Publications by authors named "W Wittig"

Between 2000 and 2004 a disease occurred in an aviary in Germany affecting various bird species belonging to the order Passeriformes including Collared Grosbeaks (Mycerobas affinis), Eurasian Bullfinches (Pyrrhula pyrrhula griseiventris), Brown Bullfinches (Pyrrhula nipalensis), Grey-headed bullfinches (Pyrrhula erythaca) and Yellow-bellied Tits (Periparus venustulus). The major clinical signs included increased mortality of fledglings and young birds, as well as feather disorders and feather loss in adult birds. In addition, adult Eurasian Bullfinches showed in one year a disease course, in which the major symptom was inflammation of the skin beginning on the basis of the beak and spreading over the head occurring a few days before death.

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Polyomaviruses are small nonenveloped particles with a circular double-stranded genome, approximately 5 kbp in size. The mammalian polyomaviruses mainly cause persistent subclinical infections in their natural nonimmunocompromised hosts. In contrast, the polyomaviruses of birds--avian polyomavirus (APV) and goose hemorrhagic polyomavirus (GHPV)--are the primary agents of acute and chronic disease with high mortality rates in young birds.

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Until recently, the fimbrial F18 antigen has been provisionally designated F107, 2134P, or 8813. Using the slide agglutination test, this antigen was shown to be present on 139 of 160 Escherichia coli strains of type O139:K82 and on all of the 146 K88-negative strains of the other pathogenic porcine serotypes. These strains were isolated from weaned pigs which in most cases had died from postweaning colibacillosis.

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The relatedness of the fimbriae produced by eight E. coli strains including type strains with F107 fimbriae, 2134P pili and colonization factor 8813 (preliminary F18), was examined. These strains had been isolated principally from pigs which were affected with postweaning diarrhoea or with oedema disease.

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Expression of the fimbrial antigen F107 of porcine E. coli strains on agar plates was achieved by microaerobic cultivation. For part of the strains of some types, addition of alizarin yellow and eosin to the agar medium proved to be necessary.

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