify recombinant proteins for biochemical and structural studies. Recombinant DNA methods are first used to engineer the addition of a short tract of poly-histidine tag (His-tag) to the N-terminus or C-terminus of a target protein. The His-tag is then exploited to enable purification of the "tagged" protein by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC).

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Protein fusion technology has had a major impact on the efficient production and purification of individual recombinant proteins. The use of genetically engineered affinity and solubility-enhancing polypeptide "tags" has a long history, and there is a considerable repertoire of these that can be used to address issues related to the expression, stability, solubility, folding, and purification of their fusion partner. In the case of large-scale proteomic studies, the development of purification procedures tailored to individual proteins is not practicable, and affinity tags have become indispensable tools for structural and functional proteomic initiatives that involve the expression of many proteins in parallel.

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The goal of protein purification is to separate a specific protein from all other biomolecules. Classical chromatographic procedures have been designed to exploit particular distinguishing features of individual target proteins, such as size, shape, physicochemical properties, and binding affinity. Advances in molecular biology and bioinformatics have positively contributed at every level to the challenge of purifying individual proteins and more recently have led to the development of high-throughput proteomic platforms.

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Trauma is the leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality annually in the USA, accounting for 11% of deaths, most commonly due to car crashes, suffocation, drowning, and falls. Prevention is paramount for reducing the incidence of these injuries. As an adult level 1 and pediatric level 2 trauma center, there is a commitment to injury prevention through outreach and education.

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Article Synopsis
  • Heart transplantation improves survival and quality of life for patients with severe heart disease, but many face graft rejection that can lead to serious health issues.
  • The study evaluated the potential of using RNA sequencing in conjunction with standard biopsy techniques to enhance the diagnosis of acute heart transplant rejection.
  • Findings indicate that RNA-seq can identify key biological markers signaling imminent rejection months in advance, achieving 90% accuracy in predicting more severe rejection based on initial biopsy results.
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Branching enzymes (BEs) are essential in the biosynthesis of starch and glycogen and play critical roles in determining the fine structure of these polymers. The substrates of these BEs are long carbohydrate chains that interact with these enzymes via multiple binding sites on the enzyme's surface. By controlling the branched-chain length distribution, BEs can mediate the physiological properties of starch and glycogen moieties; however, the mechanism and structural determinants of this specificity remain mysterious.

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The application of Ca isotopic analysis in biomedical studies has great potential to identify changes in Ca metabolism and bone metabolism. Reliable measurement of Ca isotope-amount ratios is challenging considering limited Ca amounts and significant procedural blank levels. In this study, Ca purification was performed using the DGA Resin, optimized for low procedural blanks and separation of Ca from matrix elements and isobaric interferences (Na, Mg, K, Ti, Fe, Ba), while maintaining quasi-quantitative recoveries which are sufficient since a Ca-Ca double-spike (DS) was applied.

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Background: Trauma patients are high-risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE). Lower extremity screening duplex ultrasonography (LESDUS) is controversial and not standardized for early VTE diagnosis. By implementing risk stratification and selective screening, we aim to optimize resource utilization.

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This phenotype-genotype study aimed to investigate the extent of audioprofile variability related to cochlin major domains and to identify potential ethnic-specific differences associated with COCH-related hearing loss. Eight Korean families (26 cases) were diagnosed with COCH-related hearing loss by exome sequencing. Audiometric test results were combined with those from nine published East Asian families (20 cases) and compared with those from 38 European-descent families (277 cases).

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Deoxynivalenol (DON) and Zearalenone (ZEN) are two commonly co-occurring mycotoxins produced by members of the genus . As important food chain contaminants, these can adversely affect both human and animal health. Critically, as they are formed prior to harvesting, their occurrence cannot be eliminated during food production, leading to ongoing contamination challenges.

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Background: Damage control surgery (DCS) with temporary abdominal closure (TAC) is increasingly utilized in emergency general surgery (EGS). As the population ages, more geriatric patients (GP) are undergoing EGS operations. Concern exists for GP's ability to tolerate DCS.

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To assess the capability of fractional water content (FWC) texture analysis (TA) to generate biologically relevant information from routine PET/MRI acquisitions for colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Thirty consecutive primary CRC patients (mean age 63.9, range 42-83 years) prospectively underwent FDG-PET/MRI.

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Nearly half of living liver donors in North America are women of child-bearing age. Fetal and maternal outcomes after donation are unknown. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of female living liver donors (aged 18-50 years at donation) from 6 transplant centers.

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Purpose: This study assesses the potential for vascular-metabolic imaging with FluoroDeoxyGlucose (FDG)-Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) perfusion to provide markers of prognosis specific to the site and stage of colorectal cancer.

Methods: This prospective observational study comprised of participants with suspected colorectal cancer categorized as either (a) non-metastatic colon cancer (M0colon), (b) non-metastatic rectal cancer (M0rectum), or (c) metastatic colorectal cancer (M+). Combined FDG-PET/CT perfusion imaging was successfully performed in 286 participants (184 males, 102 females, age: 69.

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Oils spilled into surface water require effective and timely treatment. In this paper, we report on a low-molecular-weight gelator that can form gels in organic and aqueous phases. The aqueous gel was observed to absorb oils, which is proposed as a new class of materials for remediating oil spilled into surface water.

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Background: Continued comparison of kidney transplant outcomes between older DCD and donation after brain death (DBD) donors is needed to safely expand the deceased donor pool.

Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study using the UNOS/OPTN transplant registry from donors >50 years old between 1994 and 2016. Donor age was stratified into 4 groups: 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, and >65 years old.

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Objective: Embolectomy is standard for select occlusions up to 24 hours. Transfer patients may have worse outcomes than those originating in embolectomy centers. We developed the Brain Emergency Management Initiative (BEMI) protocol to streamline this transfer process and mimic the urgency that surrounds ST-elevation myocardial infarction cardiac evaluations.

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