Publications by authors named "W Roeck"

We study the breakdown of Anderson localization in the one-dimensional nonlinear Klein-Gordon chain, a prototypical example of a disordered classical many-body system. A series of numerical works indicate that an initially localized wave packet spreads polynomially in time, while analytical studies rather suggest a much slower spreading. Here, we focus on the decorrelation time in equilibrium.

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We propose a multiscale diagonalization scheme to study disordered one-dimensional chains, in particular, the transition between many-body localization (MBL) and the ergodic phase, expected to be governed by resonant spots. Our scheme focuses on the dichotomy of MBL versus validity of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. We show that a few natural assumptions imply that the system is localized with probability one at criticality.

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Rare regions with weak disorder (Griffiths regions) have the potential to spoil localization. We describe a non-perturbative construction of local integrals of motion (LIOMs) for a weakly interacting spin chain in one dimension, under a physically reasonable assumption on the statistics of eigenvalues. We discuss ideas about the situation in higher dimensions, where one can no longer ensure that interactions involving the Griffiths regions are much smaller than the typical energy-level spacing for such regions.

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We investigate the stability of the many-body localized phase for a system in contact with a single ergodic grain modeling a Griffiths region with low disorder. Our numerical analysis provides evidence that even a small ergodic grain consisting of only three qubits can delocalize a localized chain as soon as the localization length exceeds a critical value separating localized and extended regimes of the whole system. We present a simple theory, consistent with De Roeck and Huveneers's arguments in [Phys.

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The first proof of the quantum adiabatic theorem was given as early as 1928. Today, this theorem is increasingly applied in a many-body context, e.g.

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