Publications by authors named "W Rollins"

Patient safety is a worldwide priority aimed at preventing medical errors before they cause death, harm, or injury. Medical errors impact 1 in 10 patients worldwide (WHO), and their implications may include death, permanent, or temporary harm, financial loss, and psychosocial harm to the patient and in some cases to the caregiver. The unique aspects and the complexity of the neonatal intensive (NICU) environment, in addition to the vulnerability of the neonatal population increase the risk for medical errors.

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182 calves, mostly Angus but also of Hereford and Shorthorn breeding, born in the University herd, were studied, including 55, born during Spring 1970, genotypically distributed as 8 mm, 33 m+ and 14 ++. Eighteen of the 24 homozygotes (mm) had the typical double-muscled conformation at birth (mmY); in the remainder, the typical bulging muscles usually manifested themselves within one month after birth. Averaged over sexes, mmY calves were 4.

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