Publications by authors named "W W Peck"

Massif-type anorthosites, enormous and enigmatic plagioclase-rich cumulate intrusions emplaced into Earth's crust, formed in large numbers only between 1 and 2 billion years ago. Conflicting hypotheses for massif-type anorthosite formation, including melting of upwelling mantle, lower crustal melting, and arc magmatism above subduction zones, have stymied consensus on what parental magmas crystallized the anorthosites and why the rocks are temporally restricted. Using B, O, Nd, and Sr isotope analyses, bulk chemistry, and petrogenetic modeling, we demonstrate that the magmas parental to the Marcy and Morin anorthosites, classic examples from North America's Grenville orogen, require large input from mafic melts derived from slab-top altered oceanic crust.

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This work uses probabilistic methods to simulate a hypothetical geologic CO2 storage site in a depleted oil and gas field, where the large number of legacy wells would make it cost-prohibitive to sample all wells for all measurements as part of the postinjection site care. Deep well leakage potential scores were assigned to the wells using a random subsample of 100 wells from a detailed study of 826 legacy wells that penetrate the basal Cambrian formation on the U.S.

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Many policy makers believe that health status would be improved and health care spending reduced if people managed their health better. This study examined the effectiveness of a program put in place by BJC HealthCare, a hospital system based in St. Louis, Missouri, that tied employees' eligibility to participate in the system's most generous health plan with participation in a wellness program.

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Three microfluidics-based laboratory exercises were developed and implemented in a high school science classroom setting. The first exercise demonstrated ways in which flows are characterized, including viscosity, turbulence, shear stress, reversibility, compressibility, and hydrodynamic resistance. Students characterized flows in poly(dimethylsiloxane) microfluidic devices in the other two exercises, where they observed the mixing characteristics of laminar flows, and conservation of volumetric flow rate for incompressible flows.

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